Humble as a dead man….

Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
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Galatians 5:16 (NASB20)
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.

‘You will not carry out’, it does not say, ‘you will not have’, but you will not carry out’…. For as long as one is in the body one will have desires that are not of righteousness…. How to combat these desires is the issue of life before the believing soul… For God Himself wrote; ‘you will not’, meaning that He has made a way for all believers to walk where they will not carry out the desires of unrighteousness….. This question goes to the heart of the believer’s life, for if one knows how to overcome, combat, get the victory over that which is sure to come in the tomorrows, one would be made most secure in one’s walk before God…

Identifying oneself with Christ by faith in both His death and resurrection is the way put forth by God Himself, if one would, one must walk in the way which God has put forth… ‘Walk by the Spirit’ are the words He uses to put forth the truth of the way to not carry out the desires of the flesh… Here is the heart of the issue, what does ‘walk by the Spirit’ mean…? The answer must be that which causes one to ‘not carry out the desires of the flesh’, all other answers, regardless of how spiritual or Christian or doctrinally correct they might sound, if they do not produce the desired effect they are not that which is meant by the words ‘walk by the Spirit’…

For God is true, scriptures are true, it is man’s seeing into the mystery of ‘walk by the Spirit’ that is the issue before the heart of every believer, for it is finding this answer that establishes one in Christ….

May we all be blessed in the finding of that which establishes, for the answer is for all that would be willing to be as humble as a dead man…..

A fellow follower, Not me
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
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But how can we die to the old self. We can’t just die to all these desires once for the rest of our lives?! The Bible says reckon the old man dead. And Paul said I die daily. So we die to self and desire one step at a time, temptation by temptation. Reckon: make it so, work it out so the it dies to those enticements.
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Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
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But how can we die to the old self. We can’t just die to all these desires once for the rest of our lives?! The Bible says reckon the old man dead. And Paul said I die daily. So we die to self and desire one step at a time, temptation by temptation. Reckon: make it so, work it out so the it dies to those enticements.
Yes one can, and yes one must, but one doesn’t die to the old self, as if it’s something one needs to do, for the old self is dead because when Christ died on the cross He took it to death with Him….It starts with this faith, this desire, this hope, that says; I have died and my life is hidden with Christ in God, for it is in the knowing that the old us died when Christ died; for without the foundational belief and trust, in this truth, all the reckoning will be done in the power of self, which reckoning will undoubtedly fall short… Reckoning from a faith of knowing, is the reckoning that can and will never fail, which is the reckoning pointed to in scripture….

For it is true we die daily to all the influences of the world, flesh and the devil, we die daily, because we are dead…

For as you mentioned, scripture says, our job is to reckon oneself dead, which is absolutely true, for to the degree one does this from the faith that knows, to that degree will one find themselves walking in newness of life… For the truth of the matter is such; only by your death can you be guaranteed to never ever sin again, thanks be to God this death that is so badly needed by fallen man, was accomplished in Christ, for to the degree one sees into this truth, to that degree will they be set free from sin….

For blessed are they that struggle through the darkness to the rising of the morning redness….

A brother in the faith, Not me
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
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I can’t pretend to try and convince you. No man is sinless but Jesus. You said yourself: it is an ever deepening belief. If you never sinned how would it get deeper. It is a fascinating concept. Jesus was tempted in all points such as us but without sin. He had to die to each temptation . Even Paul sinned. We are dead, but we are alive with a whole new set of desires. some good some not so good.

my reckoning is in the power of the HS. Fresh, alive daily in contact. I am so contented maybe in death, that I don’t fight much temptation and because of age, except concerning my mental health for the most part. There are others but I don’t want to go there. So I deny self, take thoughts captive, distract myself, self talk and in other ways obey God. But I come out victorious because I reckon these things dead. I do have to do something and play apart in a righteousness of my own as well as the righteousness of Christ. I’m not a Calvinist and say God does it all. my old self is dying daily and I have life in the Holy Spirit who is alive and active. His life works through me to choose what I do. When something unexpected comes up I have a choice to look at it or look away.

yes we are in agreement you understand deeper and deeper and I fight not to be ruled by the flesh. We are going to the same place. I chose a spiritual path to be close to God and not carnal it’s like I was called. and I can’t go any farther here because my flesh won’t let me. Paul said I can’t do the things that I wish because of the flesh. It’s not a sin to be in temptation, it’s when we act upon it. Abeeb!
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Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
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I can’t pretend to try and convince you. No man is sinless but Jesus. You said yourself: it is an ever deepening belief. If you never sinned how would it get deeper. It is a fascinating concept. Jesus was tempted in all points such as us but without sin. He had to die to each temptation . Even Paul sinned. We are dead, but we are alive with a whole new set of desires. some good some not so good.

my reckoning is in the power of the HS. Fresh, alive daily in contact. I am so contented maybe in death, that I don’t fight much temptation and because of age, except concerning my mental health for the most part. There are others but I don’t want to go there. So I deny self, take thoughts captive, distract myself, self talk and in other ways obey God. But I come out victorious because I reckon these things dead. I do have to do something and play apart in a righteousness of my own as well as the righteousness of Christ. I’m not a Calvinist and say God does it all. my old self is dying daily and I have life in the Holy Spirit who is alive and active. His life works through me to choose what I do. When something unexpected comes up I have a choice to look at it or look away.

yes we are in agreement you understand deeper and deeper and I fight not to be ruled by the flesh. We are going to the same place. I chose a spiritual path to be close to God and not carnal it’s like I was called. and I can’t go any farther here because my flesh won’t let me. Paul said I can’t do the things that I wish because of the flesh. It’s not a sin to be in temptation, it’s when we act upon it. Abeeb!
As we grow closer to Him, as your heart teaches you, may today be more of Him and tomorrow more still…..

I have no doubt you are His and are growing in Him, you have read my words, whether they be true or no, go with what the peace of Christ in your heart is teaching you and you will stay on your course….

Be blessed as you do, a fellow follower of His, Not me
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
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I pray God furthers you in the understanding of His purpose in dying and that if possible you do not sin. When John spoke in his letters he seemed to not sin. That can’t be denied. I’m sure you appreciate that about him. He did not condemn the sinner. The goal is to sin no more and to lean on Christ. You for understanding and me to keep engaged to defeat the enemy. Likewise Bro. Gods peace also tells me you are ok. Not a carbon copy of me but not wrong and your faith is God centered. You explain yourself very well.
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Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
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I pray God furthers you in the understanding of His purpose in dying and that if possible you do not sin. When John spoke in his letters he seemed to not sin. That can’t be denied. I’m sure you appreciate that about him. He did not condemn the sinner. The goal is to sin no more and to lean on Christ. You for understanding and me to keep engaged to defeat the enemy. Likewise Bro. Gods peace also tells me you are ok. Not a carbon copy of me but not wrong and your faith is God centered. You explain yourself very well.
Thank you very much, I too am on my course, walking (Lord willing) in all the light I see…

If I might and be so bold;

About 20 years ago, God (I believe with all my heart and life) He opened up to me the meaning of what it means to be dead in Christ…. My life, my Christianity took a 180, my relationship with Him exploded, I was established in Him, I still sin but not deliberate gross sins, now it is like when Paul said ‘I know nothing against myself, but it does not justify, God justifies’, now they are sins of character, sins of self-will, sins of not trusting Christ in all things….

If I might, it is not sins, not temptations, that have died, but the believer themselves that has died, it is upon this faith one is to walk…. In my prayer life before God I told Him ; ‘Lord the only way I am ever going to be able to stop sinning is if you kill me (this was my prayer 20 years ago) I went on to tell Him that as long as I had life I would sin, in the space of about three days He ministered to my heart, what I wanted (to be dead so that I might stop sinning) was exactly what being dead in Christ was…. I had died when He died, now in the faith that it is no longer I who live but Christ that lives in me do I walk…. The more and deeper I believe into this truth the more and deeper do I walk in newness of life….

Hope this helps with and in your walk before our great God and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ Himself….

Blessings as we both pursue Him with all are hearts, a fellow believer, Not me

Ps, a blessing to talk to you…..
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
West of Mississippi
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Yes, the path you are on fit you perfectly and all you asked for God provided. He keeps doing that to me too.

I was in disobedience so long that he chastised me for 8 1/2 years. He seemed to come to me then and said this is what it will be like if you don’t go to church. And this is what it will be like if you go- showing me a little vision. So because of His presence I just started repenting and the hope welling up. I wanted to obey him so much. after. So I stuck it out and put the word of God into action. I have survived church for 22 years now and grown. Because people was my weak suit. When I stopped being afraid much more became possible.

I am still a loner though I have all that I can handle. I am obedient in the major things. But sometimes I really have to hustle to avoid impure thoughts. It always comes down to keeping my mouth shut to avoid offense. ‘Be slow to speak quick to listen quick to forgive- proverbs. A fool voices all his thoughts and all his feelings.

it’s been kind of hard all this reaching out and coming out of myself and defining my world view. Bu I appreciate all our conversations. I will apply my faith in the area of as you say being dead with Christ, and trying to understand how this death protects you……….
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Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
Yes, the path you are on fit you perfectly and all you asked for God provided. He keeps doing that to me too.

I was in disobedience so long that he chastised me for 8 1/2 years. He seemed to come to me then and said this is what it will be like if you don’t go to church. And this is what it will be like if you go- showing me a little vision. So because of His presence I just started repenting and the hope welling up. I wanted to obey him so much. after. So I stuck it out and put the word of God into action. I have survived church for 22 years now and grown. Because people was my weak suit. When I stopped being afraid much more became possible.

I am still a loner though I have all that I can handle. I am obedient in the major things. But sometimes I really have to hustle to avoid impure thoughts. It always comes down to keeping my mouth shut to avoid offense. ‘Be slow to speak quick to listen quick to forgive- proverbs. A fool voices all his thoughts and all his feelings.

it’s been kind of hard all this reaching out and coming out of myself and defining my world view. Bu I appreciate all our conversations. I will apply my faith in the area of as you say being dead with Christ, and trying to understand how this death protects you……….
I rejoice with you in your relationship with Him, if you wouldn’t mind I taste the realness of it, a joy to taste…..

Keep on keeping on and you are sure to get your ‘well done’…..

It is so true there is no such miserable creature as one who is born again yet still living in known disobedience…..

A author I enjoy reading is one William Law, I have his works (maybe 10 books) I highly recommend ‘the Spirit of love/ the Spirit of prayer’ , he was alive in the 17th century….. It is one of the books/author God used in my life….

As for being dead in Christ, all I can say is take it before God, for authors such as Andrew Murray and Watchman Nee speak much on the subject…..

For God does all things well and is leading His people home, be blessed in being one of His…..

And so very blessed or they that are….

A fellow servant of His, Not me
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