Houston-area school board votes to remove 13 chapters from state-approved science textbooks, citing controversial topics


Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
Pacific Northwest
United States
Marital Status
In Relationship
I have been talking at length with this CF member about this already.

You can teach science and evidence without injecting your political activism.

Except, and this is key here, the teaching of the science and the presentation of the evidence is being portrayed as political activism. Because there are those whose opposition to the science and the evidence is part of their political leanings.

You seem to be okay with injecting political activism if it means NOT teaching science and evidence.

Human caused climate change is real. That's not political, that's just objective reality.

Human caused climate change not only will have deleterious effects on the world, it already does. We are already experiencing the effects of climate change, and it will only get worse. That's not political, that's just objective reality.

This is not political activism, this is science.

What is political activism is banning science classes from teaching science because it offends the delicate sensibilities of politicians who depend on a scientifically illiterate and ill-informed voting base, because they are getting kickbacks from billion dollar corporations which are governed entirely by short term profit motive and which have a fiduciary duty to keep their investors and stockholders pockets full, even if it means longterm harm to the planet and human civilization on the whole.

So, to be perfectly honest, when you say "you can teach science and evidence without injecting your political activism" I am highly skeptical of your sincerity.

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