Is he/she REALLY a Christian?


May 7, 2007
Christian Seeker
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Perhaps true, but for dating purposes especially, you would want to be certain that you are with someone who's at least making an effort to allow Christ to take over their life.

When there is the slightest hint of effort I like to give it the benefit of the doubt. But you can't ignore that a large number of people claim to be Christians but in practice do not put any effort or true faith into it.

I think for the most part its probably not a question that should be considered, but if you are going to date someone, its something you kind of have to know.

My understanding from the OP was that she was talking about even just friends - the example she gave was of someone she went on a date with, but I didn't think it was limited to people you date - thus, my answer was in general, not specific to dating.

I do not date people who are not Christians, personally. Faith is one area where I don't think opposites attract - at least not for me.
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May 7, 2007
Christian Seeker
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I also wouldn't go on a date with someone unless I knew them better enough to know that they wouldn't try and sex me the first night. :|

Date rape isn't limited to "strangers" and is often someone that the girl knows and trusts.

And, date rapists don't exactly have it tattooed on their foreheads. I had a good friend who introduced my sister to one of his buddies. He asked her out, but she turned him down. Just a few months later he was arrested - and later convicted - on date rape charges. The friend that introduced them was shocked. He had known the guy for quite a while and had never known him to be aggressive with women. It just goes to show that you never know...
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there will always be poeple who talk the talk but dont walk the walk so to speak. What you need to always remember is that people are not inherently good or bad, they are simply people. Everyone sins, everyone makes mistakes.

Maybe when you see someone act in a way you think is not fit for a christian it is the way that person always acts. Or maybe they slipped up and acted badly. Only God and that person really know for sure.

The title of this thread is "is he/she Really a Christian." irregardless or how they might act, it is thier faith in christ as their saviour which makes them a christian, not their good behaviour. 'Christian behaviour' is as such a loose word to describe certain acts.

Don't get me wrong, I can see what you are implying with this thread, and I definetly know Christians who dont always act like Christians. But even though I disagree with some of thier actions, only their lose of faith could change whether or not they are christians. That does not mean its ok for christians to act badly, because that can be a barrier to progressing in your faith. But it does mean that as long as they believe, then they are christian
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Senior Veteran
Jun 6, 2007
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Just because they claim to be Christian doesn't mean they are.

It is true that only Christ can judge the heart. But we can see people's fruits... and Paul had strong words against some people who weren't showing the fruits of being a Christian (and Paul is usually the grace poster child). And several people warn against wolves in sheep clothing.

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* kittie *

Oct 19, 2002
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Blind post. In modern society, being a Christian to many people means that you belive that there is a God and that you might occasionally go to church.

That is actually true.

Or (this is my own thought) some people may believe...but have not accepted Christ? I don't know because to me, being a Christian is more than just believing that he died and rose again...although that is important. It is Christ living in me. The way I see it (and correct me nicely if I'm wrong), even the demons know and believe. So perhaps some people think you only have to believe (without accepting Christ) to be a Christian?

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but hmm...I guess that's why I don't find it odd if some people may question if someone is really a Christian or not. Saying you are a Christian doesn't make you one. Although personally, I'm not very good at discerning such, so I wouldn't really be the one to try to judge.
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Neo Baroque/Rococo Classical Artist
Mar 4, 2009
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Just because they claim to be Christian doesn't mean they are.

It is true that only Christ can judge the heart. But we can see people's fruits... and Paul had strong words against some people who weren't showing the fruits of being a Christian (and Paul is usually the grace poster child). And several people warn against wolves in sheep clothing.


Christian = "follower of Christ"

Based on a strict interpretation of Matt 24:20, John 20:17

And especially...

Ezekiel 44:1-3,46:1-3

Would it be safe to say that worshippers on Sun-day (the day of the Sun) are not following Christ?

Christ said He didn't come to abolish the law. Yet nearly every Christian(save SDA, 7th day Baptists, Messianics and a few other small groups) disobeys God in the name of Christ.

....and by such practice all call God a liar by not being able to count 3 days and 3 nights, since one clearly cannot fit such between Fri-Sun (while holding that He can count 40 days and 40 nights without problem)

Christ clearly said that those who do not believe that He is the Father(John 8:24) shall die in their sins.

The Father clearly and repeatedly says the Sabbath (Saturday) is His Day. It identifies Him.

99% of Christians say the next day is the "Lord's Day"

Yet God says He "does not change": Malachi 3:6

Numbers 19 gives a clear account of the sacrificial unblemished lamb. Christ says that :
Luke 24:44 44 ¶ And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

And yet I wonder how Christ fulfills this prophecy on "the first day of the week", when clearly the Numbers reference refers to the the 7th day (Numbers 19:19)

The fact is is that anyone can point to a sin of someone else and say "you're not a real Christian". I could point to a majority of persons who claim Christ and say "your not a real Christian" based on their SUN-day observance and they could look at my faults and say the same.
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Senior Veteran
Jun 6, 2007
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Everyone sins, that is not the question.

But a lot of Christians, whether they are SDA or Lutheran or Catholic (or Mormon) produce the fruits of the spriit.

When I say look at their fruits, I am saying look at what they produce.

Galatians 5:22 (New International Version)

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, Search for a Bible passage in over 35 languages and 50 versions.

(By the way, as an SDA I obviously think that the Sabbath is the right day to keep. And it is Protestants that have issues with counting, the Catholics just say they changed the day. But I agree, that is a sin just like all the others, including the ones that I do on a daily or weekly basis. And the ones that I do without knowing they are a sin.)
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