Is Love a Feeling or a Choice? What the Catholic Church Teaches About True Love in Marriage


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Feb 5, 2002
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Love is not a feeling, it's a choice!

 catholic marriage vows, sacraments catholic, true love quotes, sacraments of the church

Martin Jerenberg, Public Domain / Frank McKenna, Public Domain

Is love a fleeting feeling or a deliberate decision?

In this episode of “The Catholic Gentleman,” John Heinen, Sam Guzman, and Devin Schadt discuss what "true love" really means for Catholics and how it’s often at odds with society.

Unlike the flighty whims of feelings we see in every rom-com or pop song, true love in Catholic marriage is about choosing your spouse, especially when it's hard.

“Love is going through the sacrifice, it is going through the pain, it is going through the suffering and it is recommitting to the beauty of the other. It is incredibly difficult, and it's meant that way on purpose,” John says.

Society often paints love as an endless chase after happiness, where personal satisfaction is the ultimate goal. However, this shallow portrayal falls short of the profound, sacrificial love taught by the Church.

Sacrificial love transcends the superficial and fosters a deeper unity between spouses.

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