International Women’s Day: Celebrations in synod season explore hopes


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Feb 5, 2002
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VATICAN CITY (CNS) — International Women’s Dayhas long been an occasion for women and men connected to the Vatican to gather to discuss the role of women in the church and society.

But with the full participation of women at the synod on synodality and the assembly’s reflection on the dignity and responsibility of all the baptized, many of the questions raised this year were more focused than in the past and it was clear that the “women’s” issues were not set aside just for that one special day.

The two major events taking place in Rome for the March 8, 2024, celebration of International Women’s Day were a daylong conference on “women leaders” sponsored by the British and Australian embassies to the Holy See and Caritas Internationalis and a two-day conference on women as “builders of humanity” hosted by the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and co-sponsored by several pontifical universities.

Pope Francis met March 7 with people participating in the universities’ conference and sent a brief message to the embassies’ March 6 conference, praying that it would “bear fruit in an ever-greater commitment on the part of all, in the church and across the world, to promote respect for the equal and complementary dignity of women and men.”

Promoting the dignity and inclusion of women​

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