
Jan 12, 2019
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How do I get rid of this nagging doubt that I have? I believe in God, read The Bible, listen to worship music, read/watch testimonial videos, pray etc but I still have doubt. It's very frustrating because I know it doesn't belong there. I hear about people having these life changing experiences that changed them. Sometimes when I watch videos of people talking about God I get moved to tears and I try to do little things like uploading Bible verses that I like on my Instagram to do something. Maybe I need to put more effort in because to be honest I don't think I read The Bible etc enough. Could that be the reason? It says in The Bible not to have doubt, well I don't want it. Please can someone advise me?


Bought by His Blood
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Most people struggle with doubt.

My doubt didn't go away until i saw Jesus at work in my heart in accordance to the Word. When i saw Him at work in my heart then doubt and unbelief died in me i haven't struggled with it since.

So yes make it a habit to read God's word and read it as a personal address to you from God. e.g God is talking to you not about somebody else.

Read the Word past your heart! This is very important. We must read the bible past our hearts and note how our heart responds to the message we read.

Jesus uncovered all the goats hiding away in my psyche doing that as well as all me in my sheep. Make love the centre of your worship. Love for God and love for neighbour. The more you love the better you hear God, for God is love.

Remember that when you read the bible. God is love! It is very important that you remember that when the accuser accuses you with your sins. You best be aware that the devil will try everything to stop you from reading God's word.

i used to consult God's word on every major decision. To let God speak and to receive His word in love is what you are after.

Isaiah 55
“Come, all you who are thirsty,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without cost.
Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
and you will delight in the richest of fare.
Give ear and come to me;
listen, that you may live.
I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
my faithful love promised to David.
See, I have made him a witness to the peoples,
a ruler and commander of the peoples.
Surely you will summon nations you know not,
and nations you do not know will come running to you,
because of the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel,
for he has endowed you with splendor.”

Seek the Lord while he may be found;
call on him while he is near.

Let the wicked forsake their ways
and the unrighteous their thoughts.
Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them,
and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands.
Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper,
and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the Lord’s renown,
for an everlasting sign,
that will endure forever.”
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Let Your Light Shine.. Matt 5:16
Jun 21, 2007
In God's Amazing Grace
I used to have doubt some but God got rid of it and it almost cost me my life as I got sick that I couldn't eat much for over 3 weeks and was healed when I used what little faith I had to believe God could heal me in a Church service. Beware if you want to have strong faith you may end up going through very hard times to get it.
So you may want to be glad you have some doubt and not have a hellish time in life right now God is probably keeping you safe from harm and you don't even know it.
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Friedrich Rubinstein

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Many Christians never had those life changing experiences and doubts are commonly seen with those people. I would say being raised by Christian parents is a disadvantage in this regard, because we tried to be "good Christians" all our lives and there is no grave difference between our "old" and "new" life. Not a difference like for people who lived without believing in God for years, whose lives were coined by excess and debauchery and whose lives actually changed dramatically when meeting Jesus.
Not having such an experience in life makes believing a lot harder sometimes.

We cannot force ourselves to belief something specific because our beliefs subconsciously depend on a) our experiences and b) our logical thinking. Because of that I would say looking at other people's beliefs and experiences will not be able to remove your doubts. Only when you experience God for yourself your doubts will vanish (but even the firmest Christians have some doubts from time to time).

Reading the Bible is a great way to get to know God, but what do you expect Him to say to you when you don't talk to Him? In order to have a real, lively relationship it requires both sides to talk to each other. The more you talk to God the more He might have to answer you. Remember that "praying" is not just kneeling in front of your bed with folded hands and closed eyes. You can talk to God anywhere, anytime. It's a useful habit to imagine Jesus being right next to you all day, no matter where. You can address him even when waiting for the bus.
When God starts talking to you there is no space for doubts anymore.

P.S: There is an alternative option to get rid of doubts (which is what I did when I was about 16 years old) but I know that not everyone is able or willing to spend as much time on it as me. And that is the logical thinking. I spent more than 6 years on the questions whether God's existence is plausible and whether Creation is a reasonable explanation for the existence of the world and even went to university to study science.
After I was absolutely certain that no materialistic theory is able to logically explain reality I looked what the Bible says about things like the origin of life, the purpose of our existence, the morality we all have and our destiny.
Now I can firmly say that I don't know a single worldview that is more logical and coherent than the Judeo-Christian worldview.
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Aussie Pete

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How do I get rid of this nagging doubt that I have? I believe in God, read The Bible, listen to worship music, read/watch testimonial videos, pray etc but I still have doubt. It's very frustrating because I know it doesn't belong there. I hear about people having these life changing experiences that changed them. Sometimes when I watch videos of people talking about God I get moved to tears and I try to do little things like uploading Bible verses that I like on my Instagram to do something. Maybe I need to put more effort in because to be honest I don't think I read The Bible etc enough. Could that be the reason? It says in The Bible not to have doubt, well I don't want it. Please can someone advise me?
The Word of God certainly builds faith if it becomes revelation to you. I'd suggest that you ask God for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation.
When you get revelation, you will know. It's a little hard to describe, but you will have a knowing in your heart that what you read is true. For you. The next important step is to ask God to write it on your heart so that it becomes a part of you. Revelation is to the spirit, not the mind. It can evaporate if you do not take it to heart. It is good to write it down, and even to write how you felt when you received the revelation.
The next step is important also. Declare the revelation, out loud, from time to time. If doubt comes in, and likely it will try, attack the doubt with the truth that was revealed to you.
For example, you may receive a knowing that God really does love you. Perhaps you have a poor self image. The doubt sneaks up and says, "How can God love someone like me?" The enemy pretends to be us so he uses the first person. The answer is to declare that God loves me, in spite of all that I am or am not. Back it up with the Bible. In this case, you could quote Romans 5: 7 - 9
"Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him!…"

It may sound like hard work. To a degree, it is. It's much easier to site in front of the TV for hours than spend 10 minutes in prayer. Satan sees to that. If you will be diligent, you will find your life turning around. Be persistent. You did not get where you are overnight. You probably will take a little time to get to where you want to be.
Keep in touch. Let us know how you are going.
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Jan 12, 2019
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I used to have doubt some but God got rid of it and it almost cost me my life as I got sick that I couldn't eat much for over 3 weeks and was healed when I used what little faith I had to believe God could heal me in a Church service. Beware if you want to have strong faith you may end up going through very hard times to get it.
So you may want to be glad you have some doubt and not have a hellish time in life right now God is probably keeping you safe from harm and you don't even know it.
I didn't think of it that way. Thank you.
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Jul 15, 2020
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How do I get rid of this nagging doubt that I have? I believe in God, read The Bible, listen to worship music, read/watch testimonial videos, pray etc but I still have doubt. It's very frustrating because I know it doesn't belong there. I hear about people having these life changing experiences that changed them. Sometimes when I watch videos of people talking about God I get moved to tears and I try to do little things like uploading Bible verses that I like on my Instagram to do something. Maybe I need to put more effort in because to be honest I don't think I read The Bible etc enough. Could that be the reason? It says in The Bible not to have doubt, well I don't want it. Please can someone advise me?

Dear sister,
What is troubling your heart that you doubt ?
Are you concerned that people have life changing experience but you don’t? What makes many have life changing experience with the Lord Jesus Christ? Is it not faith ? Yes, it is faith.

So what is faith ?
This is what we all have heard:
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. -Hebrews 11:1

Please bear with me though you may have heard this.
What is the assurance of things we hoped for ?
the assurance of things we hoped for is what we have heard, hearing the word of Christ.

What is the conviction of things we have not seen ?
The conviction of things we have not seen is the fulfillment of His words that we have heard from Christ.

Therefore, in order for us to be strong in faith and not having doubts is to remember what our Lord Jesus Christ have told us in our hearts and minds.

For we have heard:
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. -Romans 10:17

we have the word of Christ in our hearts and minds because we trust in our Lord what He have said.
When we have the word of Christ in our hearts and minds, we can be filled with assurance of things we hoped for according to His words.

when have the word of Christ in our hearts and minds, we have the conviction of things we have not seen because we hold onto His words of truth.

Why some have not heard or seen that way ? It is because they have listened carefully what Jesus Christ have said :

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. -John 6:63

So, consider : have you ever considered what words Jesus Christ have spoken are spirit and life ?

If you say, you have.
Hear this :
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, -Romans 8:16
and if children, then heirs'heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him. -Romans 8:17

Do you believe that the Spirit Himself bear witness to your spirit or your heart that you are child of God? If you believe that you are child of God, are you ready to suffer with Him?

If you are ready to suffer with Him, you know you have the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen. Why? It is because you believe that His words will do you good.

That is why apostle Peter have told us this:
Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, -1 Peter 4:1
so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. -1 Peter 4:2

When we have lived for the rest of our time for the will of God, God will hear us because

And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us. -1 John 5:14

When we have this confidence toward God, surely we have a life changing experience.
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Jesse Dornfeld

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Please quote the scripture verse in the Bible that says not to doubt. I don't think there is one.

Jesus, just before He was crucified, was left with all of his disciples left in a whirlwind of doubt. That goes for AFTER he was dead as well. They thought He was the Messiah. The Messiah is not supposed to die like that. Imagine their shock when Jesus appeared to them on the road, when he broke the bread and their eyes were opened. They did not even know it was Jesus they were talking to for hours. That is how much doubt they had.

Be of good cheer. It is not a sin to doubt. I have doubts, your neighbors have doubts. Just don't let doubt run your life.

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Bought by His Blood
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Please quote the scripture verse in the Bible that says not to doubt. I don't think there is one.

Jesus, just before He was crucified, was left with all of his disciples left in a whirlwind of doubt. That goes for AFTER he was dead as well. They thought He was the Messiah. The Messiah is not supposed to die like that. Imagine their shock when Jesus appeared to them on the road, when he broke the bread and their eyes were opened. They did not even know it was Jesus they were talking to for hours. That is how much doubt they had.

Be of good cheer. It is not a sin to doubt. I have doubts, your neighbors have doubts. Just don't let doubt run your life.

Yes there is! Big time warning even!

James 1:6-8
"But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do."

Without a doubt to doubt ones salvation is a sin and harvests us bad life even as we doubt the truth of our salvation.

i see doubt as a fallen angel. It ought to warn us of wrong in a world full of lies but instead doubt doubts the truth of God. To doubt the truth of God is lethal to our faith life for it is in enmity with it. When we doubt we are not in the Spirit of God but in the spirit of doubting God. i think this is why James shows us that doubting God doesn't receive from God, doubt cuts Him off, it is as simple as that.

It is the truth though when we doubt then we need to repent not keep doubting God. To really research our faith in God is essential because there are areas where we are not sure of God's truth, those need to be corrected before doubt as an enemy of God and our faith life goes away.

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Jesse Dornfeld

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Yes there is! Big time warning even!

James 1:6-8
"But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do."

Without a doubt to doubt ones salvation is a sin and harvests us bad life even as we doubt the truth of our salvation.

i see doubt as a fallen angel. It ought to warn us of wrong in a world full of lies but instead doubt doubts the truth of God. To doubt the truth of God is lethal to our faith life for it is in enmity with it. When we doubt we are not in the Spirit of God but in the spirit of doubting God. i think this is why James shows us that doubting God doesn't receive from God, doubt cuts Him off, it is as simple as that.

It is the truth though when we doubt then we need to repent not keep doubting God. To really research our faith in God is essential because there are areas where we are not sure of God's truth, those need to be corrected before doubt as an enemy of God and our faith life goes away.


That is talking about how to pray. "Don't doubt in the way you pray. Pray with faith." That is what that passage can be summed up as.

Thomas had doubts, Peter had doubts, all the Apostles had doubts at times, especially after Christ had accomplished the most miraculous thing in history. It's not doubt that matters, it's whether you take your doubts to God or not. Many people, children and young adults are told not to doubt. What is worse is that they are told they "just have to have enough faith". It is incredibly ironic that these same people who tell them not to doubt do not actually know what faith means. Faith is when God proves Himself to you. It's not some magical fairy tail thing that you conjure up yourself. Faith means, quite literally, "Conviction of the Truth". How can someone have conviction of the Truth if they need to just blindly believe something? So I say, yes, we will have doubts, but that is not what shapes our faith. What shapes our faith is God proving Himself to you.

If you doubt, bring it to Jesus. Ask Him to show Himself to you. And if you do this the way James says to pray, you will get a blessed answer to your prayers.
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Bought by His Blood
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If you doubt, bring it to Jesus. Ask Him to show Himself to you. And if you do this the way James says to pray, you will get a blessed answer to your prayers.

Amen you said it well. That is why i said to doubt your salvation is lethal because it is. Take it to Jesus and all good, trying not to doubt in your own ability and doubt will rake you for your life time.

Doubting God is a nasty customer. Faith in Jesus makes it all good though.
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Jesse Dornfeld

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Amen you said it well. That is why i said to doubt your salvation is lethal because it is. Take it to Jesus and all good, trying not to doubt in your own ability and doubt will rake you for your life time.

Doubting God is a nasty customer. Faith in Jesus makes it all good though.

That doesn't change the fact that doubt is not a sin. What God do you see that wants to punish you for wanting Him to prove Himself to you?

If I doubt, it CAN be a work of Satan, but sometimes, most of the time, it is just a natural thing. let's say both your parents die tomorrow, you go bankrupt, and break your leg all in the same day. Would it not be natural to say, "God, why did you do this to me?" That is what is at the heart of doubt - circumstances. The thing is though, is that God is actively looking for ways to prove Himself to us. In Job, Job brought accusations against God Himself calling Him unjust. Was God silent? No, God used that from Job to show Himself to Job. So our struggle of doubt is not "our fault" as much as it is God wanting, looking, for ways to show Himself to us. That is a great God. One that tests our faith with doubt, just so He can pick us up and say, "I am here for you." THAT is what I think is a loving Father.

If doubt is weakness, than I am the weakest as I have doubted God when I have seen his hand miraculously at work in my life. Am I a wretched person because I have doubted? Or is it that God uses that as an opportunity to strengthen my faith?

I encourage you to watch the video I linked in my first post in this thread.
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Bought by His Blood
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That doesn't change the fact that doubt is not a sin.

i don't think that is a fact.

i will explain to you why i say that. After Jesus revealed Himself in me i doubted the truth of that a lot and struggled greatly with doubt. Jesus kept working his miracles in my life until i knew for sure He was who He said He was. Then Jesus/ The Truth confronted me in my doubting and unbelieving with the truth of His existence in my life and the truth of the misery i had brought about doubting Him. i died in my doubting unbelieving self that night and i have never doubted Jesus again.

He has taken me a long way further from there, and i have learned to love Him with my life, but i will not quickly forget the scream i gave in my doubting unbelieving self when Jesus cut me of from His salvation and i tumbled down that bottomless pit.

So i would not be to sure that doubt is never a sin, it surely was in my life, and got punished accordingly.

So happy Jesus set me free from having to doubt Him, loving Him brings in far better fruits.

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Jesse Dornfeld

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i don't think that is a fact.

i will explain to you why i say that. After Jesus revealed Himself in me i doubted the truth of that a lot and struggled greatly with doubt. Jesus kept working his miracles in my life until i knew for sure He was who He said He was. Then Jesus/ The Truth confronted me in my doubting and unbelieving with the truth of His existence in my life and the truth of the misery i had brought about doubting Him. i died in my doubting unbelieving self that night and i have never doubted Jesus again.

He has taken me a long way further from there, and i have learned to love Him with my life, but i will not quickly forget the scream i gave in my doubting unbelieving self when Jesus cut me of from His salvation and i tumbled down that bottomless pit.

So i would not be to sure that doubt is never a sin, it surely was in my life, and got punished accordingly.

So happy Jesus set me free from having to doubt Him, loving Him brings in far better fruits.


There might be more going on with this story than simply doubting. God doesn't punish doubters who have committed themselves to Him, rather, He establishes them.

1 Peter 5:10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
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Bought by His Blood
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There might be more going on with this story than simply doubting. God doesn't punish doubters who have committed themselves to Him, rather, He establishes them.

That was my problem i doubted the truth to be true, i didn't go to Jesus in my doubt i listened to lies, but when the truth was revealed He revealed that doubting Jesus had cost me dearly. i had not gone to Him in my doubt and unbelief but rather kept the truth away from me.

Honest i got a big shock that day for i had not realised that Jesus can cut us from salvation in a sin until that day. Hebrews 4:12-13 confirmed the event. It made me much more careful to follow His truth that is for sure.

i don't think this would happen if we go to God in our doubting self and repent from doubting, but having seen Jesus revealed within and then yet doubting that truth that is a different matter as i know to be true.

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Jesse Dornfeld

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That was my problem i doubted the truth to be true, i didn't go to Jesus in my doubt i listened to lies, but when the truth was revealed He revealed that doubting Jesus had cost me dearly. i had not gone to Him in my doubt and unbelief but rather kept the truth away from me.

Honest i got a big shock that day for i had not realised that Jesus can cut us from salvation in a sin until that day. Hebrews 4:12-13 confirmed the event. It made me much more careful to follow His truth that is for sure.

i don't think this would happen if we go to God in our doubting self and repent from doubting, but having seen Jesus revealed within and then yet doubting that truth that is a different matter as i know to be true.


I feel like you need to be more gentle with yourself. I am trying to learn this lesson as well.
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Aussie Pete

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Thank you for your replies. I will definitely make more effort to read The Bible even when I feel like doing something else instead
Please remember to pray first. Even if you love reading the Bible, it is a spiritual book, not educational material. It needs to feed the heart, not only the mind. (John 6:63)
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Bought by His Blood
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I feel like you need to be more gentle with yourself. I am trying to learn this lesson as well.

i know at one stage this was really true. i was really hard on myself even hated myself and couldn't forgive myself my sins. It brought me rock bottom suicidally depressed, it was there that Jesus was revealed in me.

He made short work of my enemies, not just doubt and unbelief, but hypocrisy, dishonesty, pride, arrogance, lust, unfaithfulness, anger, bitterness, hopelessness, despair, sadness and fear as well, and got rid of the dross while He saved me in my sliver and gold. And He taught me to have a humble self image and love sin to death instead of hate it and lock myself up in it. He totally transformed my heart and gave me a God and neighbour loving outlook on life. Something i will thank Him for forever!

All Glory to Jesus for setting me free from my enemies.

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Jesse Dornfeld

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i know at one stage this was really true. i was really hard on myself even hated myself and couldn't forgive myself my sins. It brought me rock bottom suicidally depressed, it was there that Jesus was revealed in me.

He made short work of my enemies, not just doubt and unbelief, but hypocrisy, dishonesty, pride, arrogance, lust, unfaithfulness, anger, bitterness, hopelessness, despair, sadness and fear as well, and got rid of the dross while He saved me in my sliver and gold. And He taught me to have a humble self image and love sin to death instead of hate it and lock myself up in it. He totally transformed my heart and gave me a God and neighbour loving outlook on life. Something i will thank Him for forever!

All Glory to Jesus for setting me free from my enemies.

TBH? I let myself off the hook far too often. That being said, I STILL have to work on being gentle with myself.
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