Mary as mediatrix?

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Aug 6, 2005
Where does it say in scripture that everything must be expllicitly stated in scripture?

That is a protetant way of thinking of scripture which is based on sola scriptura and denies the Magesterium and Sacred Tradition.

Divine Revelation of God to the apostles is much more than scripture. Scripture is only part of that Divine Revelaiton, not the sum total of it.

The scriptures themselves command us to stand fast and hod to the TRADITIONS the apostle taught, whether by word (orally) or by epistles (writing/scriptures).

We cannot simply hold to one and say the other is not necessary or wrong simply because it does not line up with our private interpretation of scripture.

NOWHERE are you or I or anyone else promised that we can infallibly interpret scripture. If we presume to itnerpret scirpture and then hold the Catholic Church accountable to our own fallible interpretation,we do a grave injustice to scripture, the Church and to God.

In fact, we set ourselves up as our own defacto POPE!

That is then in rebellion to the truth revealed to the apostles and given to the Church both VERBALLY and written.

Without the FULL deposit of faith, all one has is partially formed faith, one formed on only part of what was given. It would be like trying to build a house by guessing at the foundation because all you have are the plans for what is above ground.

God didn't leave us with only part of the blueprints, He left us with the whole thing, the Church.

When the apostles laid the foundation of the Christian faith, this was done verbally. The NT scriptures were written to those to whom the foundation was already laid. That means the NT did not lay the foundation, but were written to build upon it.

That means, unless you have the plans for laying the foundation, which were transmitted ORALLY in the Church, not in scriptures, then you can only guess at how to build both the foundation and then the house on top of it.

The Catholic Church still teaches the same foundation as She did almost 2000 years ago.

You need this foundation to properly understand the scriptures. That is how God designed it.

You need the full deposit of faith, not just part of it. Right now, all you have is part of it and so lack the oral teaching that is foundational to the proper formation of the Christian faith as given by the apostles.

The only place you will find this unadulterated is in the Catholic Church.

This is why you are having difficulty with these doctrines of the Church. Your view point has been unbalanced because you only have part of the deposit of faith in scripture.

It comes down to this:

Either the Church is the Pillar of Truth or She isn't. If She is, then all She teaches is truth.

If She isn't, then Christ's promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against Her has failed and all is lost, for Jesus cannot be trusted to keep His promises.

Do you see where the reasoning that the Church is wrong leads us? To utter loss of hope, for if we cannot trust the promises of Christ, then we are doomed.

If we can trust the promises of Christ, then it logically follows that the Church is right that Mary is Mediatrix. if the Church is right, where is the problem? Is it not the truth you desire above all else?

All this is doing is making me cry. the more I read the worse it gets. This is so wrong. I do desire truth above all else and HIS name is Jesus! Let's leave it at that.
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Jesus I trust in You
Apr 1, 2006
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Amy our redemption comes from God alone, it is a free gift from God attained for us by the death and resurection of Jesus, the second person of the Blessed Trinity. The Catholic Church has always taught this. And there is one mediator between man and the Father and that is Jesus Christ. But Mary mediates for us with her Son, this does not take away or deny the mediation of Jesus with the Father. All of us can mediate for others with Jesus, but the greatest mediator is Mary who was and still is His mother. A sword did pierce her heart as well. As a mother I know that when my children hurt, I hurt and I would take their suffering upon myself if it were possible. How much more true is this of Mary whose love for her Son is unique because of her relationship with Him. In the movie The Passion of the Christ when Jesus falls and Mary runs to Him, tears at my heart each time that see it because it beautifully portrays this relationship and the pain of Mary. It is true that John was also at the foot of the cross as was Mary of Magdala, and their pain was also real and for me represents us, but they were not His mother and could not feel the same pain she did.

Co-redemptrix is a title that can be very confusing because many view it as equal. It is not, Mary's co-operation with God's plan is not equal to Jesus and His redemptive sacrifice. To Jesus goes the glory and Jesus alone, but to view the title from Catholic theology it means in support of. Mary by her fiat at the Annunciation agreed that she would co-operate with God's saving plan. She brought Jesus to the world by conceiving Him in her womb and bringing Him forth into the world with His birth. She raised Him and when he fell as a child she was there to comfort and encourage Him. The day that He died she was still there doing what she had always done, supporting Him and comforting Him. How difficult it must have been to see your only son die to redeem the world, but she was steadfast in her love for her Son. Again, it is through the death and resurection of Jesus that we are saved, it is through His work on the cross that we are reconciled with God. Mary did not save us, she did not save herself, but God used Mary's devotion, her co-operation to assist in this reconcilliation.

I thank Jesus for my salvation but I also thank Him for giving me His mother. When Jesus died for us He made us heirs to all that is His. His Father is now ours, eternal life comes from Jesus and He is so loving of us that His mother is also ours, all through His gifts to us. I do not deny any of His gifts including His mother who is now my mother as well and I ask Mary to pray for me to Jesus. I know that I can go to Him myself, but it is nice to know that I also have His mother and mine interceeding for me as well.

God Bless,
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Feb 16, 2007
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Now where in scripture does it say we approach Jesus through Mary. Absolutely no where. Wow...

Correct, Jesus gives many examples of salvation through Baptism, following and keeping the word, etc., leaving the worldly behind- but never tells us anything about his mother except the comment about it better to hear the word and keep it.
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I swallowed a bug
Feb 2, 2004
This thread has convinced me not to revert to Roman Catholicism. I would never call Mary my co-Redemptrix or some of the lofty things you have called her even if a gun were held to my head. As far as I am concerned this is blasphemous teaching and THAT is a dangerous thing. It totally detracts my attention from Jesus and I will share His glordy with no other. Deeper understanding of the truth, my foot. I'm shocked and saddened that catholics believe this.
Personally ,I'd have a hard time standing before God at judgemenet telling Him that I didn't seek Him in His Church because of a thread on the internet.

Why do you think that the road to Truth will be one that totally jives with your personally feelings, and not one fraught with some setbacks and difficulties? The Apostles had stuff they didn't understand, Peter screws up royally, and though their sensibilites were all muddled and confused, all but Judas stayed with Jesus-despite not having full understanding and difficulty with what Jesus was teaching.

Why base your faith on the internet--when you can both go and talk to a human being with formal training and teaching, in real life, about your questions and difficulties...and read for yourself what the Church teaches, rather than depending upon the interpretations of untrained, self-taught(for the most part), internet folk?
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I swallowed a bug
Feb 2, 2004
Now where in scripture does it say we approach Jesus through Mary. Absolutely no where. Wow...
Have you ever heard of typology? That's of great import when we talk about how we view Mary.

At the wedding at Cana- the steward comes and says that they're out of wine. Mary says--alrighty Jesus--do your thing. What is His response? His initital response is , well, no. He doesn't want to do it. What does Mary do in the face of his refusal? She tells the servants to do whatever Jesus tells them to do--and he proceeds to take care of the wine shortage.

This whole story has much that is of individual significace (the fact that Jesus calls His Mother- Woman, which is a mirror of Genesis--where woman is named by Adam-and is flesh of His Flesh, bone of His bones. The fact that we're dealing with water and wine. The fact tht this is all taking place at a wedding feast. Etc....)---however in regards to the relationship between us and Mary and Jesus---it is pretty clear, don't you think?? Jesus' first response is, no---but because Mary makes the request, Jesus provides the wine.

Mary also, as perfect disciplie, doesn't say "Hey stewards, follow me and I'll lead you to some wine." No Mary says "Do whatever He tells you." Everything points to Him, always.

Remember that God chose to come through Mary, if we are called to b transformed into Christ (or for the more Protestant leaning--called to be Christ-like)--why would we choose a different path than the one which was good enough for God?
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I swallowed a bug
Feb 2, 2004
For anyone desiring a Scripturally-based deeper understanding of Mary and her role I highly recommend Scott Hahn's Hail Holy Queen. Hopefully before rejecting this teaching and arguing against it people will make an attempt to form an understanding of the teaching which they are rejecting.

Many people say "I do not eat liver and onions" without ever having actually tasted it. Rejecting the unexperienced idea of something is very different from actually having eaten liver and onions and made an open minded attempt to see why others like it...and then saying "I do not eat liver and onions".
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Pro Deo et Patria
Apr 12, 2002
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Well...I disagree strongly. Nobody helped Jesus in our redemption.

I think I see where the problem comes in... There are two parts to the Redemption, one is the objective Redemption of the human race, the other is the subjective redemption of the individual. The objective Redemption of the race was complete with Christ's sacrifice, hence His being able to say, "It is finished," on the Cross. What was finished? The Redemption of mankind... Now, does that mean that every human is saved? Of course it does not... Although the entire race was objectively redeemed, the individual fallen person must still personally experience Redemption. Jesus alone could offer a perfect sacrifice to the Father to redeem us, yet His one perfect Sacrifice gives our sufferings value as we offer them through Him to the Father. Do you agree that can happen, kisstheson? What does Paul's statement, "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church," mean to you" (1 Colossians 1:24)?
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Nov 9, 2003

All this is doing is making me cry. the more I read the worse it gets. This is so wrong. I do desire truth above all else and HIS name is Jesus! Let's leave it at that.

kisstheson, please believe me I know how you feel.

I want to assure you that your desire for truth above all else will eventually lead you to understand what we have been saying about Mary as the Holy Spirit reveals this to you. It will take time. It can take a lot of time. It is not something that happens overnight unless God infuses such knowledge and understanding within the soul.

If you can trust that the Church can teach no error because She is, as the scriptures state, the Pillar and Foundation of the Truth, and Jesus promised the Gates of Hell would never prevail against Her, then you can rest in that promise and trust and know that even though it appears to you totally differently right now, what the Church teaches about Mary is the truth.

When we came into the Catholic Church my DH came in with a sudden conversion. He was having tremendous issues with Mary and what the Church taught. It came to the point that when it was time to move to the final process of the catechumenate, he and his sponsor, a seminary trained instructor in our parish, they both decided he was not ready. This was a great disappointment to me as I had prayed for his rapid conversion - I had prayed the novena to the Infant of Prague 3 times for this at the beginning of RCIA. I wanted so much for all of us to come in as a family - the children and I had decided to be Catholic 6 monts prevous to this. But I accepted it and left it in God's hands.

Then, less than a week later he started plying me with antagonistic questions about Mary and the Church's teaching about Mary. Though I could answer all those questions, I realized he would not accept the answers from me and told him that he needed to talk to his sponsor about these questions.

2 days later he came to me and said he was ready to convert. He had this peaceful smile on his face. I just looked at him incredulously. I asked him what about all those questions he had, especially about Mary? He said he had no more questions. I didn't believe him. So I started asking him questions about those issues he had problems with - each issue he said he believed without any problem.

I then asked him a question about Mary I know he had great difficulty with. He said, well, maybe he still had a problem with that teaching. I then asked him what I have stated in this thread,
Did he believe that the Church is the pillar and foundation of the truth? yes,
Did he believe that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church? yes.
Did he believe that the Church was infallible in Her teachings? yes. . .
then he simply looked at me and said "I guess I don't have a problem with that after all! Next!"

His conversion was rapid and sudden just as I had asked God for.

Needless to say I was astounded.

I am sharing this in hopes this will help you see how difficult this process can be and yet how God, in His timing, can and will overcome all such difficulties if one is sincerely seeking the truth.

May I recommend that you simply put all of this aside for now, and trust that God will reveal this to you in His timing. May I suggest that you pray the Novena to the Infant Child Jesus of Prague as I did for my husband:
i also recommend going to Adoration on a regular basis, for without this, I do not know how easy it would have been to overcome the deep programming I had against some of the truths in the Catholic faith.

One can find perpetual adoration chapels in any state here:

Not all adoration chapels are perpetual, meaning open 24/7. A perpetual adoration chapel allows you to visit Jesus in the Eucharist any time of the day or night. I started going at midnight one night fairly early in my conversion process, and went for years on a regular basis in the middle of the night.

The peace there is unlike the peace you will find anywhere else. :) The more time we spend in Jesus' real presence in the Eucharist, the easier our conversion becomes. :)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2003
Correct, Jesus gives many examples of salvation through Baptism, following and keeping the word, etc., leaving the worldly behind- but never tells us anything about his mother except the comment about it better to hear the word and keep it.

And the word of God comes to us through the Church in Her Sacred Traditions, both orally and in writing, not just through scripture alone which is easily misunderstood by those who reject the fulness of truth presented by the Catholic Church.

To diminish Mary's role in our salvation and redemption is contrary to Church teaching and reveals a failure to understand the esential truths of the Catholic Church regarding Mary.

Tell me, is Mary the New Eve or not? What does the Church teach about Mary being the New Eve?
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Traditionalist Catholic , Paleo-conservative
Mar 4, 2008
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RCC theology: Jesus Christ is the sole mediator between man and God. Mediation is not something the saints posses on their own. The Saints pray for us and we pray for each other- but God needs neither.

Sorry, but you are mistaken.

1 Timothy 2 Chapter 2:5:

For there is one God.
There is only one mediator between God and the human race, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself as ransom for all.

Since when is St Paul a protestant, TLF ? Jesus chose Saint Paul in the desert to spread the word. The Bishops of our Church stated there is only co-redeemor and no co-redemptrix.

I agree, littleflower, how can you say that Jesus is not the only mediator between God and man? That is totally against what the Church teaches. Mary is Mediatrix because she accepted God's plan through her to give birth to Christ. Through that graces are connected to her. But she is not another mediator. Do you realize the ammo you are giving to protestants by saying something like that?
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I close my eyes and see you smile
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You don't understand that telling an adult their lifes journey is the equivalent of babyfood compared to yours could be demeaning ?

Actually i didnt state what part of the process i was on.
I would say i am eating puree right now.

But i had to get to thru the milk - the babyfood - and so forth.
In fact Paul was speaking to adults, was he not?

So the metaphor stands for all of us.

"Mary's title to mediatrix-in-atonement rests on the pain she freely underwent in union with her Son. The sins of men called for suffering from the God-man, and he wished his mother to share in the pain as she was the one whom he loved most and whose sympathy for him was the main source of her own distress."

I disagree. John was at the cross also. Does he receive the same awknowledgement? *sigh* all praise to Jesus Christ! The work on the cross is His alone! No one shared in His pain. Mary had compassion and sympathy but she wasn't suffering the pain of our sins. This grieves me deeply. I can't even read this stuff without crying.

Mary was a gift for John, really. Not only was it law that another sibling would take the place of the Son who would be gone... but if no one was there [relative] to the one who would die, then the one dying could choose who they would leave their parents with in care.

John was given a wonderful gift in taking care of Mary. Protecting her from the world. John who was the most child - like and humble and beloved of all the Apostles was given to Mary - and Mary to him.
So yea, in that exchange John was shown a great amount fo honor and respect and love.

Not just anyone would receive His Mother.

Mary had empathy of her Son's death...not sympathy.

Look at it this way hon...if you had a child who was being crucified - it would tear you up inside in words you cannot imagine. Especially knowing there is not one thing you can do either physically or spiritually to stop it. Knowing her Son was God pulled her very heart out and sliced it. Knowing the love she felt for her Son - His precious blood, His beautiful sacrifice, His Passion she had to not stop it so the world - the very world crushing Him - was to be saved.

I cannot even place myself in her sandals to comprehend the magnitude of that pain.
AND not only was she in pain - but she remained faithful to her God...
Most ppl would be indignant and feel the injustice [as they would perceive it]... but no - Mary wept, but she had to offer this up and not cry out against anyone or anything.

The very depth of her being was being crucified with her no one else in this world can know.

Her love was far greater for Jesus than any one of us.

Jesus - took her love and strengthened Himself on the way to Calvary.
Because of her - because of her purity, because He had already in time merited her the spotless soul, He carried thru this agony with her primarily in His heart.

I would think He desired to fulfill this fate for His Father in Heaven, and for His Mother He already vowed to be saved.

We, who are undeserving - and still would sin against Him, His Father, and His Passion [and many do] were also in His heart. But the love He held for His creature Mary gave him the extra effort to pick Himself back up.
In that time, in that struggle she helped us all when she lay heavy on His heart for humanity.

We - sinners - are faced with His justice. His justice demands we are either totally lost - hence to hell, or we are saved, but in the end... if He had not already loved Mary from the beginning, I should think the grief that God had during the time of Noah would have ended us all right there.

But in Genesis 3:15 we know Mary was already in His mind to create. She was already the one with her seed [Jesus] who would have complete enmity with the serpent.

The OT testifies to her.

Again, we should have been destroyed long ago. It was the Promise of God and His Passion with the love He carried that would save us all.

Surely God didnt wipe us out only because of His Promise.

And His Promise already foresaw a perfect creature unlike Eve who would please Him. We are all saved because God keeps His promises. God was not pleased with us many times.. and wished so many times to destroy us. What kept Him going?

Anyway, Mary is an enigma we cannot understand. Only God knows how much He gives to her. She is completely human, and completely in love with God.
She is the mark of what true humanity would have been - had we been obedient.

She aids us - yes she does. She has since the beginning because the love God had for His Promised creature.

And furthermore; altho all are loved without measure, it was her total abandonment of any freedom to deny God the life of His Son to come and die for us.

By her perfect acceptance of His Son, His Son could come to us and die. We all have free will. No one does the Will of God more perfectly. He created her knowing how pleased He would be with her.

So thru her obedience, humility, and chastity came our Savior.

Christ is not jealous of the love others have for His Mother. Christ wants this. For it is what He ordains we follow His example and do.

Mary never shadows over Her Son. Never. When we think of Mary we think of her as our role model. How to please God - and i should think if we all obeyed perfectly - how wonderful life would have been.

Well...I disagree strongly. Nobody helped Jesus in our redemption. mary was there loving Him and supporting Him yes. A sword pierced her heart because she saw the intentions of men and it broke her haert. Do you think Mary was like the movie Mary of Nazareth...when Jesus was carrying His cross blood started to flow from her head as well as though she had a crown of thorns on?

Let Jesus be. let Him get all the glory. please don't bring others into the terrible pain He suffered. Let Him get all the glory, honor and praise. Only Jesus! Only Christ! :bow::prayer:
I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

To Glory in Jesus - one must follow His complete example.
We please Him Most - He being God - unlike us, feels no threat in offering the world the love He has for His mother.

Humans - feel threatened.

The 4th Commandment must be adhered, and Jesus held to it perfectly.
And His Laws shall be for all times.

He did not change because He died - but He emphasized His Laws thru His death.

Jesus is God - and as God - He gave us His Mother. And He is so in love with her, it hurts Him if we neglect or disrespect His example in honoring her.

Again, Catholics completely and utterly look to Christ.
But we hold reverence for Our Lady - His Mother, because it pleases Him.
And pleasing Him is truly what we want to do.

I think you have to admit you do not often hear Catholics discuss Mary - do you?

Its not that we ignore Her.. or anything. BUT its because our focus is really on Christ.

Isnt that true as long as you have come to OBOB? So why should a title you do not yet understand - bother you?

Be honest - as long as you have been here, this is the first you even heard about this.

Because our focus is on Christ.

Our secondary focus is pleasing Him by honoring and loving His Mother. [WWJD]
The titles given her can be understood once you let go of the fact that many are taught that we somehow replace Mary for Jesus. And you know thats not true.

However; Mary is what we are - only more so. Because of her relationship to God.

We are mediators for one another.
And sometimes, we are given a role to HELP
redeem another. BY pointing others to Christ [which Mary does]

Is that not true?
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Traditionalist Catholic , Paleo-conservative
Mar 4, 2008
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"For this reason, the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of Advocate, Auxiliatrix, Adiutrix, and Mediatrix. This however it to be so understood that it takes nothing away, or adds nothing to the dignity and efficacy of Christ the one Mediator"

Devotion to Mary and the Rosary is optional in the Catholic CHurch and not required for belief. Prayer of the Rosary is encouraged but not required. Jesus dosen't always come through Mary, sometimes he does, other times by himself, other times miracles or through other saints. But to claim he ALWAYS comes through Mary is heresy because you are limiting the omnipotence of God.
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I close my eyes and see you smile
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I missed the post that say Jesus ALWAYS comes thru Mary. :scratch:

But look at Egypt...
Look at the apparitions that millions saw over the years she appeared to Muslims.

Muslims have a reverence for Mary. Which is a Grace God gave them...And in so doing - she can lead them back to Christ.
And Christ is pleased with this.

For any road that takes us to Christ is a good path.
Mary certainly can lead us to Christ....

But i dont think anyone said always. :scratch:
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Pro Deo et Patria
Apr 12, 2002
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Devotion to Mary and the Rosary is optional in the Catholic CHurch and not required for belief.

It is required for belief, but not practice through personal devotion.

AD DIEM ILLUM LAETISSIMUM (On the Immaculate Conception)Pope Pius X

When the supreme hour of the Son came, beside the Cross of Jesus there stood Mary His Mother, not merely occupied in contemplating the cruel spectacle, but rejoicing that her Only Son was offered for the salvation of mankind, and so entirely participating in His Passion, that if it had been possible she would have gladly borne all the torments that her Son bore (S. Bonav. 1. Sent d. 48, ad Litt. dub. 4). And from this community of will and suffering between Christ and Mary she merited to become most worthily the Reparatrix of the lost world (Eadmeri Mon. De Excellentia Virg. Mariae, c. 9) and Dispensatrix of all the gifts that Our Savior purchased for us by His Death and by His Blood.

13. It cannot, of course, be denied that the dispensation of these treasures is the particular and peculiar right of Jesus Christ, for they are the exclusive fruit of His Death, who by His nature is the mediator between God and man. Nevertheless, by this companionship in sorrow and suffering already mentioned between the Mother and the Son, it has been allowed to the august Virgin to be the most powerful mediatrix and advocate of the whole world with her Divine Son (Pius IX. Ineffabilis).​

Mary being "Disnsatrix of all the gifts that Our Savior purchased for us," is not contradictory to Christ's sole mediatorship, as St. Pope Pius X states above.​
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Aug 6, 2005
"Look at it this way hon...if you had a child who was being crucified - it would tear you up inside in words you cannot imagine. Especially knowing there is not one thing you can do either physically or spiritually to stop it. Knowing her Son was God pulled her very heart out and sliced it. Knowing the love she felt for her Son - His precious blood, His beautiful sacrifice, His Passion she had to not stop it so the world - the very world crushing Him - was to be saved."

all this is true but she did not experience the pain He was experiencing. She didn't have spikes in her hands and feet, a crown of thorns on her head and countless whip lashes all over her body. My goodness, you almost put her up there on the cross with Christ. Of course she would have wanted to die instead of her son like any other good mother would have wanted to. But the sacrifice and the pain were christ's alone, not Mary's.

I honor Mary. I believe she is a perpetual virgin but in no way do I believe people come to Jesus through Mary and that I need Mary in order to receive His grace. Jesus does ask that we respect her but I think mary herself would refuse some of the credit you give her. Yes I have had heard talk like this from other Catholic's. The term co-redemptrix has always deeply offended me. things such as this discussion is like putting a wet blanket on any decision I had to revert.
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Aug 6, 2005
It is required for belief, but not practice through personal devotion.

AD DIEM ILLUM LAETISSIMUM (On the Immaculate Conception)Pope Pius X

Mary being "Disnsatrix of all the gifts that Our Savior purchased for us," is not contradictory to Christ's sole mediatorship, as St. Pope Pius X states above.[/left]
Jesus Himself gives us all gifts. why does He need anyone to help Him? wow...
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Traditionalist Catholic , Paleo-conservative
Mar 4, 2008
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It is required for belief, but not practice through personal devotion.

AD DIEM ILLUM LAETISSIMUM (On the Immaculate Conception)Pope Pius X

Mary being "Disnsatrix of all the gifts that Our Savior purchased for us," is not contradictory to Christ's sole mediatorship, as St. Pope Pius X states above.[/left]

That dosen't say anywhere where prayer to Mary is a required belief. Im not talking about dogma about the Immaculate conception or the Assumption.

Yes there was a post somewhere that said Jesus ALWAYS goes through Mary. That is heresy. Claiming there is another mediator is heresy. Every priest I have met said the Rosary is optional as well as prayer to the saints. It is through the Magnificat that Mary becomes connected to the graces of Christ and through Jesus's Flesh being part of her bodily flesh from birth.
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Pro Deo et Patria
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Pope Pius X goes on to say, "It cannot, of course, be denied that the dispensation of these treasures is the particular and peculiar right of Jesus Christ, for they are the exclusive fruit of His Death, who by His nature is the mediator between God and man." The two are not contradictory, and I believe you will come to see that because you do truly love Christ and His mother.
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