God's many plans for the Gay community???????

Do you agree that God has plans for the Gay community?

  • Yes, God owns this studio, we are the actors playing out our role!

  • No, God would never compromise one millionth of an inch with sin!!!!

  • Yes, deep down we all love God and He has good planned for all of us.

  • I have really never considered this idea before???

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A revival? What exactly are you trying to revive? I am sure that the same claims were made back when women wanted equality, non caucasian races wanted equality, interracial unions wanted equality etc. All of this will seem ridiculous in years to come.

I just read a statement from a near death experience that at this time as few as 2.5 percent of people are able to go directly into heaven at the moment of their deaths.

One aspect of full fledged revival would be that this percentage dramatically increases. The time is coming when everybody will know the Creator from the least to the greatest.

Rev. Howard Pittman

As the saints were being admitted, I was wondering why I was not being allowed to do what I came to do. I was so impatient to get my request before God that I missed the whole point of what I saw. This point was so important that the Holy Spirit told me Himself. I watched the fifty saints enter Heaven but the point I missed was the time frame involved. It was explained to me that at the same time those fifty saints died on Earth, 1,950 other humans also died; or only 50 out of 2000 made it into Heaven. That other 1,950 were not there. Where were they? That was only 2 percent going to Heaven! Ninety seven point five percent did not make it! Is that representative of the entire would today? If so, 97 and percent of the population of this world today is not ready to meet God. The sad part, my friend, is that is exactly representative of this Laodicean Church Age in which we live today. We are now in the time when the great majority of church goers are only mouth professors and not heart possessors.
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I have several discussions going that you may feel right at home in BaconWizard.


Theistic Evolutionary Theory, could our Creator have evolved/learned?

....The writings of Dr. Chaim Henry Tejman could lay a foundation for a variation on Intelligent Design Theory that actually could be in our schools sooner than we might tend to imagine!

Wave Theory and Gender: Why Sex

Grand Unified Theory: Wave Theory and Life

Just letting you know that I checked out the forum but having asked, it would seem atheists are not welcome on that particular one.

I see a huge amount wrong in the quotes here, unless they are simply out of context, but I am not going to expand upon that view because it derails the thread. Some other time perhaps.
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Previously known as dgirl1986
Nov 28, 2007
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I just read a statement from a near death experience that at this time as few as 2.5 percent of people are able to go directly into heaven at the moment of their deaths.

One aspect of full fledged revival would be that this percentage dramatically increases. The time is coming when everybody will know the Creator from the least to the greatest.

Rev. Howard Pittman

Why is it that when christians have near death experiences they see god/heaven...when muslims do they see allah or their prophet etc.

Near death experiences are not reliable. They are images conjured up by the brain.

If there is a creator and he made himself or herself known to me, I would have a looooot of questions I would like answered...
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Why is it that when christians have near death experiences they see god/heaven...when muslims do they see allah or their prophet etc.

Near death experiences are not reliable. They are images conjured up by the brain.

If there is a creator and he made himself or herself known to me, I would have a looooot of questions I would like answered...

Actually….. if you study NDE accounts you will be amazed how rough the NDE of Christians often is and how positive the NDE of an atheist often is?????!

I read about the NDE of Pastor Kenneth Hagin when he was fifteen and I have been struggling for 10 years or so to figure out why the Word/ Logos allowed Kenneth to see hell so often during his brushes with death????!

He was only fifteen at the time… he had already accepted Christ as his saviour…… he had already been baptized….. why didn't he immediately get taken into the beautiful garden that so many see????

Rev. Kenneth Hagin

My heart stopped beating. This numbness spread to my feet, my ankles, my knees, my hips, my stomach, my heart and I leaped out of my body.

I did not lose consciousness; I leaped out of my body like a diver would leap off a diving board into a swimming pool. I knew I was outside my body. I could see my family in the room, but I couldn't contact them.

I began to descend down, down, into a pit, like you'd go down into a well, cavern or cave. And I continued to descend. I went down feet first. I could look up and see the lights of the Earth. They finally faded away. Darkness encompassed me round about -- darkness that is blacker than any night man has ever seen.

The farther down I went, the darker it became -- and the hotter it became -- until finally, way down beneath me, I could see fingers of light playing on the wall of darkness. And I came to the bottom of the pit.

This happened to me more than 60 years ago, yet it's just as real to me as if it had happened the week before last.

When I came to the bottom of the pit, I saw what caused the fingers of light to play on the wall of darkness. Out in front of me, beyond the gates or the entrance into hell, I saw giant, great orange flames with a white crest.

I was pulled toward hell just like a magnet pulls metal unto itself. I knew that once I entered through those gates, I could not come back.

I was conscious of the fact that some kind of creature met me at the bottom of that pit. I didn't look at it. My gaze was riveted on the gates, yet I knew that a creature was there by my right side.

That creature, when I endeavored to slow down my descent, took me by the arm to escort me in. When he did, away above the blackness and the darkness a voice spoke. It sounded like a male voice, but I don't know what he said. I don't know whether it was God, Jesus, an angel or who. He did not speak in the English language: it was a foreign language.

That place just shook at the few words he spoke! And the creature took his hand off my arm. There was a power like a suction to my back parts that pulled me back. I floated away from the entrance to hell until I stood in the shadows. Then, like a suction from above, I floated up, head first, through the darkness.

Before I got to the top, I could see the light. I've been down in a well: it was like you were way down in a well and could see the light up above.

I came up on the porch of my grandpa's house. Then I went through the wall -- not through the door, and not through the window -- through the wall, and seemed to leap inside my body like a man would slip his foot inside his boot in the morning time.
My conclusion after thinking about this and praying about this question for about a decade is that we Christians must be careful to not become proud or think that we have earned salvation by stating a particular sentence…….. or by being baptized……… and we really must be careful to not consider our group to be the best of all groups and use our place to look down on others who have not been led to a similar place yet???????!

Isaiah 57:15
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

Since God only dwells with the humble……… then it is obvious that God will NOT dwell with the proud!!!
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^ I wouldn't waste my time.

God's plan...yeah right. Time to stop believing.

What do you think of NDE accounts r21c?

That being of light who meets people and reviews their lives with them….. is that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus in his glorified form judging us?


Kelly Positivity Princess:
Hi everyone, lovely to connect and share my near death experience which took place in October 2009 and has impacted my life in the most profound way.

Like a lot of children I was bullied for being overweight. This resulted in me feeling different and at times feeling like a misfit. Outwardly I appeared happy with a big smile on my face but inwardly I lacked self love and suffered with self esteem issues. At the age of 16 my low self esteem resulted in me having an eating disorder. At the age of 19 I met my ex husband who was extremely good looking and I could not believe he could find me attractive. I fell in love and life started to get better however I still had issues that I needed to work from. We eventually got engaged and then married. My ex husband was a good man but we did have differing views on the world and spiritually were not aligned. I think looking back I felt trapped and in my twenties I started to suffer with periods of deep depression.

At the age of 33 I decided I could no longer stay in our marriage and left my husband. As it happens he had already met someone special so it was for the best. Leaving my husband started a sequence of events and over a period of 6 months I became single, lost my home, lost my job, my granddad died and I was in a mess financially and could not pay my bills. I had to move back to my parents. I felt so low, was in such a mess and didn't know how to cope ....I had lost HOPE. A person’s words were the last straw and I decided to end my life. I grabbed all the tablets in the medical cupboard and swallowed them. I then wrote a note and put that and the empty packets under my pillow so they would not be found until I was hopefully dead. I got a friend to pick me up and asked her to drop me off with another friend and called my mum that night and said I was staying at my friends for a couple of days. She had no reason to suspect otherwise. I could not believe it when next day I awoke and will still alive so I got my friend to buy me a packet of tablets and again swallowed the lot. 3 days later I was still alive and couldn't believe it but my skin was starting to scratch and I was coughing up bile. That night nearly 72 hours after taking the first lot of tablets I spoke to my mum and something clicked. I told my friend what I had done and she rushed me to the hospital. Blood tests were taken and when the doctor came back in you could see the look of horror on his face. My liver enzymes were at 10, 000 when they should be at 40 and I had in access of 20, 000 milligrams of paracetamol in my body. They could not pump my stomach as it was too many days since I had taken the tablets and my organs were starting to shut down. I was taken into an observation ward and was put on a drip. I remember feeling fearful that I was going to burn in hell for committing the cardinal sin .There was a Gideon bible on the side of my bed and started to read it at what seemed like 100 miles per hour. Next morning a beautiful nurse with white blonde hair touched my arm and the only words she spoke were when you get out of here read the book conversations with God and then she vanished. I have since been told that book by Neale Donald Walsch comes into your life when it supposed to. I truly believe she was an angel. At this stage I was still fearful and I sent for the onsite minister to pray over me and I was given a wooden cross. The following night I had what I can only describe as an NDE. It was night time and I was holding onto my wooden cross and I was pumping with sweat. I felt like there were spiritual beings around me with their fingers over the mouth as if to say keep quiet. I felt as if I was travelling on a journey through bumps /dimensions in the universe. As I travelled my whole life flashed before me and I could feel the emotions associated with my life experience, love, anger, guilt, happiness etc. It wasn't in any particular order, all sort of jumbled up. I did not find this a pleasant experience and I it actual felt like a battle to survive. In total I travelled through 7 dimensions and once I had gone through the 7th bump I felt a wave if relief come over me. A feeling of I have made it and I felt totally at peace, full of love & joy. It was the most incredible feeling and I could have stayed in that moment forever. All of a sudden there was a conversation with me. I cannot tell you who spoke to me as I have no recollection. Infact it could just o9f been a voice in this void of peace, love & joy. The voice told me I was told I was strong which seemed ironic considering what I had just done. I was told I had a work to carry out on earth and was shown that as humans we have the capacity to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually through LOVE. It was demonstrated to me that we are all one, all connected. The voice told me I could be and do anything I wanted.....the following morning what seemed like an eternity as i had no comprehension of time I came around from this experience with my arms crossed over my chest and opened my arms in slow motion like a rebirth. This makes me giggle to this day but I could not understand why I was in a hospital bed when I had all this power and could be do anything I wanted and I tried to escape the ward naked. The following night I got a sensing/vision of changing the world by collaborating with others. The following week I walked out of hospital with a clean bill of health which is a miracle in itself. Obviously emotionally I was not healed but slowly but surely I started to rebuild my life. I only spoke to a few close family members about my experience and if I being honest put it to the back of my mind. 6 months later I met my soul mate and day by day my life started to unfold and yet I always felt a void and wasn't sure of my purpose. A few years later I went on a personal development training course and we got chatting about how much negativity there is in the world and the impact that will have on our precious children if things don't change. In that spilt second my near death experience came flooding back to me and in there and then I decided that I needed to do develop a project that is centred on self love, love for others and unity between creeds, cultures, genders , sexulaitry.etc and to demonstrate to children and the wider world that we are all one all connected.

Interestingly after leaving the course I connected with an old friend who is a born again Christian and he linked me to a lady called Gwen who he felt I could collaborate with. She had recently become a Christian and she invited me to church. I went along on the Sunday morning and was warmly welcomed. I was asked if I believed in God and I replied yes but I don’t agree with some of the teachings that are being projected e.g. Gay people will go to hell. God is a fearful God etc. I went into the service and at the end I felt like a thunderbolt had hit me. At this time I wasn’t fully healed emotionally and still had a lot of questions and for a period of 3 months I got around this Pentecostal organisation. I attended some prayer sessions and ending up speaking in tongues. Everyone was shocked as I was so new to the church. To be honest I have no idea what was being said as it sounded like Arabic. Around this time I was due to attend a course to learn the healing technique EFT. I told the people at church and they put the fear of God into me and told me to stay away as it was the work of the devil. Can you believe in the 20th century this sort of clap trap is being preached?

Three months later I walked away from the church and got back on my spiritual journey. On reflection I believe that experience happened for a reason and it was to demonstrate the archaic views that are still being delivered through many religious organisations. What I saw and heard in the church was the direct opposite of what I experienced during my NDE. God is a forgiving God, a loving God, a compassionate kind God and your colour, creed, gender, sexuality, religious beliefs is irrelevant. We are here to learn ! simples! And we are here to LOVE!!

The profits from the project will be used to fund the love care share foundation that will provide food, shelter, water, education etc to those living in poverty around the world. The positivity power movement is launching in 2015 and it will be wonderful to have you all as part of this community
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Now look over what was said and the way the poll is constructed and realize you said the opposite of what you meant due to knee jerk.

Perhaps this is an emotionally driven issue for you?
Hey.... I just thought of a way where leaders of the LGBT community could cooperate with some Christian groups........ and organize film production companies and cooperatives that work together to rescue 937 refugees from either Jordan or Turkey.......... mostly Christians who are in grave danger.... but also honestly attempt to find ten percent LGBT people because they are in every bit as much danger as Christians and they are roughly ten percent of the population..... so if 94 of the refugees were LGBT then that would be fair. (On the other hand in an emergency situation it is hard to be perfect so 70 - 110 would be reasonably fair as well........ because LGBT community members living in Islamic nations....... tend to stay in the closet because coming out....... can result in death)!


Let's take 937 refugees from Jordan and Turkey to Canada….
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I find it sad to see so many people trying to justify the rightness of their sin.
Isaiah 5: 20
True...… but it is interesting that what the near death experiencer quoted in the opening post seems to fit well with a statement made by Messiah Yeshua - Jesus.

What about sexually diverse people?

If this world was to ever find out just a small amount of what sexually diverse (gay) people are here to do on this planet, there would never be one single wisecrack or hurtful remark made ever again. Instead there would be great respect! People who speak disrespectful things about people of this orientation ... enact judgment, and do so from a place of unenlightenment, insecurity, ego and socially induced prejudice. Some may use mistranslated scriptures taught to them, not by the Holy Spirit ... but by fear-filled human beings. Many will choose to sustain a Divinely unsupported satanic hate-based rage against these children of God, rather than using Love to bring understanding and healing between both peoples. Christ said, THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT IS THAT WE ARE TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER! When people sling condemnation, judgment and bitterness at others, they are not practicing the great commandment. They are allowing their Souls to fall into darkness.

Mat 5:22
"But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."
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I would assume that God's plan would be the same for all sinners... for us all to repent of our sins and accept Christ as our Savior. I don't recall Christ instructing anyone to make flags representing their sin and march in parades and try to encourage everyone to accept that their sin should be accepted as good.
True........ and now that it looks like the G. O. P. may be led into a majority position again this whole topic becomes more important!

Yes...... the LGBT community has gone too far in attempting to clone the rest of us in their own image........ but.... we Christians have also been too proud.......... too critical.......... too much criticism of others and not enough genuine love for others......... and Messiah Yeshua - Jesus may well be using the LGBT community to sharpen the Bride - the Church!
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Sep 29, 2010
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Yes...... the LGBT community has gone too far in attempting to clone the rest of us in their own image........

It's Easter so you are resurrecting this thread?

I'm not sure what you mean by the LGBT community attempting to clone the rest of us in their own image. They are certainly not trying to make the rest of us gay. How could they since they believe that sexual orientation is biologically determined?
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Sep 29, 2010
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I thought these threads were done for....

Oh, well. As long as we are on this subject I found this awesome Youtube video this morning. It seems that this homophobic preacher went to the university campus but he got out sung by another group of evangelicals who actually had good news to share:

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Oh, well. As long as we are on this subject I found this awesome Youtube video this morning. It seems that this homophobic preacher went to the university campus but he got out sung by another group of evangelicals who actually had good news to share:

That is encouraging!

The Bride of Messiah is waking up!
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Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm praying they acknowledge they are sinners like every other person on the planet (including obviously us) and turn to Jesus for salvation.
But there is the crux of the matter-they don't feel that they are doing anything wrong.
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But there is the crux of the matter-they don't feel that they are doing anything wrong.
Perhaps..... if we Christians were more aware and honest about our spiritual pride and tendency to be like modern Pharisees.......... we would be better able to assist in deliverance from specks.......in the eyes of others.
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Perhaps..... if we Christians were more aware and honest about our spiritual pride and tendency to be like modern Pharisees.......... we would be better able to assist in deliverance from specks.......in the eyes of others.

The scripture of a straw in the eye applies to those who flagrantly violate God's laws and then proceed to find fault with others. It doesn't apply to Christians who live a Christian life and point out sinful behavior.

There is a certain very serious responsibility involved as described in the OT:

Ezekiel 3:18

When I say to a wicked person, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

Ezekiel 33:6
But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone's life, that person's life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.'

And as described in the NT

Galatians 6:1
Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.

2 Thessalonians 3:15
Yet do not regard them as an enemy, but warn them as you would a fellow believer.

That responsibility to provide counsel and to warn still applies despite the fact that we are all sinners.
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Better stop while you are ahead before they get to Exodus 22:18. :p

Yes...... the Jewish and Christian scriptures can be understood in a way that produces a version of "Christianity" that can look a lot like militant Islam.

Without the Holy Spirit to guide us............... we understand scriptures...... in a way that benefit us and our group in very selfish ways.
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The scripture of a straw in the eye applies to those who flagrantly violate God's laws and then proceed to find fault with others. It doesn't apply to Christians who live a Christian life and point out sinful behavior.

There is a certain very serious responsibility involved as described in the OT:

And as described in the NT

That responsibility to provide counsel and to warn still applies despite the fact that we are all sinners.
If..... Christians who point out sinful behavior...... become filled with pride........... and come to hate "sinners"..... and look down on them..... then this scripture does apply to us Christians!
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That's at odds with all of the Christians who tell me hell is a real, physical place of eternal torture. But not having any perceivable interaction with your god, I don't believe, and follow some other gods and therefore, I tend to think I am already separated...and doing just fine.

I do believe in god, just not yours. You can read more about Pascal's Wager here.
What about the being of light of near death experience fame?

Do you think that that being is pretty cool?

That being seems to have a Cyrus type of attitude......(Cyrus gave freedom or religion to all 127 provinces of the ancient Medo-Persian Empire)........... so if my theory is correct..... that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus is...... the Cyrus mentality Being of Light of NDE fame........ then?????????


The being of light of NDE fame, G-d or Satan?
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*le sigh*

I usually get heavy involved in these types of discussions trying to educate people, but I don't see the point anymore. If people want to be anti homo they will find a reason to be.

What I don't understand is their obsessive need to talk about us homos and their outrageously incorrect understands all over forums (not just this one) repeatedly.

Why don't they talk about murder or one of the often broken ten commandments or something. Seriously.

Ok rant over lol

You might want to take a look at the most recent post.........#199..... and not give up quite yet!
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