How to minister hope to the homeless or dying?


Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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I want to start going out and ministering hope to the homeless and the hopeless, but do not know where to begin... I want to know if any of you can provide me with some good scriptures, or just good words of hope, to minister to homeless and/or dying persons?

Any Ideas?

God Bless!
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LImited Understanding
Oct 3, 2013
Hey brother,

Here's some experience. Homeless (broad brush) are in iniquity, done to them or done to others , whatever the situation may be. For me, trying to engage a homeless person has not worked as well as letting them start the engagement. Usually they fall on "he don't have it as hard as me", thus he doesn't understand. The best way found so far is a rock in Joy in ones actions to "serve" the homeless with a smile, and Joy inside. One day, someone is going to engage you, then broaden that smile and engage for they started it under curiosity of the Hope and Joy inside of you. Homeless are like deer, scared of serious interpersonal relationships, yet after a time, you being the rock that is always there, a deer is going to check it out, a little closer each day, a little closer, closer, watching, then following (volunteering to help you out) Some, respond to initiated engagement , yet it has been found through trial and error that engagement of them to find encouragement through this vessel has worked out the best. Not saying this is for you, just sharing. Blessings brother.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Thank you, Fanthatspark & ForJesusChrist, I will take your words to heart (under advisement) I did, however, post this also in the Christian Apologetics Forum, and I got some very useful help (advice) if you wish to see it here's the link:

Thank you guys, and,

God Bless!
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May 24, 2014
Washington State
Marital Status
Thank you, Fanthatspark & ForJesusChrist, I will take your words to heart (under advisement) I did, however, post this also in the Christian Apologetics Forum, and I got some very useful help (advice) if you wish to see it here's the link:

Thank you guys, and,

God Bless!

I recognize the plight of those who have fallen on very difficult times, including abandonment, loss of employment, despondency and sadness...I've met people who packed a backpack, and left all behind because of the loss of a loved one. I've seen skinny bedraggled women standing alongside the road holding signs that clearly revealed a need, such as "I realize I've come to the point where I must ask for help..." Their demeanor is embarrassed as they beg.
Sadly, there are those who have turned it into a business. Once, we drove by a woman with a sign that said, "Car broke down; no work; homeless..please help". What an education for us! We bought her a sandwich and a jug of OJ, which she received haltingly. I asked her for a phone number so I can help her search for work. She grudgingly gave one.

I called the phone number later to find it not in service. The next day, a Sunday, our local paper had a photo of this woman on the front page: "I can make $300 a day panhandling here. Why should I work?" I think she should have been prosecuted for fraud. Indeed, I think if it can be shown that a person is not homeless, and all their needs are met, and they are stating that they are indeed homeless, then I think they should be prosecuted for fraud.

Recently, there was a well-dressed Hispanic woman running around a freeway offramp with a sign and a small, one gallon gas can. "Out of gas. Please help." She was running up to car windows and knocking on them. Nobody was giving her money. I mean, really? Maybe that works in downtown Bogota...

Then there was the wisp of a girl with this sign: "Pregnant and homeless. Please help.." She was at the same corner for four months. I wonder when she'd begin to look pregnant. Fact is, if you are a woman, unmarried and pregnant, there are a gazillion community services just for YOU, including help with housing, food, and medical care.

The stories are endless.

So, one day, I'm stopped at a light, and there's a man who is there every day. He looks well enough to work, is dressed in warm, clean clothes, not a shopping cart or mangy dog in sight....and the Spirit whispers to me...

"Seek first the Kingdom of God, and it's righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

There are those who truly need intervention. I'm not saying we shouldn't help them, and perform extreme hosting. I know a woman, living alone, who took a girl and her husband into her home, and they lived with her for 6 months. The girl had been panhandling to get money so they could return home to Florida. The woman who owned the home took her to lunch, met the husband, heard their story, then made the offer. Living with her rent free, he gets a job, and she finds part time work. Two months after they returned home, she received photos of their newborn baby.

Throwing money to panhandlers is enabling them to be irresponsible with their lives. As such, so is helping the consistently homeless. Yes, we cannot let them starve or freeze to death. We must save their lives, yet let us understand, that if they are willfully homeless and we do not require that they take action to improve their lives, then we are only enabling them to continue in their dysfunctional ways. :preach: :)
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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I recognize the plight of those who have fallen on very difficult times, including abandonment, loss of employment, despondency and sadness...I've met people who packed a backpack, and left all behind because of the loss of a loved one. I've seen skinny bedraggled women standing alongside the road holding signs that clearly revealed a need, such as "I realize I've come to the point where I must ask for help..." Their demeanor is embarrassed as they beg.
Sadly, there are those who have turned it into a business. Once, we drove by a woman with a sign that said, "Car broke down; no work; homeless..please help". What an education for us! We bought her a sandwich and a jug of OJ, which she received haltingly. I asked her for a phone number so I can help her search for work. She grudgingly gave one.

I called the phone number later to find it not in service. The next day, a Sunday, our local paper had a photo of this woman on the front page: "I can make $300 a day panhandling here. Why should I work?" I think she should have been prosecuted for fraud. Indeed, I think if it can be shown that a person is not homeless, and all their needs are met, and they are stating that they are indeed homeless, then I think they should be prosecuted for fraud.

Recently, there was a well-dressed Hispanic woman running around a freeway offramp with a sign and a small, one gallon gas can. "Out of gas. Please help." She was running up to car windows and knocking on them. Nobody was giving her money. I mean, really? Maybe that works in downtown Bogota...

Then there was the wisp of a girl with this sign: "Pregnant and homeless. Please help.." She was at the same corner for four months. I wonder when she'd begin to look pregnant. Fact is, if you are a woman, unmarried and pregnant, there are a gazillion community services just for YOU, including help with housing, food, and medical care.

The stories are endless.

So, one day, I'm stopped at a light, and there's a man who is there every day. He looks well enough to work, is dressed in warm, clean clothes, not a shopping cart or mangy dog in sight....and the Spirit whispers to me...

"Seek first the Kingdom of God, and it's righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

There are those who truly need intervention. I'm not saying we shouldn't help them, and perform extreme hosting. I know a woman, living alone, who took a girl and her husband into her home, and they lived with her for 6 months. The girl had been panhandling to get money so they could return home to Florida. The woman who owned the home took her to lunch, met the husband, heard their story, then made the offer. Living with her rent free, he gets a job, and she finds part time work. Two months after they returned home, she received photos of their newborn baby.

Throwing money to panhandlers is enabling them to be irresponsible with their lives. As such, so is helping the consistently homeless. Yes, we cannot let them starve or freeze to death. We must save their lives, yet let us understand, that if they are willfully homeless and we do not require that they take action to improve their lives, then we are only enabling them to continue in their dysfunctional ways. :preach: :)

I'm curious, Did you read or look other thread/post (this same post) that I gave the link to in the Christian Apollogetics forum, I know there are a few schemer's out there, but this is why I plan on bike riding around town (which plan I explained in a discussion in the other thread, on the other forum) Anyways, I plan on bike riding around town, take a couple homelessness preparedness kits with me and actually spending some quality time getting to know the people, determining there needs and trying to help them in any way I can...

I plan on finding out about all the organizations in my town that help the truly homeless and desperate, and connecting these people with them, I DO NOT plan on just giving them money, but food and other supplies, and connecting them with different various social services/agencies and by taking the time to get to know them first, I will soon figure out whether their needs are true and genuine or not... I plan on asking them questions (in time) about income, jobs, homes/relatives, friends and family, whether they are disabled (physically or mentally) or not, and maybe need help with paperwork to apply for services, whether or not they have ID, a message phone or phone number or not, why don't they or why can't they stay at the local mission or not...

In short, I wan't to get to know them as a person, and then in time I will extend my hand to help, if they are genuine and not "choosing" a life on the streets, so I came up with this biking thing and homeless kits and this getting to know them first, and then, in time, finding out their real true needs, I plan on asking them questions like "How did you get into this predicament/situation?", and "what do you need to get out of it? (get back on their feet again)? And then, like I said knowing the places and services in my area that can help, and help them get connected with them...

I'm still working on it, and my bicycle is now in the shop, so I am gathering info right now, and formulating a plan, and plan to start implementing this plan in about two weeks time (when my bike will be fixed and outfitted with baskets front and back for to pack stuff/supplies/goods in)

But, if I run across fraudulent people, can they be turned in legally?, should I turn them in? It does seem very wrong to me, and they are taking away from people who are truly in need, and that really "grabs my goat", so to speak...

God Bless!
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May 24, 2014
Washington State
Marital Status
I'm curious, Did you read or look other thread/post (this same post) that I gave the link to in the Christian Apollogetics forum, I know there are a few schemer's out there, but this is why I plan on bike riding around town (which plan I explained in a discussion in the other thread, on the other forum) Anyways, I plan on bike riding around town, take a couple homelessness preparedness kits with me and actually spending some quality time getting to know the people, determining there needs and trying to help them in any way I can...

I plan on finding out about all the organizations in my town that help the truly homeless and desperate, and connecting these people with them, I DO NOT plan on just giving them money, but food and other supplies, and connecting them with different various social services/agencies and by taking the time to get to know them first, I will soon figure out whether their needs are true and genuine or not... I plan on asking them questions (in time) about income, jobs, homes/relatives, friends and family, whether they are disabled (physically or mentally) or not, and maybe need help with paperwork to apply for services, whether or not they have ID, a message phone or phone number or not, why don't they or why can't they stay at the local mission or not...

In short, I wan't to get to know them as a person, and then in time I will extend my hand to help, if they are genuine and not "choosing" a life on the streets, so I came up with this biking thing and homeless kits and this getting to know them first, and then, in time, finding out their real true needs, I plan on asking them questions like "How did you get into this predicament/situation?", and "what do you need to get out of it? (get back on their feet again)? And then, like I said knowing the places and services in my area that can help, and help them get connected with them...

I'm still working on it, and my bicycle is now in the shop, so I am gathering info right now, and formulating a plan, and plan to start implementing this plan in about two weeks time (when my bike will be fixed and outfitted with baskets front and back for to pack stuff/supplies/goods in)

But, if I run across fraudulent people, can they be turned in legally?, should I turn them in? It does seem very wrong to me, and they are taking away from people who are truly in need, and that really "grabs my goat", so to speak...

God Bless!

I think you are in for quite an education. Perhaps a fresh look is what the country needs. Have any gifts as a writer? Maybe there's a book in it for you. Just be careful. I don't now how old you are, but not all homeless men are honorable.

No, I did not read the other posting.

What you are doing is a marvelous idea. Perhaps on one such jaunt, a journalist could accompany you. Seems to me that this might end up in news worth reporting.

Still, at the end of all our endeavors, this one truth remains:

"Seek first the Kingdom of God and it's righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Of course, the flip side is that if you resist seeking the Kingdom of God and it's righteousness, then NONE of these things will be added to you, and what can be said about those who enable by providing where God has withheld?:amen:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2014
Marital Status
I want to start going out and ministering hope to the homeless and the hopeless, but do not know where to begin... I want to know if any of you can provide me with some good scriptures, or just good words of hope, to minister to homeless and/or dying persons?

Any Ideas?

God Bless!

I'm sure the enthusiasm would not arise with the rich. End poverty.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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I think you are in for quite an education. Perhaps a fresh look is what the country needs. Have any gifts as a writer? Maybe there's a book in it for you. Just be careful. I don't now how old you are, but not all homeless men are honorable.

No, I did not read the other posting.

What you are doing is a marvelous idea. Perhaps on one such jaunt, a journalist could accompany you. Seems to me that this might end up in news worth reporting.

Still, at the end of all our endeavors, this one truth remains:

"Seek first the Kingdom of God and it's righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Of course, the flip side is that if you resist seeking the Kingdom of God and it's righteousness, then NONE of these things will be added to you, and what can be said about those who enable by providing where God has withheld?:amen:

There's only one problem... (and will go ahead and disclose it here)...? I am technically "mentally disabled", I will not go into the details here about my disorder, but needless to say, I don't like the limelight, I want my efforts to be done in secret, so...

But I could write about it, for future use (maybe), thanks for the ideas,

God Bless!
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May 24, 2014
Washington State
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There's only one problem... (and will go ahead and disclose it here)...? I am technically "mentally disabled", I will not go into the details here about my disorder, but needless to say, I don't like the limelight, I want my efforts to be done in secret, so...

But I could write about it, for future use (maybe), thanks for the ideas,

God Bless!

Often, when people do not have the confidence or skills to be a writer, someone else comes alongside them and helps them tell their stories. You don't have to be an expert in anything, and not even really good at it. You have what it takes. Make notes. Pray.

Have you ever heard of Temple Grandin? You can read about her at

http: // Temple_Grandin

I'm not allowed to post links yet, so I put spaces in the link so it will stay here in the note. She had severe autism, and accomplished much. It appears to me, knowing her story, that the overriding character trait she had that helped her succeed was her passion for the subject.

I think you have that passion.

One thing you could tell these homeless: God knows where they are. They cannot hide from Him, and He is always reaching out to them, and watching over them.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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Often, when people do not have the confidence or skills to be a writer, someone else comes alongside them and helps them tell their stories. You don't have to be an expert in anything, and not even really good at it. You have what it takes. Make notes. Pray.

Have you ever heard of Temple Grandin? You can read about her at

http: // Temple_Grandin

I'm not allowed to post links yet, so I put spaces in the link so it will stay here in the note. She had severe autism, and accomplished much. It appears to me, knowing her story, that the overriding character trait she had that helped her succeed was her passion for the subject.

I think you have that passion.

One thing you could tell these homeless: God knows where they are. They cannot hide from Him, and He is always reaching out to them, and watching over them.

Thank you very, very much, your kind words have moved me, thank you...

I will check out her story, thanks again...

God Bless!
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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There's only one problem... (and will go ahead and disclose it here)...? I am technically "mentally disabled", I will not go into the details here about my disorder, but needless to say, I don't like the limelight, I want my efforts to be done in secret, so...

But I could write about it, for future use (maybe), thanks for the ideas,

God Bless!

I don't want recognition or glory from men... I hate fame, I get stage-fright, and I want to run, I don't like being the center of attention, Some might say "Stand and be recognized" and I say, "No way, not me" and I have a tendency to freak out, whenever I think all eyes are on me...

I've (part of my disorder) is that I believe I've been "put on stage" spiritually speaking, before, and the "crowd"... well, to keep things short, let's just say that the crowd wasn't very nice...

In short, the spiritual crowd scared the sh*t out of me, and used me as a public specticle, put on display, for their amusement, I guess... Felt like being put on trial, like a Spanish inquisition though, needless to say, the experience scarred me for life, and made me forever afraid of being the center of attention, or standing up and being recognized, I wish to never, ever be put on stage again... I'm sorry, but I just can't "deal"... Deal with the critics and the haters, and the accusers and all their negativity, I greatly fear this... I don't want to be popular, I hate it...

Well, just thought I'd elaborate a little bit, to give you a better understanding of me, thanks for/if your listening... If you are listening, I know I have to overcome this fear someday, but everyday is new and uncertain to me, and I never know how it's going to go, I never know whether I'm going to have a good, or an off day...

God Bless!:amen:
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May 24, 2014
Washington State
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Hello Neogaia777 :)

I was given the gift of writing music, playing guitar and singing, so I didn't get to opt out of being up front, unless I wanted to be the wicked servant who hid his Master's money in the ground.

HOWEVER, early on I had TERRIBLE stage fright. It was confirmed when my mother played back the video she shot of me singing to my wife when we got married. Nasally, halting, short of breath....I was so embarrassed. Then I heard the Lord tell me, "If you're going to sing, sing. If not, shut up and sit down." I changed that day.

Now, haven't you seen the movie "The Pelican Brief"? She wrote a thesis and didn't let people know who she was. There are ways to write and produce without ever getting in front of people. There used to be a song called "Evangelical Veil Productions" by a group called Isaac Air Freight.

"Evangelical veil productions, pick 'em up now at quite a reduction, got all colors shape and sizes; introductory bonus prizes!!

Got a one way mirror that you can see through; you can see them but they can't see you. Never need to show yourself again!"

And that's all I remember.

People can be cruel, and our part is to be forgiving. You have a voice Neogaia777. God gave it to you. You are okay, and a work in progress at the same time. I know that God takes our little and makes much of it. I wrote a letter of instructions to people who signed up to help provide for a home that takes in girls rescued from nightmares unimaginable in a third world country. Some of the people wanted to write letters to the girls. So I wrote some instructions and counsel.

In that letter I included a portion on Reactive Attachment Disorder, and gave a website. When I shared that letter with the Missionary in charge of the home, he went to the website and found a book advertised on it. Reactive Attachment Disorder, or RAD, happens when a child undergoes deprivation and/or abuse, usually between the ages of birth and 3 years. The way they act out is terrible. Stealing, hiding, running away, being violent, sexually aggressive, crazy lying, and so on. My friend contacted the author of the book and received a copy of it in PDF format. He read the book and said, "THAT'S IT!!" It explained why the girls in the home acted the way they did.

Then my friend forwarded the .pdf book file to a friend named Bill, of his who does legal work for Lightshine Ministries, a non-profit that does legal work in third world countries. He likewise found the book intriguing. A few months later, Bill went to Norway on vacation, and decided to go see this Dr. Nils Rygaard, who wrote the book. They became good friends almost right away. One of Bill's friends was Mrs. Alan Garcia, the wife of the current President of the country of Peru. Wheels started turning, and at the invitation of the Peruvian government, Dr. Rygaard, the internationally recognized expert in RAD, travelled to Peru and conducted a two day conference on RAD for Medical professionals. Over 300 doctors attended.

You see, the common practice is to medicate children who act out. Peru has government homes of zombie children, drugged so they won't act out.

So the first ever conference for Medical professionals on Reactive Attachment Disorder...the first time these doctors had ever heard of RAD...was caused by the letter I wrote. ;)

So you see, dear Neogaia777. God can take your little and make it HUGE, and you can remain nameless and unsung in this world. Besides, it's way more fun playing with the children and seeing the joy on their faces than it is doing meetings, and appearances and all that!:p;)
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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The Bible seems to give dual advice on this issue, some parts say "who really is the discreet slave" and "let your works be in secret, then your Father, who is looking on in secret will repay you" But then there are other parts like "let your light shine before men", and "he who does not love the light, hates the light, in order that his wickedness might not be exposed" So I am very on the fence, and of two opinions about this issue...


LOL, God Bless!
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May 24, 2014
Washington State
Marital Status
The Bible seems to give dual advice on this issue, some parts say "who really is the discreet slave" and "let your works be in secret, then your Father, who is looking on in secret will repay you" But then there are other parts like "let your light shine before men", and "he who does not love the light, hates the light, in order that his wickedness might not be exposed" So I am very on the fence, and of two opinions about this issue...


LOL, God Bless!

There's also Galatians 5:16; "Walk by the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh."

And also John 3:8;

"The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound of it, yet you do not know from where it comes nor where it goes; such are those born of the Spirit."

Let Jesus be Lord of all we do. One time our service should be hidden. Another, our service should speak to the world that God is merciful and loving, indeed all powerful.

Further, in Acts 1:1, Luke greets Theophilus, and explains his first book, the Gospel of Luke with his phrase: "All that Jesus began to DO and TEACH".

Jesus did the works FIRST, then when people asked what He was doing, He explained. This was His pattern; His works were first. This world does not do this, and gives the microphone to many for varying agendas, without the works being evident, or shoddy at best.

You do what God has put in your heart, and do it with all your best ability as for Him. And be willing to let Him show you off, or at least show off the work. Let Jesus be Lord of this, or don't do it at all.

God bless you!
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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There's also Galatians 5:16; "Walk by the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh."

And also John 3:8;

"The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound of it, yet you do not know from where it comes nor where it goes; such are those born of the Spirit."

Let Jesus be Lord of all we do. One time our service should be hidden. Another, our service should speak to the world that God is merciful and loving, indeed all powerful.

Further, in Acts 1:1, Luke greets Theophilus, and explains his first book, the Gospel of Luke with his phrase: "All that Jesus began to DO and TEACH".

Jesus did the works FIRST, then when people asked what He was doing, He explained. This was His pattern; His works were first. This world does not do this, and gives the microphone to many for varying agendas, without the works being evident, or shoddy at best.

You do what God has put in your heart, and do it with all your best ability as for Him. And be willing to let Him show you off, or at least show off the work. Let Jesus be Lord of this, or don't do it at all.

God bless you!

Thank you again, your words are very helpful, I will take them to heart, thanks again for time, energy and effort in responding to me, in Jesus name,

God Bless!
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