God Never Sleeps

The Story Teller

The Story Teller
Jun 27, 2003
New Jersey
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God Never Sleeps
True Story
By The Story Teller

I pray that this story helps others understand how much God Loves them.

Back in the late 80s’, because of medical problems, I was prescribed a medication, Valium, that has a side effect of depression. It was being use to keep me calm until something could be figured out to help me. After months and months of headaches and X-rays, Cat-Scans and MRIs’ they found an Aneurism in my brain. I went form one major hospital to another speaking with the heads of the surgery departments finding out what they could do for me. Options ranged form cutting my head open to doing nothing and living another 2 to 3 years.

The stress along with the medication was taking its toll on me. Valium was relatively new and I was on the highest dose, three times a day. At the time they didn’t know of any side effects. I was still working and things started changing. I started thinking one of my partners was out to get me. I complained to my wife, who didn’t see what I was seeing. I felt that my partner was trying to discredit me at every turn. It was like, no matter what I said I was wrong, I was in a nightmare. I had even come up with plan to kill my partner.

One night we were the only ones there. I made sure he came into work before me so that his car was in front of me. I was going to wait for him to get ready to leave and go out before him and wait in my car. When he went around to the back to put his stuff in the back I was going to crush him between the two cars.

He never came out to his car that night. I waited for over an hour before going back into the shop. He had got out the front and caught a bus home. I didn’t know that earlier that day he tried to go somewhere and when he tried to start his car it wouldn’t start. He had already planned on taking the bus that night and working on his car the next day.

I never told my wife about my plan, then. But many years later did.

One night as I was complaining about the business and this one partner my wife said she agreed with him. I had already figured the world was out to get me and now my wife. I stopped talking and waited for bedtime.

Now you have to know my wife. Once she’s ready to go to sleep I can count to ten and she’s out. A bomb could go off and she’d never wake-up.

I waited until around 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning and got up and dressed. I closed the door to our bedroom and headed for the front door. I had planed on taking care of the problem..ME. I was going to get into my car and drive into an overpass as fast as I could, thus illuminating the problem. I figured that everyone would be better off without me around. And in doing what I wanted to do, not hurting anyone else.

As I turned the deadbolt to the front door the bedroom door opened. My wife stepped out and asked what I was doing. I told her I had a lot of work to do and was going in early. She looked at me and asked me to come back in and talk. She knew that what I said wasn’t true. She took my hand and pulled me back into the house. After her talking for a while I told her what my real plans were. She took me to a hospital and I stayed there for almost a month. I had, had a Major Break-Down along with Major Depression. The doctors said this had been cause by the medication I was taking.

6 years later I look back on this and see Gods’ hand. God has plans for me and still does. I’m not HIS finished product. HE didn’t want me to hurt anyone, hence the car problems. HE didn’t want me to hurt myself, hence my wife waking-up. God never walks away from us, we walk away from HIM. HE waits for our return and cries when we don’t. With our limited minds and sight when we think God isn’t there, HE is. HE is so big that we can’t see HIM. Our little minds couldn’t and if we did we’d probably die from freight. I like to think it of this way.. Think of yourself standing front of the Empire State building. Only you’re standing with your nose against the bricks. You can’t see the whole building and even if you looked up you still couldn’t. Even if you walked away from the building you couldn’t see all of it. That’s God, HE’S just to much for us to understand.

I don’t care how big you are or how small. When you’re in the dark, you can’t see. It doesn’t matter what’s there. When the lights are turned out and we’re all alone, who are we? We’re Gods’ children. When we don’t think we belong anywhere, we do. So, smile, Brothers and Sisters our Dad is watching and looking out for us, even when we don’t think so.

God Loves You
And So Do I,

The Story Teller