Catholics must avoid spreading cremated ashes and ‘human composting’: Here’s why


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Feb 5, 2002
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Humans should not be treated like coffee grounds.

(LifeSiteNews) — Catholics must guard against the temptation to engage in immoral burial fads such as spreading ashes, “human composting,” and “liquid cremation” of human bodies.

Each one represents serious moral concerns for Catholics and must be rejected.

Spreading ashes

Spreading cremated ashes in the deceased’s favorite place seems to be the more prominent of the practices listed.

The surviving relatives will take the cremated ashes and spread them at Disney World, a favorite baseball stadium, or other prominent place in the deceased’s life.

But Catholics cannot engage in this practice.

“In order that every appearance of pantheism, naturalism or nihilism be avoided, it is not permitted to scatter the ashes of the faithful departed in the air, on land, at sea or in some other way, nor may they be preserved in mementos, pieces of jewelry or other objects,” the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly known as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) affirmed in 2016. “These courses of action cannot be legitimized by an appeal to the sanitary, social, or economic motives that may have occasioned the choice of cremation.”

Sadly, many Catholics ignore this prohibition or remain ignorant of it.

It is on us then who know of these problems to charitably inform family members and friends who might pursue scattering ashes to instruct them against the prohibition.

This is not easy, particularly since it will have to take place soon after the death of a loved one.

It is also on the priests or Catholic funeral homes to ensure cremated ashes are buried or otherwise respectfully stored at a cemetery, though the ideal is always burial of the body. However difficult it may be, it is a spiritual work of mercy to instruct the ignorant.

‘Human composting’

Continued below.
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Cosmic Charlie

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated
Oct 14, 2003
United States
Marital Status
Sorry , can't do it.

Won't do it.

Sue me.

It's got nothing to do with pantheism, naturalism or nihilism. It got to do with physical science.

We are stardust. Seriously, where do you think the substances that make up your body were made ? In the cores of Supernova.

That's just cool.

I just borrowed the molecules that make up my body, the universe deserves them back. And they'll get them back eventually anyway so what if I speed up the process a little ? What's a few hundred years in the grand scheme to things ?

Also, and more to the point - I live in a Northern climate. Weather here can kill you. You are not burying me in the cold, cold ground. I know what it's like to be cold - I'm not being cold for the rest of time.


Burn my body in the broad daylight and scatter my ashes in the dead of night. Preferably when the constellation Orion is up.

And just leave me be.

I can't believe the Church has a problem with this. But if it does, I can die with it.
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