My Cat Had Kittens Recently

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I've raised puppies before and had to deal with this kind of thing, but this is the first time for me to take care of kittens. My family usually picked out the runts of the litter to keep.

He looked like he would have been really pretty (a little white kitty with grey ears and a grey tale; blue eyes). There are two others that are identical to him. The other two look the same also. It's kind of like she had a set of identical twins and identical triplets.

I'm going to have a hard time deciding which ones to keep.
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I am really sorry to hear about the little kitten. My oreo was the runt as well and now she is a proud Mama of 1 (one) kitten. Go figure!

I know it is hard to loose one. Just focus on all of those other little cuties :) They will make ya smile :)

My little one (whom my son named Sylvester LOL) is almost a month old. He too has blue eyes, but kittens always start off with blue eyes and as they get older the color usually changes. I sure hope not though. They sure don't stay small very long. Mine seems to be growing too fast. Well I guess when he is the only one and gets all of the milk he wants (and is now starting to eat wet food already) he will grow faster.

You are in my thoughts and take care.

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Freaked out, insecure, neurotic and Emotional
Mar 1, 2003
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sorry to here about the kitty that didn't make it. My dog was the runt of the litter she came from. Had 3 major operations before she was about 8 months old. She is now 4 and a half and full of boundless energy.

I would love a kitten, but there are a lot of elderly people where i live and they complain that other peoples cats go in their gardens and leave their "mess", so i wouldn't want to be burdening my neighbours with extra "clearing up" problems.
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