God and A Positive Attitude


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2019
United States
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What does God expect from us? We walk the earth, but do we all know? Does anyone say that nations that work to attack other nations without cause is what God expects of us? Does anyone say that God and his Commandments, Laws, Statutes and Ordinances are to be ignored? Does anyone say that love doesn’t matter, doesn’t count, doesn’t amount to much, and interferes with their pursuits? Does anyone say that vanity is all that matters, even though the Lord through the aged Solomon in Ecclesiastes says that pursuits in the name of vanity is a striving after the wind?

What does God want? His priority is the heavens and the earth that He created. His priority is the life that has been created on earth. His priority is that these things stand until He takes them away. Only God can take them away, since it’s a sin for man to destroy what God has created and has allowed to flourish for man’s benefit.

He expects man to live for 1,000 generations. If we consider that a generation is roughly 20 years, then we’re talking about man living for around 20,000 years from the time He gave the Law to Moses. And how does he expect man to live for 20,000 years? Glad you asked...

He expects us to love Him with all our heart, soul and mind. He expects us to love each other to the extent we love ourselves. These are expressed in Matthew 22: 37-40. And He truly expects us to love ourselves, as He created us to perform the Works He expects us to perform. These things cannot be accomplished without a positive attitude. Our thoughts may be filled with the fear of the Lord, but it is our attitude that will enable us to accomplish things that God wants so we need not have a fear of Him.

Ephesians 4:31 says to let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. These do not feed a positive attitude in you. Ephesians 4:29 says to let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Talk that is good for building up is what feeds a positive attitude in others. A tongue that’s on fire with unrighteousness spewing out, staining the whole body as James 3:6 describes, is a tongue of corrupting talk.

A positive attitude is associated with the building up of ourselves and others. When we are built up, we can perform God’s Works to the fullest, that we may last in this world for generations to come. LET the birds fly in clean air. LET the fish swim in clean water. If birds can fly in the air, then the air is healthy to breathe. If fish can swim in the water, then the water is safe for us to drink. And the creatures and vegetation we can consume will not be tainted. LET all life continue as man continues and as God wants. LET us be fruitful and multiply, and live free of ungodly corruption, bitterness, wrath, clamor and slander.