Can we update the faith text/icons please?


A Recovering Fundamentalist
Feb 18, 2014
United Methodist
Marital Status
While this was previously the case, it isn't now. Among the faith icon options, one is merely "Methodist". There is an issue here, though a nuanced one some wouldn't 'catch'.

In the 1960's, The Methodist Church and the EUB merged to form "The United Methodist Church". Many of our churches, and our members, are former EUB. By not including "United" in the title of the faith icon, this ignores many of them; it can also be confusing for those who are wishing to specify they are a part of the United Methodist Church, rather than just a part of the global Methodist movement; which spans various denominations.

So, if "United Methodist" could be added; I'm sure many of us would appreciate it!
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