Giza Pyramids and 2017

Giza Pyramids of 2017.
The basic idea is that the pyramid complex is a map of the heavens of a point in time when Christ the King returns with his armies. The pyramids show what is to be at meridian (Al Nitak in Orion), and also the causeways heading east from the pyramids show the importance of the rising sun or other items rising in the east. That the Sphinx also looks to the east is a factor as well. The point though was to see when there was a candidate for an alignment with Mercury, Mars, and Venus of Month 7, Day 5 Sept 20-21 Rosh Codesh, Head of the month on the first silver of the new moon. and the meridian alignment of Orion at dawn...Therefore, at dawn the morning before the Feast of Trumpets 2017, Al Nitak is precisely at meridian…
Let us not forget the all-important Christ angle to see where it might come into significance. At the moment Al Nitak is at meridian, Leo is in the east, but more importantly its star known as Regulus (the King) is precisely at the inclination of the Christ angle. Therefore, the Christ angle not only bisected Bethlehem at Christ’s birth, but it also bisects Regulus at this possible time of his Second Coming. The year 2017 is the first year from present that Yom Teruah/ Rosh Hashana comes immediately after September 20th—the time Al Nitak hits meridian precisely at dawn, and also when Regulus hits the Christ angle…
The ascending and descending passageways of the Great Pyramid share the common Christ angle, but one is actually the prime of the other. Looking at the computer model of the sky when Regulus and Venus are at the Christ angle just prior to dawn, there is again something suspicious. Below the horizon is Jupiter--referred to as the planet of the Messiah by the Jews…At the dawn of Month 7, Day 5, (Yom Teruah) 2017, Jupiter is at the precise Christ angle in the opposite scenario as the day before. Jupiter is below the horizon at 26.3 degrees…
So as there are opposite Christ angles, it would appear that the pyramid is a map of this event. Jupiter is the suffering Messiah at the descending angle, whereas the “morning star” and glorious king are on the ascending angle. Therefore, the Great Pyramid would be a map of this time when Rosh Hashanah coincides with the dawn meridian of Al Nitak and the positioning of Christ’s representative planets at the Christ angle. What are the odds? It would probably be safe to say that this is practically the only time these alignments could occur in our era… (Used by permission of author. I would highly recommend reading the entire chapter, which is available at this link:
As already mentioned these many significant alignments lead him to believe that the First Coming was marked by the celestial alignment of the Great Pyramid, and that the Second Coming will be marked by the celestial alignments on Month 7,Day 5 (Yom Teruah, Day of the Trumpet) in 2017. Is this why the pyramids were built, and have withstood throughout time? Are they a “sign and witness” of the First and Second Coming of the Lord? If they are, then they have profound prophetic significance, especially in light of the Revelation 12 sign of the woman clothed with the sun.

Two opposite angles? Hmm, Perhaps, and I will suggest that this is just one of many images of the Two Witnesses. The Two Witnesses must be in contrast to be witness to each other. I'm not sure how to interpret all of it but I'm always on the lookout for images of Two Witnesses in our time, now. There are more parallel's than I can count or list.
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