Could not sharing the Gospel effect your salvation?


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"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15

For a while now, as I have been reading my Bible and studying evangelism, things have also stood out to me about those who do not preach the Gospel. It seems that there are several reasons why those who choose not to share the Gospel, or those who do not get behind and support someone who is sharing the Gospel, could be in big, big trouble.
Now, I am not saying that to get to heaven, we have to preach the Gospel or support someone who is. That would be works salvation. But someone who truly believes will act in a particular way regarding his belief. Knowing that there is a God, a heaven and a hell will mean that you should act according to those beliefs. So, telling people the Gospel is simply an action of true belief.

Reason 1: Parable of the minas
In the parable of the minas/talents (Luke 19:11-27), we are the servants of God, and we are told to go and do business to multiply what we have been given. Now, back when Jesus said this parable, one of the main ways of multiplying your money was to sow seeds and make a harvest that could be then sold. One servant did this and produced tenfold, one produced fivefold, and the last did not produce anything he simply returned what he was given. This last one was a bad servant. He knew that we were meant to sow the Gospel to make more believers. But he chose not to. And then the bad servant says, "For I was afraid of you because you......reap what you did not sow." We are to sow the Gospel to as many people as possible and it is Jesus who reaps. Then because the servant chose not to sow, the master then says, "But as for these enemies of mine who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them in my presence." So, those who say that they believe but they simply warm the pews are in big trouble. They did not obey the master. They confess Him with their lips, but their actions show a blatant disregard for what He has commanded.

Reason 2: Love God.
Jesus commanded that we preach the Gospel to all peoples. To spread as much seed as possible. And then he said that those who love Him will keep His commands. So, if we choose not to obey and tell people the Gospel, how much do we really love God? Telling other people the Gospel is a result of a true love for God. If we love Him, we should want to obey Him.
"The one who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him.” Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, what has happened that You are going to reveal Yourself to us and not to the world?” Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will follow My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our dwelling with him. The one who does not love Me does not follow My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me." John 14:21-24

Reason 3: Love your neighbour.
Warning others of the wrath to come is also a result of a true love for your neighbour. It would be unloving not to warn others of the wrath to come if you know of a way to be saved. That would be wrong.
James 4:17 says, "So for one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, for him it is sin." We know the right thing to do and if we do not do it, then it is a sin. Continuing to do the same sin over and over is not good.

Reason 4: The Bible warns us not to be cowardly.
We have been commanded to preach the Gospel to all people. But many people choose not to share the Gospel because they are afraid. It is a scary thing. Now, if we look back to WW1, when a soldier was commanded to go over the parapet, if he refused because he was afraid, then there were consequences. He was court-martialled and then put to death. If we then look at what Revelation 21:8 says about the cowardly, it says "But for the cowardly, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and sexually immoral persons, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." We know who the unbelieving are. And who the murderers are, and liars are, but who are the cowardly? Are they the people who have been given a command but choose not to obey it?

Reason 5: Depraved Injustice
In life, if you have the opportunity to stop someone from being killed or injured but you choose not to warn them, then in man's court, you are guilty of a crime called "Depraved Indifference". This shows that you have a blatant disregard for life. It is like if you see a person drowning and you have a life jacket right beside you that you could easily throw to the person. But because you cannot be bothered, you choose not to throw the life jacket and the person then drowns. This is depraved indifference.
If man's court recognises this injustice, how much more would a holy, and just God recognise the injustice of us not warning of eternal death?
"So, for one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, for him it is sin." James 4:17

Reason 6: Watchman
In Old Testament times, a watchman was a soldier who would be on the outer wall of the city, and he would warn everyone inside the city of any incoming enemy armies. Now, if this soldier did not do his duty and people died, he was in big trouble. He would be put the death.
Ezekiel was also a watchman for the people of Israel. God gave him a command to warn everyone in Israel of their sins, and He said that if Ezekiel did not warn everyone, then the blood of those whom he did not warn would be on his hands. So, his blood would be substituted for those who died in their sins.
".....the Lord came to me, saying, “Son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from My mouth, warn them from Me. When I say to the wicked, ‘You will certainly die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way so that he may live, that wicked person shall die for wrongdoing, but his blood I will require from your hand. However, if you have warned the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his wicked way, he shall die for wrongdoing, but you have saved yourself." Ezekiel 3:16-19
We too have been given a command and we should obey. It is wrong not to obey. Paul looked at himself as a watchman too. In Acts 20:25-27 it says "And now behold, I know that all of you, among whom I went about preaching the kingdom, will no longer see my face. Therefore, I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all people. For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God."
So, we are to warn people because God has commanded us to. But if we do not, then we are going against God. Disobedience has consequences.

Please note that preaching the Gospel does not save us. Telling people the Gospel is simply a result of a true belief, a true love for God and a love for your neighbour.
If you truly believe that you have sinned and fallen short of God's standards, and so, therefore, deserve death, but Jesus came and died in your place, then why would you not want to warn others of the condemnation that they are under? It would be unloving not to warn others.
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Jun 12, 2012
North Carolina
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"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15

For a while now, as I have been reading my Bible and studying evangelism, things have also stood out to me about those who do not preach the Gospel. It seems that there are several reasons why those who choose not to share the Gospel, or those who do not get behind and support someone who is sharing the Gospel, could be in big, big trouble.
Are all called to be evangelists (Eph 4:11)?
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Are all called to be evangelists (Eph 4:11)?
All are called to preach the Gospel to the lost. So, we are all called to be evangelists. But not all have been given the gift of evangelism. If you tell the Gospel to one person, then you are an evangelist to that person. If you speak to five people, you are an evangelist to those five. So, if you speak to just one person or 1000, you are an evangelist to those people.
However, not everyone has the gift of evangelism. The gift of evangelism is a gift for the church. Not for the outsiders. When the gift is given to someone, that person will be able to teach and encourage the church to go out and preach the Gospel to other people.
Ephesians 4:11-12 tells us this. "And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ;"
So, the gift of evangelism is an inward gift that was given to the church so that the church could then act outwardly.
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Aug 28, 2014
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All are called to preach the Gospel to the lost
I don't agree, since not all are called to preach. We are called as witnesses, as in Mat. 5:16, and that means what we DO shows what we believe. Every evangelist and evangelist/pastor I've met wants everyone to be an evangelist. Just as every teacher I've met wants everyone to teach. That doesn't mean scripture says so. The Great Commission is given to the whole church, not to individuals. Paul's description of the body of Christ in 1 Cor. shows that individuals in the church do not all have the same calling. It depends on the gifting of the individual, and that means that preaching the gospel is a gifting that is a subset of the whole church. Let's please not give consternation to the many who can't preach but can serve in other ways. 1 Peter 3:15 - being ready to give an accounting of your faith can be a simple testimony of why you believe in Jesus, and this not preaching the gospel. If you want to claim it's evangelism, that's your prerogative.
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I don't agree, since not all are called to preach.
Do you have a verse that says we are not all called to share the Gospel?

We are called as witnesses, as in Mat. 5:16, and that means what we DO shows what we believe.
The way we act is not the Gospel, but it is a witness, and we can either be a good witness or a bad witness. If I were talking to someone downtown and a passerby heard me use God's name as a cuss word that would not be very good. Then if I were to go to a park a few days after this and say the Gospel to that same passerby, my words that I say have been tainted because of my previous conduct. He would think to himself, "This fuller does not even truly believe himself because he uses his own God's name as a cuss word." So, I am therefore not a good witness. My actions did not bring Glory to God but instead a disgrace. Our actions substantiate our words. Therefore, bringing Glory to God.
We should all be excited to tell others what Christ has done for us. If we deserve eternal death but now, we have life because of Jesus. Why would you not want to tell everyone? It is better than winning lotto. This excitement should overflow out of our mouths.
We are not all called to be street preachers, but we should all want to tell as many people as possible the Gospel. Maybe our place to share is at work or at school. But we should all be telling people about the excitement within us.

The Great Commission is given to the whole church, not to individuals.
You are arguing the opposite. You are saying that the great commission was only given to evangelists. But I believe it was given to the whole church.

Paul's description of the body of Christ in 1 Cor. shows that individuals in the church do not all have the same calling.
Correct. We are not all called to be street preachers. This does not mean you don't have to tell people the exciting, good news that Jesus did for you. It should be an overflowing of your heart. We should want to tell as many people as possible. It would be unloving not to.

Let's please not give consternation to the many who can't preach but can serve in other ways.
I know a person who has a serious disability and struggles to talk to people. But because he has an excitement within him, he gives out Gospel tracts.
We do not have to be skilled at speaking to even share the Gospel. We can give out tracts. It should overflow.

being ready to give an account of your faith can be a simple testimony of why you believe in Jesus, and this not preaching the gospel.
That is like saying we should always be ready to say our testimony, but we don't have to say what we actually believe in.
We believe that we were under God's wrath because we have all sinned, but because of the great sacrifice, we can now be with Him forever.
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Apr 19, 2017
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I don't agree, since not all are called to preach. We are called as witnesses, as in Mat. 5:16, and that means what we DO shows what we believe. Every evangelist and evangelist/pastor I've met wants everyone to be an evangelist. Just as every teacher I've met wants everyone to teach. That doesn't mean scripture says so. The Great Commission is given to the whole church, not to individuals. Paul's description of the body of Christ in 1 Cor. shows that individuals in the church do not all have the same calling. It depends on the gifting of the individual, and that means that preaching the gospel is a gifting that is a subset of the whole church. Let's please not give consternation to the many who can't preach but can serve in other ways. 1 Peter 3:15 - being ready to give an accounting of your faith can be a simple testimony of why you believe in Jesus, and this not preaching the gospel. If you want to claim it's evangelism, that's your prerogative.

That's a very thought provoking paragraph there. I always thought that everyone was charged to have a ministry if they are of the body even if many peoples ministry is a small cirlcle of friends and family.

But I think you're right in that not all have the same calling. I don't see myself getting up on a stage with a mic and preaching/teaching but I do fine from my easy chair. I seem to do a lot of praying for people and I think they call that intercessor?

The pastor at the mic needs more people behind him. Sound men, a band, worship leaders, ushers. One man don't make a church run properly. One was given 5 talents, another 3 talents and one was given 1 talent. To us people that means talent, skills, tools and oppurtunities! At one point I realized that all that money that I made when I had an HVAC service company, I just went and did it, the Lord provided me with the equipment to do so. I've never preached or teached in a church, but I have repaired their toilets, sprinklers, air conditioners and heaters! Those things are Important to a Congregation! So I only got 1 talent, so what? (Maybe 3?! I did go through lot of money). But I still did what I can do and didn't bury my talent.

It's cool to work in a church! We are supposed to work for everyone as we would unto God, and when the church calls with a problem, we go to work unto God and He is also the customer, and the owner, and the times that I invited the Lord to go to work with me, He was also the Lead Technician! I was more in helper mode than the Lord and I knew that, lol! Those are jobs where everything just sort of cicks into place and goes well. I like working for the Lord in churches!

Even if I am the guy with one talent I have to Praise God! Being there to help is nothing to me, I like helping people.
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Jun 12, 2012
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Not according to Eph 4:11, where only some are called to be evangelists.
Ephesians 4:11 should not be read by itself. You need to include the next verse with it. If you read them together, you will see that those giftings are for the church, not for the lost. Those giftings were given for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ.
So, those giftings are inward gifts so that we can then be outward.

or those who do not get behind and support someone who is sharing the Gospel
Now, I must point out that in my original post, I also included that some may not be regular Gospel preachers. These people may support the person sharing the Gospel. Much like a church has sound men, singers etc. Or, if a wife chooses to look after the children to allow her husband to go out and share. Another example of support is, I run a BBQ where I share the Gospel by using a flipchart, and often the person behind the BBQ does not get to say the Gospel because they are so busy giving out sausages. But they direct people to me where I can share.

In saying this, many people who are very capable of speaking and sharing the Gospel, choose not to share even though they are very capable. God has blessed these people with a voice to speak, legs to go to the lost and intelligence enough that they can get a point across.
Often, they hide behind the pretence that not everyone has been called to share the Gospel. They say it is only the evangelists. Sadly, in my town, most people think this way. And because of this, within the last 40 years, I have never seen a believer out there sharing the Gospel with the lost. We need to step out of our comfort zone and do as Jesus commanded. (God has given these people talents but they do not put them to work)
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I don't agree, since not all are called to preach. We are called as witnesses, as in Mat. 5:16, and that means what we DO shows what we believe. Every evangelist and evangelist/pastor I've met wants everyone to be an evangelist. Just as every teacher I've met wants everyone to teach. That doesn't mean scripture says so. The Great Commission is given to the whole church, not to individuals. Paul's description of the body of Christ in 1 Cor. shows that individuals in the church do not all have the same calling. It depends on the gifting of the individual, and that means that preaching the gospel is a gifting that is a subset of the whole church. Let's please not give consternation to the many who can't preach but can serve in other ways. 1 Peter 3:15 - being ready to give an accounting of your faith can be a simple testimony of why you believe in Jesus, and this not preaching the gospel. If you want to claim it's evangelism, that's your prerogative.
I agree with you Didymas. For me, I am not that good with talking to people about my faith. God will still save those who do not evangelize, but still have a strong faith in Christ. Instead, I donate money so that people with less resources can be able to afford their heating bill in the winter. Now is spreading the Gospel good? Yes it is. But for those who lack the social skills to spread the Gospel, should they be forced to evangelize their friends or random strangers on the street? Nope.
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I agree with you Didymas. For me, I am not that good with talking to people about my faith. God will still save those who do not evangelize, but still have a strong faith in Christ. Instead, I donate money so that people with less resources can be able to afford their heating bill in the winter. Now is spreading the Gospel good? Yes it is. But for those who lack the social skills to spread the Gospel, should they be forced to evangelize their friends or random strangers on the street? Nope.
Well said. But for each of us, it is still a question of talents. Many have been blessed with the capability of talking and choose not to.
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Well said. But for each of us, it is still a question of talents. Many have been blessed with the capability of talking and choose not to.
Yep. I am not blessed with the talent of spreading the Gospel, but am blessed with spontaneous humor and being good at science.
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Yep. I am not blessed with the talent of spreading the Gospel, but am blessed with spontaneous humor and being good at science.
Don't forget that you can always give out Gospel tracts or get behind and support someone who does share the Gospel.
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Apr 19, 2017
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Salvation is a free gift, you only have to receive it.

I see speading the gospel message as a good work. Good work good deeds build us a reward in heaven. The more you work, the bigger your reward. It does say build up your treasures in Heaven.
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Don't forget that you can always give out Gospel tracts or get behind and support someone who does share the Gospel.
I could, but as a young man only 162 cm tall (5'4"), nobody would listen. Plus tracts are a waste of paper, if 99% of folks throw them away. Not gonna spend my money on printing paper with gospel words out for people to throw away (or recycle). I'll donate my money instead, which would have a bigger impact on helping people in need.
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Salvation is a free gift, you only have to receive it.
Correct. But if you truly believe, you will act in accordance with that belief. If a house is on fire and a person is in it, would you warn the person inside by yelling at them? Of course, you would. It would be wrong not to. And likewise, what a terrible thing it would be to believe that everyone is going to damnation and not to do anything about it. To believe that and to do nothing, would show a blatant disregard for your neighbour's life.
James 2:24 You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.

In the parable of the sower, we are the sowers. If the master has commanded us to spread the Gospel (seed) and we choose not to do it, are we a good servant or a bad one? We are a bad one. And as mentioned in the parable of the minas, a bad servant will be in big trouble.
We cannot make up excuses not to share the Gospel. It is unloving and disobedient not to share it.
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Correct. But if you truly believe, you will act in accordance with that belief. If a house is on fire and a person is in it, would you warn the person inside by yelling at them? Of course, you would. It would be wrong not to. And likewise, what a terrible thing it would be to believe that everyone is going to damnation and not to do anything about it. To believe that and to do nothing, would show a blatant disregard for your neighbour's life.
James 2:24 You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.

In the parable of the sower, we are the sowers. If the master has commanded us to spread the Gospel (seed) and we choose not to do it, are we a good servant or a bad one? We are a bad one. And as mentioned in the parable of the minas, a bad servant will be in big trouble.
We cannot make up excuses not to share the Gospel. It is unloving and disobedient not to share it.
But let's say that a person sees a house on fire, but that person is handicapped and mute. He would not be able to warn anyone, so he will be off the hook for not having the capability of warning the home's occupants.
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I could, but as a young man only 162 cm tall (5'4"), nobody would listen. Plus tracts are a waste of paper, if 99% of folks throw them away. Not gonna spend my money on printing paper with gospel words out for people to throw away (or recycle). I'll donate my money instead, which would have a bigger impact on helping people in need.
People will discard Gospel tracts, but they will also discard the words of an evangelist. It can go in one ear and out the other.
Sometimes they may keep the tract. If it is unique and catches someone's eye, then they are more likely to keep it. Check out the million-dollar Gospel tracts. (I give these away and many people keep them in their wallets as a souvenir)
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People will discard Gospel tracts, but they will also discard the words of an evangelist. It can go in one ear and out the other.
Sometimes they may keep the tract. If it is unique and catches someone's eye, then they are more likely to keep it. Check out the million-dollar Gospel tracts. (I give these away and many people keep them in their wallets as a souvenir)
Cool stuff man.
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But let's say that a person sees a house on fire, but that person is handicapped and mute. He would not be able to warn anyone, so he will be off the hook for not having the capability of warning the home's occupants.
Yes. You are correct. But most people can say something and make up excuses not to.
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