I have been socially isolated since i was 14 - is it a sin?


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Apr 24, 2018
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What about Catholic nuns and monks? They're happy. I believe hermits can live rich lives. I don't understand the pressure to deal with harassment and rejection.

What if he encounters and atheist who cast doubts on his faith? Or a Muslim who tries to get him to convert? A Buddhist who drags him to a yoga retreat?

Malcolm X said prison was the freest he ever felt in his life.

What do you all think?

the difference beetween me and them is that i am unhappy. i dont want this life, but they want their life.
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Jon Osterman

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2018
United Kingdom
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the difference beetween me and them is that i am unhappy. i dont want this life, but they want their life.

Why is that? Maybe you should make peace with the life you do have? Is there anything you enjoy doing at all? You don't need other people and social interaction to be happy, so why worry about it. Reconcile youself to never having a rewarding social life and make peace with it.
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Apr 24, 2018
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Why is that? Maybe you should make peace with the life you do have? Is there anything you enjoy doing at all? You don't need other people and social interaction to be happy, so why worry about it. Reconcile youself to never having a rewarding social life and make peace with it.

i have severe urge for having friends and a wife, i have high sex lust. i am depressed over being forever alone, why do i feel like this? beacause its who i am, its biology/natural to feel like this. very few people enjoy being alone their whole life.

why do you have a wife if marriage is not important.
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Jon Osterman

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2018
United Kingdom
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i have severe urge for having friends and a wife, i have high sex lust. i am depressed over being forever alone, why do i feel like this? beacause its who i am, its biology/natural to feel like this. very few people enjoy being alone their whole life.

You are proving my point. Your unhappiness is because you lust after things you cannot have. That is always the way of misery. You need to pray and ask God to help you lay these desires aside. They can be overcome.

why do you have a wife if marriage is not important.

I have plenty if things in my life that are not important. I'm sure you do too.
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Apr 24, 2018
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You are proving my point. Your unhappiness is because you lust after things you cannot have. That is always the way of misery. You need to pray and ask God to help you lay these desires aside. They can be overcome.

I have plenty if things in my life that are not important. I'm sure you do too.

i already prayed but he has not helped. what i desire is something that almost everyone have/had/will have. i am one of the few who will never have sex/relationship.

the bible says if you burn of desire and cant control yourself, then we should marry. why do i burn of desire if my chances with women is 0 %. makes no sense why god made me like this.
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Feb 16, 2007
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Some people are laughing very hard when they see me.

If it is you in your avatar picture, I don't see why. You seem perfectly normal in appearance to me. What do the rest of the people do? Mock you, scorn you, beat you and nail you to a cross? That's what they did to Jesus.

Why would people bully me not be justifed to be live in social isolation my whole life? Getting bullied is terrible.

Yes, being bullied is unpleasant. But I know a number of guys who were bullied who have not retreated into isolation. I wonder, though, what you think bullying is. Bullying used to mean having somebody shove you around, and maybe sometimes hit you, and generally act to make your life constantly miserable. Are people doing this to you? Are people physically abusing you? Are they threatening you with violence? Or are they just not treating you in the way you would like? What young people today often think is bullying is, compared to the past, childish and silly and relatively harmless.

My heart and personality do not matter for any woman because i have no socials skills and no social status and my looks are really bad. Being kind is not enough. It does not matter how positive i am, positivity do not delete my laws, its my flaws that makes me forever alone, not my "attitude".

You're so hung up on yourself! Dude, you are seriously controlled by your ego. Until you stop being so full of yourself, until you knock off the self-pitying stuff, you are going to remain just where you are: alone, unhappy, and frustrated. It's your huge preoccupation with yourself that is driving you into isolation, not the people around you. It's not their fault you're alone, it's yours.

But this is what self-centeredness always does. The more we are full of ourselves, the less room we have in our lives for others. Really, I can't imagine a woman being married to a guy like you. She'd have to walk on egg-shells all the time, worrying constantly about offending you, regularly stroking your ego to calm your insecurities. Yikes!

Jesus said that if anyone wanted to be his disciple, they would have to take up the cross of death to Self, and daily deny themselves. This is the way to being a beautiful, excellent person. The more you die to your Self so that the character of Jesus can be seen in you, the more attractive a person you'll be. But heart work is hard work. It's much easier to retreat into isolation and blame the world for not treating you right. That will leave you as you are. Jesus' way will take you out of yourself and into a lost and dying world to be his hands and heart to people in desperate need of a Saviour. This is the life for which God made you. And in it there is abundance of joy, and peace, and love. So, what it'll be? More of you and the unhappiness and isolation that brings? Or more of Christ and the abundant life he offers? You're making a choice between the two every day you live.
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Apr 24, 2018
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If it is you in your avatar picture, I don't see why. You seem perfectly normal in appearance to me. What do the rest of the people do? Mock you, scorn you, beat you and nail you to a cross? That's what they did to Jesus.

Yes, being bullied is unpleasant. But I know a number of guys who were bullied who have not retreated into isolation. I wonder, though, what you think bullying is. Bullying used to mean having somebody shove you around, and maybe sometimes hit you, and generally act to make your life constantly miserable. Are people doing this to you? Are people physically abusing you? Are they threatening you with violence? Or are they just not treating you in the way you would like? What young people today often think is bullying is, compared to the past, childish and silly and relatively harmless.

You're so hung up on yourself! Dude, you are seriously controlled by your ego. Until you stop being so full of yourself, until you knock off the self-pitying stuff, you are going to remain just where you are: alone, unhappy, and frustrated. It's your huge preoccupation with yourself that is driving you into isolation, not the people around you. It's not their fault you're alone, it's yours.

But this is what self-centeredness always does. The more we are full of ourselves, the less room we have in our lives for others. Really, I can't imagine a woman being married to a guy like you. She'd have to walk on egg-shells all the time, worrying constantly about offending you, regularly stroking your ego to calm your insecurities. Yikes!

Jesus said that if anyone wanted to be his disciple, they would have to take up the cross of death to Self, and daily deny themselves. This is the way to being a beautiful, excellent person. The more you die to your Self so that the character of Jesus can be seen in you, the more attractive a person you'll be. But heart work is hard work. It's much easier to retreat into isolation and blame the world for not treating you right. That will leave you as you are. Jesus' way will take you out of yourself and into a lost and dying world to be his hands and heart to people in desperate need of a Saviour. This is the life for which God made you. And in it there is abundance of joy, and peace, and love. So, what it'll be? More of you and the unhappiness and isolation that brings? Or more of Christ and the abundant life he offers? You're making a choice between the two every day you live.

its not me on the avatar, i said this 1000 times now.

yeah i guess bullying is the wrong word for it, nobody beats me or stalks me but people are mean towards me....they stare at me, laugh at me, telling me mean words...

yep its my own fault that i am alone, i am very ugly and i also have low iq, not other peoples wrong that i am like that. its god who made me this way for a reason not other people. i cant get out of isolation, my anxiety is too high, and even if i did i would still be alone....because putting myself out in the big world do not mean i will stop feeling alone or that anyone will accept me for who i am....i dont have the ability to be loved by other humans. ..i am lacking something in my brain, social-skils-dna or something....i cant talk to people...

you have no idea what you are talking about, you are judging me with no knowledge, i am NOT selfish, i do care about others, i do NOT go around and talk about myself and my "problems" to others.

i can feel love and joy and be at peace, my goal is to be happy about my life, to be happy with living my whole life without friends and a wife.
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Titus 3:4-7
Aug 21, 2016
Marital Status
hi Serbian wolf. You have so many beautiful friends helping you already.. This thread by all the replies you have received, shows how popular you are, not only in your problem, but that others can relate to you and have partaken in the same struggles. Wow. You know many times we can find friends in those that have or had the same struggles..they understand us, and we feel safe. I think that you express yourself very well. I feel you are a very deep person who has so many layers, and much more to share than you give yourself credit for.. I really do! I wonder if maybe you can find an anxiety Support group of people, preferably at a church with other believers, who you can find friendship, support, encouragement in, and also help in learning more about God -- much like just on this thread!!! Maybe, as well, in a Support group, what will transpire, is that you can end up helping and supporting someone else ? It can even be something simple like a knowing smile, a look of compassion, a hug? Huh?? What do you think ? :):)

Regarding your social anxiety... feel free to PM me, as I think I can help you. I've lots of experience and helped others as well as myself with anxiety issues, and frequently it can be greatly helped, if not cured by change of diet and supplements. It's usually a combination of nutritional deficiencies, mineral imbalances, and/or heavy metal toxicities. High unbound Copper is usually present, and hypoglycemia can be another culprit. Almost everyone is toxic these days, and all of these things mess with our autonomic nervous system.

Along with spiritual, which is so important it cannot even be overstated, we are also physical bodies that need good nutritious, real and wholesome food, clean water, clean air, and we need to keep our bodies clean by taking baths/showers. I'm not saying you are not treating your body as a temple, but when we treat our bodies as temples of God, we generally can obtain physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness, as well.

If you need help, I'm just a message away. :)
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Apr 24, 2018
United States
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hi Serbian wolf. You have so many beautiful friends helping you already.. This thread by all the replies you have received, shows how popular you are, not only in your problem, but that others can relate to you and have partaken in the same struggles. Wow. You know many times we can find friends in those that have or had the same struggles..they understand us, and we feel safe. I think that you express yourself very well. I feel you are a very deep person who has so many layers, and much more to share than you give yourself credit for.. I really do! I wonder if maybe you can find an anxiety Support group of people, preferably at a church with other believers, who you can find friendship, support, encouragement in, and also help in learning more about God -- much like just on this thread!!! Maybe, as well, in a Support group, what will transpire, is that you can end up helping and supporting someone else ? It can even be something simple like a knowing smile, a look of compassion, a hug? Huh?? What do you think ? :):)

Regarding your social anxiety... feel free to PM me, as I think I can help you. I've lots of experience and helped others as well as myself with anxiety issues, and frequently it can be greatly helped, if not cured by change of diet and supplements. It's usually a combination of nutritional deficiencies, mineral imbalances, and/or heavy metal toxicities. High unbound Copper is usually present, and hypoglycemia can be another culprit. Almost everyone is toxic these days, and all of these things mess with our autonomic nervous system.

Along with spiritual, which is so important it cannot even be overstated, we are also physical bodies that need good nutritious, real and wholesome food, clean water, clean air, and we need to keep our bodies clean by taking baths/showers. I'm not saying you are not treating your body as a temple, but when we treat our bodies as temples of God, we generally can obtain physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness, as well.

If you need help, I'm just a message away. :)

i already tried to make friends with people who share my struggles, but they where not intrest in me. christians/people at church do not want to be my friends, they are kind to me but there is no chemistry, i am lacking social skills.

i am not a deep person and i have nothing to share . if i was deep and had much to share, then why i am this lonely.

how can you help me with my anxiety when i have anxiety becuse i am brutally ugly? my anxiety will only go away if i stop being brutally ugly.
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Titus 3:4-7
Aug 21, 2016
Marital Status
i already tried to make friends with people who share my struggles, but they where not intrest in me. christians/people at church do not want to be my friends, they are kind to me but there is no chemistry, i am lacking social skills.

i am not a deep person and i have nothing to share . if i was deep and had much to share, then why i am this lonely.

how can you help me with my anxiety when i have anxiety becuse i am brutally ugly? my anxiety will only go away if i stop being brutally ugly.
Serbian, Well , how come I find you interesting as a person, through your writing ? : ) Are you different in person? Do you find that writing is easier than talking, because you are very conversational in writing.

Do you have family? (I apologize if you mentioned before and I forgot or didn't see it). How do they treat you?

If you are willing .. would you please go into details, about what you think makes you ugly.. list each one, if you can and provide how each affects you... so I(we) can better understand you, and where your deep pain is coming from.. We want to know you. You are safe, brother.
|Bless you...

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