Johnny Cash "The Beast in Me"


Sep 15, 2014
Marital Status
The beast in me
Is caged by frail and fragile bars
Restless by day
And by night rants and rages at the stars
God help the beast in me
The beast in me
Has to learn to live with pain
And how to shelter from the rain
And in the twinkling of an eye
Might have to be restrained
God help the beast in me
Sometimes it tries to kid me
That it’s a teddy bear
And even somehow manage to vanish in the air
And that is when I must beware
Of the beast in me that everybody knows
They’ve seen him dressed in my clothes
Patently unclear
If it’s New York or New Year
God help the beast in me
The beast in me

The Beast in Me

I've read that this was written by Cash's son in law and it is about Cash's drug addiction. But doesn't it go deeper and wider? I've been trying to find more about the highlighted line. Does "New Year" mean riotous parties or a new resolution to come off drugs? And what does "New York" mean here - or is it simply a rhyming mcguffin?