fruit and truth devotions plus sermons


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022
Nanjing, China
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22 Now Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel; and how they lay with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

23 And he said unto them, Why do ye such things? for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people.

24 Nay, my sons; for it is no good report that I hear: ye make the Lord's people to transgress.


Eli was the High priest, his sons were priests also, but they where a disgrace to their calling. Not only were they thieves, but they were fornicators.

These women came to worship God, but these two evil men used and abused their power.

The Lord eventually dealt with them and rightly so, but why did it have to come to that?

I have heard it enough times, some Christian is living in sin and I hear this:

You can't judge him/her

You should look at your own life first.

You should show them love

They have been members of the church a long time, we can't drive them away.

Eli knew that what they were doing was sinful, he was the stereotypical bad parent or even pastor, whatever their child or church member do, they tolerate, they don't want to rock the boat, they can't correct their children/church members, that is too harsh by far.

Now I realise that God hardened their hearts, because of their indifference, but Eli was at fault here, he should have dealt firmly, in banning these evil men from the priest's office, the things they were doing, were worthy of severe punishment or even death.

Virtually the same scenario happened in Numbers 25, what happened these two were pierced through by Phinehas. So why didn't this happen with these two evil men?

I hear this all the time, something happens in a church, some Christian is in sexual sin and after multiple rebukes refuses to change his/her behaviour. We need to deal with sin in the house of God, not wait and say, let's wait and pray and let God handle it. He has given us pastors and deacons with authority to deal with this, but how often do they act like Eli and give a slap on the wrist, when they need to deal with the sin like Phinehas did and kill it, that is to disallow fellowship to that person.

Time to clean house Church, judgement begins at the house of God.

God wants a pure church.

God bless you



2 To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours:


What a way to start a letter.

First of all, we are sanctified in Christ Jesus, in the Greek it is used as a noun and means Holy People, we are as Peter says later in his epistle in chapter 2:

9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.

Why are we a holy people, because we are called to be saints, or to be holy. Corinth was one of the worst places to be a Christian, it was full of sin and idols and temples to false Gods and yet here were a people who were holy to the Lord, who were to live lives that were worthy of their high calling.

Look at the phrase Peter uses in the verse above, to proclaim the excellencies of Him, don't you just love that, why have we been saved?

We are a church set apart by God, a chosen people and a royal priesthood, why so that we who are called to be saints can show forth the glorious excellencies of the one who called us.

Let's do that every day and show the world that Jesus lives.. in us

For his glory and honour


God Bless You,



20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.


This is probably the most misused verse in the Bible, when I came to faith back in 1975, this was the verse that I remember from the book Journey into life. But it is not aimed at unbelievers, it comes right at the end off the letters to the seven churches and indeed right at the end of the last one to the Laodicean church, which has some of the strongest rebukes in the Bible.

You remember that Jesus has become so upset with this Church and its compromise that he has threatened to spew them out of his mouth, that means what they are makes him physically sick. This Church was not one thing or the other, they wanted to serve Christ and still wanted to live in the world.

But there is hope, this is one of the greatest invitations in the Bible. Let's look at it for a minute.

It is Jesus who is knocking, Behold I stand, if you go and read in Song of Solomon chapter 5:2, Solomon is seeking for his bride. This is a wonderful picture of what Jesus is doing today, he is earnestly seeking his bride, the Church. He is standing at the door of the Church and knocking to get in. Is he standing at your Church and knocking to get in?

Although these letters were addressed to the Leaders of the seven Churches, this invitation is to everyone in the Church. note the words, if any one hear my voice and open the door. This whole invitation is a personal invite for every Christian as well as for the whole Church. The Lord stands at the door of each believers heart and he is constantly knocking, but the door handle is on the inside, it's up to you Believer’s to open the door.

Well what happens when you open the door, it's the most glorious thing ever, Jesus comes and has intimate communion with us, there are two amazing promises here, one is that Jesus will come in, when you open the door, he will be there. Sometimes you open the door after someone has been knocking and they have disappeared, not Jesus. Secondly, he will have fellowship with us and get this.. us with him. The most intimate thing that we have is a meal and that is why Jesus is knocking, he wants intimate and deep fellowship.

It's time for some Churches to open the door to Jesus, because the door to him, is closed. Are you going to brave enough to open it?

As an individual believer are you going to open the door of your own life to Jesus?

How long are you going to leave him at your door knocking?

It's time to answer the door!!!

God Bless You,




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