Dan Perez

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2018
United States
Marital Status
Did you know , that How BONES GROW in a tiny babe in a woman's WOMB that is with child , Ecc 11:5 .

Did you know that there id no new thing under the SUN , Ecc 1:9

Did you know , that in 1 Cor 12:15-17 that all that are in the BODY OF CHRIST , ARE his FOOT , EYES , EARS , SENSE OF HEARING , and SENSE OF SMELL

Did you know that Christ was SLAIN from the foundation of the WORLD , Rev 13:8

Did you know , that the BODY OF CHRIST , JUDGE those in the BODY OF CHIRST 1 Cor 5:1-13

Did you know that , all saved by GRACE will JUDGE , God's UNIVERSE and ANGELS , 1 Cor 6:2 and 3 '

Did you know from 1 Tim 1:4 , that to be in the FAITH , that you have to a DISPENSATIONALIST .

Did you know from Judges 21:25 when there was no KING or Law , man did what was RIGHT in their own eye .

Did you know , from 1 Cor 15:32 that if there is no RESURRECTION , that we should all DRING , and BE MERRY for tomorrow we DIE .

Did you know , that Psa 31:15 says , My times is in HIS HAND , use your time with care .

Did you know that Proverbs 9:10 says , The ear of the Lord is the beginning of WISDOM .

Did you know that if you have not BEEN , BAPTISMA into his DEATH , you will not be resurrected , Rom 6:4 and 5 and Cor 15:29

Did you know , Pro 21:19 , that it is better , TO DWELL in the wilderness , THAN with a Contentious and ANGRY WOMAN .

dan p