Is guillermo maldonado a false prophet?

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Dec 8, 2004
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Perhaps you'd be better off addressing your remarks in a PM to "LastDaysWarning", who revived this thread in June.

You have a point, but that's not going to do anything to stop the postings going on now. By continuing to do that, you are only making it more likely that there'll be more of these dead threads being revived.
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"What goes up must ..." really shock the seagulls!
Jun 20, 2013
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You have a point, but that's not going to do anything to stop the postings going on now. By continuing to do that, you are only making it more likely that there'll be more of these dead threads being revived.

So this topic about a false prophet should die so that those who may have never heard of him until now will not be privy to the information, so as to insure it dying precludes other dead threads from being revived.

Nothing guarantees someone is not going to revive a dead thread unless the management of a forum delete dead threads after what they decree is a proper expiry date.

I think you are worrying yourself overmuch about peoples ability to decide for themselves.
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May 13, 2013
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" For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." Matt 7:2 - whatever I post it's after I remember and sometimes it's not worth it to me. If I do post, I watch what I say and how I say it. But that's my standard.

The Matt 7:1-4 passage is dealing with only hypocritical judging of another. That is, if you are doing adultery yet youre condemning someone else whos also caught up in adultery. This passage is NOT a blanket statement of never thinking critically ; in fact, there are a few passages in the N.T. that tell us TO judge but in fairness and according to scripture. What the Christian Church in America needs more of IS judging one anothers actions/talk and then going to them if its not lining up with Gods Word -- but instead, we've become complacent and don't hold one another accountable (just like the world does it) .
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Oct 30, 2006
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Yes all Scriptures that deal with judgment have to be taken into consideration.

I've yet to see a thread like this that shows much Christian love which is the most important. If they were our biological sister or brother, the words posted and the tone wouldn't be the same. Yet sometimes they are our sisters and brothers.
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May 13, 2013
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Yes all Scriptures that deal with judgment have to be taken into consideration.

I've yet to see a thread like this that shows much Christian love which is the most important. If they were our biological sister or brother, the words posted and the tone wouldn't be the same. Yet sometimes they are our sisters and brothers.

The greatest lack of love, is when a fellow Believer doesn't care enough to approach another Believer and point out the wrong road they are travelling on. The Christian Church isn't supposed to mimmick the Worlds ideology of Apathy to whatever a person wants to do/act/or talk.
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Do not be so open-minded that your brain falls out
Apr 19, 2008
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Do not defend the false prophets, no one is answering my question whether is possible to raise someone from the dead or what this guys does...i dont want them praying for me
Yes, it is possible. Whether this guy did it or not, I have no idea.

Miracles happen when people pray. People. Not this guy alone, not just pastors, but people. You sound very young. Pray a prayer of protection around you before church every week. Be obedient to your parents, and God will bless that, whether the pastor is a false prophet or not.

When you get older, you can choose your own church. But God told us to honor our mothers and fathers. Do that for now.
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Oct 30, 2006
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posted: The greatest lack of love, is when a fellow Believer doesn't care enough to approach another Believer and point out the wrong road they are travelling on. The Christian Church isn't supposed to mimmick the Worlds ideology of Apathy to whatever a person wants to do/act/or talk.

In reference to a fellow believer pointing out someone else's sin or weakness: It's different if there's a relationship between them or if the minister says it to the congregation or class or even individually. But on a one-to-one basis, usually it's done with the wrong attitude including some pastors. Look at these forums, they're full of believers who were offended by other believers and usually at church. Plus it's different if they approach you about their personal situation. Also, The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin.
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May 13, 2013
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posted: The greatest lack of love, is when a fellow Believer doesn't care enough to approach another Believer and point out the wrong road they are travelling on. The Christian Church isn't supposed to mimmick the Worlds ideology of Apathy to whatever a person wants to do/act/or talk.

In reference to a fellow believer pointing out someone else's sin or weakness: It's different if there's a relationship between them or if the minister says it to the congregation or class or even individually. But on a one-to-one basis, usually it's done with the wrong attitude including some pastors. Look at these forums, they're full of believers who were offended by other believers and usually at church. Plus it's different if they approach you about their personal situation. Also, The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin.

TT, As Christians, we are to lovingly approach another fellow Believer if we see they are doing wrong and sinning ; whether we do this or not isn't based on the outcome in this forum, inside the church, etc......only obedience in doing so according to Gods command with the rest being up to the Believer walking wrongly to change :

James 5:19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins" .
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Jun 21, 2013
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My sincere apologies for reviving an old post, I am new at this(posting) and did not realize the date on it since I was redirected by a Google search!
As to judging is concern, the bible is very clear as to what and how to judge!
We are not to be judging anyone's motives and actions unless we are doing so in a biblically ordained way.
The sins of unbelievers we are not to judge but we are to understand their fallen ways and preach if possible to convince them of their need for salvation. They have a different master and are lost souls in need of salvation.
The sins of believers within our congregations, Paul sets the perimeters and steps to take on such case.
1- confront in love
2- confront with elders
3- bring accusation before the church not to judge but to make them realize that they are in sin and to let the church know that they should disassociate with the un- repented sinner.
Reason given is that we are not to associate with someone who calling themselves brothers in the faith would persist in their sin un-repented! Lots of love and chances!

Judging "wolfs in sheep's clothing" is the one type of judging we are referring to in the original post. This is were Christians that have the ability to distinguish between a true and false apostle. This ability is Holy Spirit given backed by the truth that can only be found in the bible. False apostles have certain characteristics that can be fairly visible,
Lack of love; having unbiblical doctrines; a need to control by means of guilt; fear; or exclusion; uncharacteristic or even persistent need to ask for sacrificial behavior from the church members, such as sacrificing family time, money, individuality; claims to be the only church to have the ability to take you to a perceived level of holiness, spiritual growth, or monetarily benefit.

Not all false apostles can be easily pointed out, that is why the church needs to be a vigilant church, know and teach from the bible, understand how the enemy disguises himself and tries to bring division, confusion, false doctrine and disappointment to God fearing children. Prayer is the only vehicle accompanied by biblical knowledge that can keep us safe, that is why God warns us to be alert as to the devil's demises, he warns us because He wants us to understand that the enemy is always on the lookout for an opportunity to destroy and kill.

As to Maldonado, he is still alive and well, soon he will build an arena that should hold over 10k followers. We pray that he is aware of the dangers of going astray from the true gospel in search of material benefits or personal glory. We pray that God will keep him and his family safe and well. We pray that all that have left the ministry hurt and upset would understand that God can work all things for our good.
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Jan 20, 2013
parsley said:
Some of us who are older have watched mainstream Christianity grow from a grassroots movement to an unwieldy giant. Wherever there is opportunity, people will step in and make use of it.

A minister can start out being called by God, walking in the power and favor of God, influencing people.... then as more people demand their time, they need to hire a staff to manage all the surrounding work.

The staff makes decisions, adds a board of directors for consultation, and then the minister's salary is increased. Buildings are constructed to house the increased numbers. Cameras and sound systems are purchased.... everything grows. What started out as the ministry of one believer becomes the occupational ministry of hundreds.

Then they need hotel rooms, private flights, conference room rentals, stadiums, more air time...
These ministries require expert technicians, MBA marketers... people skilled and committed to their areas of expertise.

When it gets to that point it's no longer what one speaker decides. It is a board of directors trying to manage a conglomerate of speaking tours, book publishing, tape distribution, emergency relief, schools.... the ministry grows into a city. (In fact, some seem larger than a city.) The speaker continues to teach, and lets everyone else do their job as the board sees fit.

The speaker acquiesces to suggestions about a better haircut, styled clothes, manicures, buffed shoes, spanks and eyebrow shaping. The speaker hires accountants to manage the book and tape royalties... and accountants insist the money needs to be invested in properties, to delay full taxes. Wealth grows, and appearances of wealth increase.

The clutter in a normal day increases to the point where the speaker has lost touch with how they started in the first place.

Growth is not necessarily good.

If you want to see the power of God work mightily among you, then recognize the responsibility of EACH member, to pray for each others' wellness, strength, and protection -- physical and spiritual. Feeding the monster of top-heavy leadership can sap the life out of a fellowship.

Very well said
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Sep 4, 2011
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Ideally, we could follow God's lead to listen to whomever He chooses at a given moment, taking in information instead of establishing followings. And sorting the information! Discerning instead of handing over the keys to our minds.

I listen to a broad variety of preachers, including doctrines I don't agree with. Stimulating thought, bringing in new topics, seeing things from different angles is valuable to get me out of my own brain ruts.

There can be balance from listening to someone as extreme in supernatural teaching as Maldonado, and then listening to the scripture immersion of someone like Charles Stanley. Learning should not be about the teacher.
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Jul 16, 2013
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You were worried about many things:
1. The resurrection: It is Biblical. Jesus resurrected Lazarus. (John 11:17-44) And there He says that everyone who believes in Him shall live. (John 11:25) You can read another resurrection in Acts 9: 36-43.

2. Speaking tongues is a spiritual gift. You can read about all spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12. Tongues is mentioned in verse 10. Tongues is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2: 1-4, 10:44-46) Still, you shouldn't let anyone pray for you because, as you say, they may not be there doing God's will.

3. Knowing the names and knowing their illnesses are spiritual gifts as well. It is the Holy Spirit who guides them. And the falling on the back is also from the Holy Spirit. The Bible never mentions someone falling on their backs but it does mention falling. I don't remember exactly where in the Bible, in Acts I think, someone was preaching and a man fell from a high place. The people was worried but the same preacher went to him, prayed and he raised.

4. Money. That's what most people criticize pastors for. The Bible asks for us to give money and God will bless us. (Malachi 3:10) When God established Aaron as a priest, He said that the priests would have part of what was offered to God. So it is okay to preach about money and blessings and for him to take part of that money. BUT if he insists too much and finds a thousand ways to ask you for money, that's not good.

5. Accepting Jesus in front and someone taking your info is fine. I don't agree with the $45 thing by the sound of it. If the money is used to pay a place for you, food and transportation it's fine. I don't exactly know how that works there.

Encouraging the audience to be succesful is not bad. The problem is that some people believe that Christians should be poor because that makes them humble. But "poor" is not equal to "being humble".

He might be the best prophet on Earth but if you don't like that kind of church you should find one that you like and the doctrine is based on the Bible. Personally, I like that kind of church but everyone is different.

God bless you :)
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Apr 20, 2013
Perhaps you'd be better off addressing your remarks in a PM to "LastDaysWarning", who revived this thread in June.

Unless Maldonado is dead now, this topic is still valid relating to the fact if he's still in business. And the opinions of others regarding his claims.

And it would appear he is still alive because he Tweets. Link

From a tweet he tweeted
Apostle G Maldonado · 275,700 like this
2 hours ago ·
→ “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.” -Matthew 12:33. Right now, I declare that you bear good fruit in the name of Jesus and you will begin to multiply for the Kingdom of God. This nation is for Christ, AMEN?

Well God makes the tree good or the tree bad. What Maldonado just said is a subtle untruth, Maldonado can not confess a truth for your sake into your spirit from his lips into your spirit life. Only God can make the good tree bear good fruit, and the good tree will not bear bad fruit. For a tree is known by it's fruits.

A good tree bears good fruit by its nature, and a bad tree bears bad fruit by its nature. Jesus says he came that we bear fruit, and that the fruit remain, so then it is good fruit Jesus says we will produce.

A born again christian WILL bear good fruit, God will see to it and also declare (appoint, ordain) this into the person's spiritual life. An unsaved person will never bear good fruit unless he becomes a new creature in Christ. Yeah, its subtle. Or maybe you will disagree? Fun stuff, the spiritual man judges all things.

John 15
16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
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God is salvation
Mar 14, 2012
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Getting back to the response of the OP, sorry v tired. Apologies if the threads moved on.

But I just want to say. This thing with the pastor knowing the names of the people in the audience and such. That's a scam old as Egypt.

Anyways apologies for interrupting.
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May 13, 2013
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I just caught Maldonado on the TV and watched a good deal of it. No doubt whatsoever that hes got the all too typical idea of Word of Faith theology and antics to go along with them . Binding and Loosing Satan / Spirit of Tobacco / Spirit of Depression / Spirit of a Cloudy Day, etc.... Prosperity gospel / people lined up cookie cutter style and falling backwards to accomodate him, and other psuedo-christian displays....properly confirm him and his ministry to be Charleton based. The world is full of these types, particularly on TBN (Trinity Broadcast Network). If you want sound teaching, stick with Kerry Shook, John McCarther, Charles Stanley, Chuck Swindoll, and Adrian Rogers.

Avoid the dog n pony antics of Charletons that appeal to ones titilizing hunger for more.
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Sep 28, 2013
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He's a good guy I've seen many shows of him. He was just on Sid Roth's show recently to. You can go to and watch the interview with him.

He says he commanded in the Name of Jesus for people in a certain area where he was to resurrect. Jesus commanded Lazarus to come forth and he was dead for 4 days already and Lazarus came forth. If Jesus does the same as Maldonado every dead in town would have come forth. What is the difference frozen or 4 days in the grave? The dead man resurrected I bet he was happy if he had been in hell. Wouldn't you say so?
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