Looking Back


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Sep 29, 2006
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The Pharisee stood and said this prayer to himself 'I thankyou that I am not like every one else' ...........The tax collector standing far off did not dar even to raise his eyes to heavan
luke 18:-13

It is quit epossible to go through the motions of prayer and remain unaware of the activity of the holy spirit in us.

There is value in spending five minutes easch day watcing n action re-play of thr past twenty four hours and asking God to slow down the film when he wants to remind us of the good gifts he has given us

Sometimes God shows us where love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and self-control have been offered to us by others........Or where we have been enabled to do things which in our own strength, we would be incapable of achieving. He does this by bringing to the surface of our memory occasions when we have been uncharacteristically kind or patient or moments when what we have said or done has clearly been inspired by him, or times when he has prompted us to pray for someone just when they most needed it. Such memories are humbling and draw from us gratitude that the spirit of Jesus continues to transform us.
