IDF May Not Have Caused Kana Deaths


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Jul 4, 2004
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Why yes, of course the Israelis are over-reacting to having their homes bombed, by trying to take out the missle launch sites.

Why no outrage at Hezbullah, for setting up their attacks from civillian centers, and hospitals? Who started the hostilities? No outrage there either! Yeah, I thought not! The ones attacking civillians for the sport of it, and hiding behind their own children are the good guys and the ones defending their own children from missles fired from territory they willing gave up for the promise, by liars, of peace are evil. Is 5:20.
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Catholic Homeschool Dad
Dec 8, 2003
Barrie, Ontario
Poke said:
1) The two Israeli soldiers that were captured were in Lebanon, not Israel, even though the media originally and dutifully reported this as a cross border raid into Israel.
I haven't seen proof of this claim.
2) This war where many hundreds of already died, is grossly disproportionate a response to two captured soldiers, soldiers that could easily have been retrieved without a war. In other words, Israel is using this as a pretext and so the blame of starting the war belongs with Israel.
I don't consider it 'disproportionate,' anymore than I consider America's actions in World War II a 'disproportionate' response to Pearl Harbor. War isn't fair; the objective is to defeat the enemy, not match casualty rates. And to claim that the sole provocation Israel has had in the past thirty years is this one event is laughable. It's the straw that broke the camel's back. Israel has been provoked for decades, and have shown unimaginable restraint against their implacable enemies. Now they've had enough, and I don't blame them one little bit.
3) The US and Israel are not above lying to gain advantage in war.
Nobody is above lying to gain advantage in a war. The difference is that liberals either pretend or genuinely believe that only America and Israel are lying.
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Sep 4, 2005
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Talmidah said:
Because people who would murder children for being alone with someone of the opposite sex or who would proudly saw off people's heads on television are definitely not psycopaths!

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Jul 7, 2006
Talmidah said:
Because people who would murder children for being alone with someone of the opposite sex or who would proudly saw off people's heads on television are definitely not psycopaths!

Yes that is what happens when you have a litteral interpretation of things. Those regims are extremists.

But you as a Jew you should know better than anyone here, that if we were to apply and comprehend certain verses of deuternomy literraly, it would look much uglier than what you just said...
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Jun 3, 2006
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hiplove79 said:
If you are reffering to the story where Israel said it may not be responible for the attack? If you are, that story was very accurate. That story was on national news my friend, I just happened to post it here a couple of hours before it was shown on air. Again the IDF did not say they did not hit the building in Qana, they said they were not sure if it was their strike that brought it down. That is why they are having investigation. I hope that's the last time I have to repeat that.

Anyway, what do you mean when you say men? Like I already had said, there were elderly men there. I believe, and I just going off of memory so don't quote me on this, there were 12 women and 37 children. There was a total of 60-65 people. So you that leaves you with 11-14 more people, but don't forget some of those have to be elderly men. Ya gotta link to back up your story?

Actually, I do. I would hardly call a 38 year old "elderly".,,1833884,00.html

Muhammad Qassim Shalhoub, a slim 38-year-old construction worker, emerged with a broken hand and minor injuries, but lost his wife, five children and 45 members of his extended family. "Around one o'clock we heard a big explosion," he said. "I don't remember anything after that, but when I opened my eyes I was lying on the floor and my head had hit the wall. There was silence. I didn't hear anything for a while, but then heard screams."

The house stood at the top of a hillside on the very edge of Qana and its disembowelled remains had spilled down the slope. Bodies were lined up on the ground - a baby, two young girls and two women. The rigid corpse of a young man lay nearby, his arm rising vertically from beneath a blanket, his index finger pointing up to the sky.

Here we have eyewitness testimony that the attack occurred at 1AM right after the bombs were dropped. The building would not have collapsed and killed all those people if it had not been for the Israeli bomb. Israel can perform their own investigation but we all know what happened. There is the testimony of the survivors, the remains of a US made bomb, and of course the destroyed building with innocents inside. It is blindingly obvious.
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