More bad dreams after becoming Christian


Sep 15, 2013
Marital Status
Hi all, this is a weird and somewhat scary dream.
I was in a room with lots of people (one of which is a two-year-old child whom I know in real life, the others are unknown). These people keep turning into devils, with long nails and dark eye circle, and I have to keep snapping my fingers to stop them. Yes, in my dream, I wondered for a while why snapping my fingers will do the magic but it indeed works.
Then I saw Satan in a cart outside the window and the next minute I slept with Satan! Satan enjoyed it but it gave me pain. So I asked Satan to be careful because I'm still a virgin.
Then I seemed to be in a hospital. Two nurses came in to check on me. The younger nurse took away my quilt but she couldn't see Satan, who's on top of me. But she seemed to have discovered something extraordinary about me and gave out a surprised noise. The next thing I know was the alarm, which woke me up.
This dream was incoherent. Does anybody know what it means?


growing in grace
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Mar 24, 2011
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United States
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Hi all, this is a weird and somewhat scary dream.
I was in a room with lots of people (one of which is a two-year-old child whom I know in real life, the others are unknown). These people keep turning into devils, with long nails and dark eye circle, and I have to keep snapping my fingers to stop them. Yes, in my dream, I wondered for a while why snapping my fingers will do the magic but it indeed works.
Then I saw Satan in a cart outside the window and the next minute I slept with Satan! Satan enjoyed it but it gave me pain. So I asked Satan to be careful because I'm still a virgin.
Then I seemed to be in a hospital. Two nurses came in to check on me. The younger nurse took away my quilt but she couldn't see Satan, who's on top of me. But she seemed to have discovered something extraordinary about me and gave out a surprised noise. The next thing I know was the alarm, which woke me up.
This dream was incoherent. Does anybody know what it means?

The dream wasn't from the Lord so there is no point trying to decipher it. This is the devil trying to confuse you and oppress you, in a way trying to assert ownership of you. Know that Satan is beneath your feet because you are a blood bought child of God who has been forgiven for her sins and is sitting with Christ Jesus in Heavenly places. He has given us authority over Satan and his kingdom:

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Let me ask you, do you understand what Christ did for you on the cross and that you're a new person? How has your life changed since you came to the Lord?
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Sep 15, 2013
Marital Status
The dream wasn't from the Lord so there is no point trying to decipher it. This is the devil trying to confuse you and oppress you, in a way trying to assert ownership of you. Know that Satan is beneath your feet because you are a blood bought child of God who has been forgiven for her sins and is sitting with Christ Jesus in Heavenly places. He has given us authority over Satan and his kingdom:

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Let me ask you, do you understand what Christ did for you on the cross and that you're a new person? How has your life changed since you came to the Lord?
Hi thesunisout, thanks for your response.
I'm a new Christian and still struggling with the fact that Jesus is God's son. I've been having bad dreams after becoming a Christian, which bother me a lot.
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growing in grace
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Mar 24, 2011
He lifts me up
United States
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Hi thesunisout, thanks for your response.
I'm a new Christian and still struggling with the fact that Jesus is God's son. I've been having bad dreams after becoming a Christian, which bother me a lot.

Hi dhatura,

I understand; that has happened to more than a few people. The devil is attacking you and trying to discourage you from pursuing God any further. If you persevere and seek God with all of your heart, God promises to reveal Himself to you:

Jeremiah 29:13

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

What would you say are the hurdles which are preventing you from believing that Jesus is the Son of God?
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Sep 15, 2013
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I'm from an atheist, pro-science country. Most of my countrymen have similar difficulties as mine. We cannot believe in miracles that are against science, such as God created Man, virgin conceive, miracles worked by Jesus and so on. Those sound like mythological stories in our own culture.
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Sep 4, 2011
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Hi Dhatura, I was on another dream thread of yours so decided to come back to this older thread. I hope that some of it has made sense since then.

I agree with others that the Enemy is a real force in our lives that will actively try to trip us up. There might be more you can gain from studying the dream.

I was in a room with lots of people (one of which is a two-year-old child whom I know in real life, the others are unknown). These people keep turning into devils, with long nails and dark eye circle, and I have to keep snapping my fingers to stop them.

I wondered for a while why snapping my fingers will do the magic but it indeed works.

When dealing with supernatural beings, we can't possibly wrestle them and win, or hit them to knock them out. But our authority in Christ, being sons of the living God... that is all we need.

We can snap our fingers like a mansion-owner to their butler, because we live in the household of God. It is about authority and position, not strength or ability. We don't change what the beings are, but we can stop their action in our lives by telling them to stop.

Then I saw Satan in a cart outside the window
Notice how he was outside first, then immediately imposing himself on you. Usually in dreams a window provides a safe distancing, where you can observe but not get involved. Here, it didn't. Being in a cart can show he has a mode of control, a way of getting ahead that you didn't have.

and the next minute I slept with Satan! Satan enjoyed it but it gave me pain. So I asked Satan to be careful because I'm still a virgin.

Disturbing, for sure. And it was probably hard for you to post this on the forum. The devil is called "the accuser of the brethren," and his tendency is to make us feel like we are victims, inevitably overcome.
Here he got to the very heart of you, taking over very personal rights, making you feel owned and completely overpowered. Rape is usually about power and intimidation.

You had an approach to negotiate with your oppressor, accepting the victimization and trying to work with the situation. In scriptures you will find a stronger determination, that we are overcomers... we put on the full armour of God.

These evil forces are realities, and if we pretend they aren't they will sneak up on us. Most of us find ourselves wilt and melt into a pool of helplessness when we realize the enemy is upon us, but Jesus taught us how to speak to the situation with authority. In the desert, he spoke scriptures back when the devil tried to outwit Him.

Then I seemed to be in a hospital. Two nurses came in to check on me.
Often in dreams, people find their church or counseling experience had hospital symbolism... a place that you hand over your care to others with expertise. It can be any sort of response solution.

The younger nurse took away my quilt but she couldn't see Satan, who's on top of me.
How frustrating, that someone you expected should have the solution did not even see the obvious. Removing the covering should have even driven Satan to run from being exposed for what he did. Instead, you just lost your covering and probably felt more unsupported.

But she seemed to have discovered something extraordinary about me and gave out a surprised noise.

I wonder if that was your faith -- your sonship (daughterhood) in God. Do you think that's a possibility, or did anything else come to you since the dream?

While I talked about the unseen enemy, there are many conceptual and organizational enemies around us that oppress. Our society has injustices that disable people, rights promised that are later denied, cruelty where people look the other way because they expect they have no control over it. Powerful groups can intimidate people, and hide under the radar; invisibility makes them uncountable, unpredictable, and frightful.

I would suggest that you pray about whether there are real forces that oppress people in your community, and ask that our Lord cover the people with protection, real defense, and uncovering of the truth.

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Love is .....
Dec 23, 2013
United Kingdom
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hi dhatura - I too had a bad dream as a young Christian which really scared me for a long time and I would encourage you to think not so much about these dreams as upsetting as they are but to think more about the reality that is found in Christ. Think about that for a few moments and read God's Word to understand how Jesus is able to protect you from satan's schemes.
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