"I'm not saved by works" has done more to hinder salvation than sin has.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2007
Marital Status
The Ten Commandments cannot impart righteousness to an unrighteous person nor can they justify anyone of their past sins. The blood of Christ justifies us and imparts righteousness, freely. But don't let Satan stop you there with only half the truth.
The half truth of Satan is that you mut obey all of the law all of the time to be saved.

A person who has been justified and made righteous is a born again person. He will obey the Law.

Do you always obey he law?

This is why it's important for God's people to obey the Law of God, not do away with it.

No one is trying to eliminate the law. We need to obey the law so we can avoid the consequenes of sin, not to be saved.

Rom 7:14 - For sin shall not b e master over you, for you ARE NOT under law but under grace.

Eph 2:8-9 - For by GRACE you have been SAVED through fatih and that not of yourselves. it is THE GIFT of God, NOT as a result of WORKS, so that no one may boast.

How can you not understand those 2 verses?


Do saved people sin? Yes they do. Is it the desire of a saved person not to sin? Yes it is. That's the evidence of them being saved.

Now show me where I say we are saved by works?
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2007
Marital Status
Is there a discussion here or is it simply a couple of people advocating (again and again in the same words) a perspective that once upon a time in history brought the label of "Judaizers?"

If obeying God because you love Him is Judaizing then count me in.
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The Ten Commandments cannot impart righteousness to an unrighteous person nor can they justify anyone of their past sins. The blood of Christ justifies us and imparts righteousness, freely. But don't let Satan stop you there with only half the truth.
The half truth of Satan is that you mut obey all of the law all of the time to be saved.

A person who has been justified and made righteous is a born again person. He will obey the Law.
Do you always obey he law?

Do saved people sin? Yes they do. Is it the desire of a saved person not to sin? Yes it is. That's the evidence of them being saved.

Now show me where I say we are saved by works?

I must have misread something you said. I think we are in agreement that keeping the law does not save and it does not keep us saved.

The purpoe of the law was to show us what sin is so we can try to avoid its consequences.

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