If we are made in the image and likeness of God...?


Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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If we are made in the likeness and image of God, and Jesus Christ is God and he wants us to ultimately "be like" him, (Kings and priests, and leaders, not just followers) "with our Lord", it says....

Then is it a sin, or is wrong of us to "rise up" to the position, to consider ourselves, "saviors" and "lords" and "kings", again "with" our Lord, it says, in this life...?

Or, are we supposed to always submit and yield and step down from that place/position and always yield it to only to/for our true Lord and Savior alone?

For example when I hear a KLove radio station christian song saying "I AM, healer of the broken, I AM savior of the damned, I AM, (this or that)... Are we supposed to think of ourselves being that, in following in the path and way of our true Lord and Savior, or are we supposed to step down, and always yield that position to God/Christ alone?

I'm really conflicted over this issue, I know Jesus Christ said he "considered it not robbery to be considered equal (equal to, not greater than) to God", but that was Christ, what about us?

And how do we do this, without getting puffed-up with pride and full of ourselves?, and falling into a trap, when we think of ourselves as "a" lord or "a" savior, to the broken, hurting, beaten and the damned, are we leaving our true Lord, "The" Lord, and not "a" lord, out of the picture, and are we taking his place? It scares the hell out of me every time I start thinking of "myself" this way, because I don't know if it's a very, very, "wrong thing or not?

I'm conflicted because I do not feel this way every day, but only on a good day, when I'm "up" and feeling pretty good about myself, but am I "puffed-up", I still don't know? Every time I do start to think of myself this way, I keep saying "me", really "me" and I automatically point up, after thinking of myself this way, as if I'm saying "me" really, this could only, ONLY be "me" because of you, oh, Lord, and I point up, as if I'm tossing it back to him...

What's your opinions, Is it wrong, or not? Or, Is this what were supposed to become, through Christ? Or, am I just getting puffed-up with pride and full of myself on a good day? (a Bad day, is a totally different story, on a bad day, I always submit, and am always yielding to, thinking of, "Him" and "I need him" to take that place on a bad day)

What do you think? It scares the hell out of me, but there are times I also feel like a gun is being put to my back, to take that place, what do I do?

God Bless!:amen:


Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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I carry a great deal of guilt on days when I feel this way, even though I feel pretty good on these days, cause I feel like I am taking something away from my Lord...?

I say, "Lord... I'm not qualified for this... I'm not ready... I'm not worthy... I'm still a sinner, Lord" and besides that on my bad days, I NEED YOU, to take that place/position in my life, so I feel guilty...? But, also, in denying feeling that way, or trying to "Beg off" from feeling that way ("beg off" from taking that place/position) on a good day, could I possibly be denying my Lord? And what he seems (I think, anyways, I'm still not sure) to want to do with me (in my life)...?

Should I feel guilty? Am I trying to take the place of my Lord?, or am I rejecting (Him) what he seems to want to do with me, in my life?

I'm so conflicted inside, I can't handle this roller coaster ride, I want to get off, but I can't do that now, It's to late for me, I have passed the point of no return a long, long time ago, besides that I'm not a quitter and I don't want to just "give up"...

Little help would be greatly appreciated, many thanks, in Jesus name,

God Bless!
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Nov 29, 2011
Backwoods, Ohio
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For example when I hear a KLove radio station christian song saying "I AM, healer of the broken, I AM savior of the damned, I AM, (this or that)... Are we supposed to think of ourselves being that, in following in the path and way of our true Lord and Savior, or are we supposed to step down, and always yield that position to God/Christ alone?

I'm really conflicted over this issue, I know Jesus Christ said he "considered it not robbery to be considered equal (equal to, not greater than) to God", but that was Christ, what about us?

And how do we do this, without getting puffed-up with pride and full of ourselves?, and falling into a trap, when we think of ourselves as "a" lord or "a" savior, to the broken, hurting, beaten and the damned, are we leaving our true Lord, "The" Lord, and not "a" lord, out of the picture, and are we taking his place? It scares the hell out of me every time I start thinking of "myself" this way, because I don't know if it's a very, very, "wrong thing or not?

I'm conflicted because I do not feel this way every day, but only on a good day, when I'm "up" and feeling pretty good about myself, but am I "puffed-up", I still don't know? Every time I do start to think of myself this way, I keep saying "me", really "me" and I automatically point up, after thinking of myself this way, as if I'm saying "me" really, this could only, ONLY be "me" because of you, oh, Lord, and I point up, as if I'm tossing it back to him...

What's your opinions, Is it wrong, or not? Or, Is this what were supposed to become, through Christ? Or, am I just getting puffed-up with pride and full of myself on a good day? (a Bad day, is a totally different story, on a bad day, I always submit, and am always yielding to, thinking of, "Him" and "I need him" to take that place on a bad day)

What do you think? It scares the hell out of me, but there are times I also feel like a gun is being put to my back, to take that place, what do I do?

God Bless!:amen:

Well, that's the trick, isn't it? ;)

"And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came up to him and said to him, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.” And he said to them, “What do you want me to do for you?” And they said to him, “Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.” Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?”

"And they said to him, “We are able.” And Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you will drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized, but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.”

"And when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant at James and John. And Jesus called them to him and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10)

Two things to note: The cup that James and John drank from was the cup of death, same as Jesus, with no "guarantee" of glory at the end. And also, Jesus did not correct James and John for asking (the other disciples did that).

This is a "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it" scenario.
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Hey look, it's a squirrel!
May 11, 2012
NE Florida
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I am a Lay Preacher on Sundays when the pastor is away. The first time I did it, I was thrilled to be asked (4 weeks before the Sunday).

Three weeks before the Sunday, I wrote a brilliant, fiery sermon and was quite proud of myself.

Two weeks before the Sunday, I started thinking, "Should I be proud of this? Who am I to preach to these people. I'm nothing." and I started rewriting. I toned it down, and then cut out some parts. Then, I toned it down again and again, trying to keep it from being too good or too convicting or really much of anything. I got the same feeling that you have, Neogaia777.

The week before the Sunday, I was wracked with guilt. On one hand, I wasn't worthy to do this. On the other hand, I felt a calling to say what needed to be said. Throughout this whole month, I had prayed hard and largely ignored the message I was getting because the ACCUSATION was stronger. Remember that Satan is the Accuser! I finally realized that.

On Thursday, I threw it all away and went back to the first version. I went through it one more time and realized that it was exactly what I had been told to say for the last month. That's the sermon I preached.

The Accuser will always tell you that you aren't worthy to do this. He will tell you that you are placing yourself before God, even when you know that Jesus has a hand on your shoulder, urging you to go forward.
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Dec 2, 2010
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When God said we were made in his image I don't think he was talking about our duties to perform. Otherwise why would Paul have explained the many different rolls in the body. Somebody's got to sweep the floor, it's not a glamorous job on THIS planet, but servant-hood is valued in heaven. and somebody's got to do it.

In the image of god is talking about our nature minus the flesh. For instance, does God cry? yes, because we cry. the bible talks about God being grieved. Does God get angry? yes, often apparently, not only because the bible says it but because WE get angry. Do we Love? Do we have a need to "accomplish" things? Do we like to build things up? What about Sadness? Does God laugh? I believe he does, mostly at us probably. I believe most of the deepest needs and feelings in our life we have because we were made in his image.

The rest of us is flesh, Fear, Hate, Greed, these things are because we are cursed by sin.
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Mar 13, 2014
Mobile, AL
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I'm really conflicted over this issue, I know Jesus Christ said he "considered it not robbery to be considered equal (equal to, not greater than) to God", but that was Christ, what about us?

Are we not called the body of Christ? Is it not His spirit in us? Even Jesus said that those who would believe in Him would do greater works than He did. What is greater than raising the dead? I believe it is saving people from the second death. Which is why we preach Jesus to the world.

To those who say "But it is only the spirit of God that can draw men to Him to be saved", I have to say this: Is it not the Spirit of God within us?
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