Can we play / watch violent video games / moves?


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Sep 11, 2006
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You can't use violence in the bible as an excuse to indulge in violence as entertainment. The bible doesn't glorify sin, that is the difference. Using entertainment which glorifies sin, and is imprinting the thoughts, attitudes and emotions of fallen people onto your psyche is a bad thing. Ask yourself the question of why you would want to run around in a murder simulator and do things God has commanded you not to do? It doesn't matter if it's real or not, it is the attitude and condition of the heart which is important here.

And yes, there is a connection between exposure to violence in the media and behavioral problems:

The Psychological Effects of Violent Media on Children

Childhood Exposure To Media Violence Predicts Young Adult Aggressive Behavior, According To A New 15-Year Study

Violent Cartoons Linked to Sleep Problems in Preschoolers - ABC News spiritual principle here is garbage in, garbage out. As as a man thinks, so is he:

As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

Many violent movies and video games are from the perspective of the hero, too. Someone brought up the Passion of The Christ as an example. Very violent. Does it matter that whether or not it is historically accurate? It's a story of a sacrifice, glorifying the blood spilled by Jesus (ie violence).

Are you a psychology student? My guess is no, because most of the links you provided are not reliable sources, but are popular media articles. If you want the real data, you look for peer reviewed journal articles. I am a psychology student myself, and I know for a fact that the link between violent television and video games and violence in real life has not been proven. There is evidence that points both ways, but it depends largely on what the researcher is looking at.

A video game might increase the hand-eye coordination of a violent person, making them more efficient killers, but it does not increase their chances of becoming violent. Some people (such as myself) just like to play the role of the bad guy. It has no bearing on who you are in the real world.

Now, if you want to talk cursing, listening to people curse a lot could make you curse more. But this is quite a different story from picking up a gun in a video game and then feeling a sudden urge to go on a real-life shooting rampage.

It has also been proven that TV has increased sexual violence. We don't know why, but anytime TV is introduced into society, violent sexual crimes go through the roof. And keep in mind that TV was not as sexually oriented when it started as it is today. It took years before they would even show a married couple in the same bed.
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The Fire Rises

Via, Veritas, Vita
Jul 19, 2012
United States
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I used to play violent video games...until I took an arrow to the knee

lol, sorry for that reference.

But seriously, I used to play violent war shooters but as I've grown closer to God I've realized something

1) In most cases, playing video games is a waste of time

Okay, there are exceptions. Playing family-friendly games with your family (Wii Sports, Mario-Kart) can bring people closer together. Playing a non-violent game at a youth group party is just harmless fun IMO.

But making a HABIT of playing games implies that you are trying to fill a void in your life. I would know, because that's what I used to do.

Before I really started my relationship with God, life often felt empty. I tried to fill that emptiness with video games, which provides temporary entertainment at best, long-term spiritual damage at worst.

In my case, I gave up violent games for good. I'm actually considering selling my games and consoles and using the money for my church.

The only game I EVER play is a Legend of Zelda game, Windwaker edition to be specific (I doubt anyone on here have played it, it's kind of an "old school" nintendo game)

It has cartoony violence (you play a little guy with a sword and shield who battles cartoon monsters in order to save a princess, same idea as Mario really)

I only play it once in a great while. The important thing is that you're not putting the game(s) above God.
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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2006
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I used to play violent video games...until I took an arrow to the knee

lol, sorry for that reference.

But seriously, I used to play violent war shooters but as I've grown closer to God I've realized something

1) In most cases, playing video games is a waste of time

Okay, there are exceptions. Playing family-friendly games with your family (Wii Sports, Mario-Kart) can bring people closer together. Playing a non-violent game at a youth group party is just harmless fun IMO.

But making a HABIT of playing games implies that you are trying to fill a void in your life. I would know, because that's what I used to do.

Before I really started my relationship with God, life often felt empty. I tried to fill that emptiness with video games, which provides temporary entertainment at best, long-term spiritual damage at worst.

In my case, I gave up violent games for good. I'm actually considering selling my games and consoles and using the money for my church.

The only game I EVER play is a Legend of Zelda game, Windwaker edition to be specific (I doubt anyone on here have played it, it's kind of an "old school" nintendo game)

It has cartoony violence (you play a little guy with a sword and shield who battles cartoon monsters in order to save a princess, same idea as Mario really)

I only play it once in a great while. The important thing is that you're not putting the game(s) above God.

Windwaker ain't old-school. :p

Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, those are old-school. It wasn't that long ago since the age of the Gamecube.
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Aug 24, 2010
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I used to play violent video games...until I took an arrow to the knee
LOL!!! ^.^

True, maybe when we are young games keep us busy. But as you get older they seem like more of a waste of time. As it is I don't really game as much now. If at all. I really just play Minecraft. Although I am planning to buy Borderlands 2 which lest face it.... it may be controversial as a chrsitian. But I don't feel convicted while playing it.

If your going to play try not to play OVERLY violent games. Such as some people say CAll of Duty games are violent. But if you look at games like Manhunt or Mortal Kombat, its a little TO much violence. I am not trying to say "Well its ok if its less violent!" since after all we should be comparing things to God. But if you insist on violent games, try do something less violent.

I personal find more and more I am getting disgusted by games. Gears of War really made question how games have become with the chainsaw animations. Then with God Of War... wow. Its onle of the many reasons I barley game now. Not to mention I am getting married to a pastors daughter. I really doubt she would be accepting of the most innocent of gaming like Tertris. ^.^
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growing in grace
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I think something that God hates is when people excuse themselves for doing things because they "don't feel convicted" about it. Since when is our behavior dictated by feelings? I thought it was dictated by the word of God. There are plenty of Christians doing all sorts of messed up things that they "don't feel convicted" about. For instance, a son of a friend of a friend that I know didn't feel convicted about smoking marijuana. One day he got high while driving his son to school and he ended up crashing into a telephone poll and the crash killed his son. He didn't feel convicted about it yet he ended up taking the life of his own son.

This is an extreme but a true example of why we can't live our life based on feelings. Our obedience to God isn't dictated by our feelings. Here is the simple formula God gave us:

Php_4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints

This is the way God wants us to live. "Be holy as I am holy". Before I was saved, I didn't know fornication was wrong, so I felt no conviction of conscience when I had sex before marriage. Does that mean it wasn't wrong? Of course not.

If you're not feeling conviction over indulging worldly pleasures which glorify sin, I'm sorry but you're either ignorant of the word of God or your conscience is taking a vacation. It's all in the bible, black and white, right there in front of you in plain letters. It has nothing to do with feelings, but everything to do with the way God has told us to live:


Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work

God wants us sanctified and to live separated from this world. You don't get there playing grand theft auto. If you find sin entertaining, doing the things in a fake world that God won't permit you to do here, or you enjoy watching people get murdered and other things which shock the conscience, or you enjoy hearing people sing about these things, it indicates something about the condition of your heart. There is an impurity there that you are feeding every time you indulge in these things. David prayed that God would cleanse him of his secret faults, but I don't think these are secrets. Everyone here seems to have had a question about what they're doing, and everything not done with a good conscience is sin.

I'm not perfect either. I grew up in a secular home and lived a secular lifestyle. I had to weed a lot of tares out of my life, and it took time, but it's almost all gone. I am myself guilty of falling back into playing video games every now and then. I grew up with them and they were something I really leaned on. That's the reason I can say these things, because I know from experience. I know how Satan tries to worm his way into your life through these things, and if it something which glorifies sin, you can be sure Satan can and will use it against you. Many Christians are living defeated lives because of the doors they open to Satan, and it can often be something simple and innocent that becomes an idol and starts taking over.

Don't take it from me..listen to a Pastor who collected relics:
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Reading the Bible
Jan 22, 2011
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Maybe that forum is on there so others can witness to them?
I mean there's forums on secular music and books and various illnesses...

I was attending a life group where the leaders suggested they do a 'rock night'. I wasn't comfortable about this because rock just glorifies the self, sex and rebellion. I told them, no, I can't be a part of this, dress up as a rock star and go along with all that. That 'music' is just not pleasing to God and I don't want to do anything that offends him.

The leader said 'oh no, it's nothing like that it's even christian rock music, and they don't feel convicted so it's ok, it's just fun' so I don't know...they said oh don't come if you're not comfortable, but its not about my comfort it's just that it's wrong. I don't know why these christians mix things up like that, seems they want both worlds, as for me it's Jesus all the way. He would much rather I go and care for someone who needs help than go entertain and indulge myself.
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Jun 20, 2011
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Calling your brothers and sisters in Christ idiots for disagreeing with what you entertain yourself with is the direct evidence that these things are a bad influence on you.
In the same way that posting one 50 cent song and labelling it all as evil is direct evidence you have no idea what you're talking about. Well done :thumbsup:

I do disagree with this stuff if its harmful, the thing is, this stuff might be bad for them in their walk with God. Had you and the other one actually read my entire post instead of focusing on one comment, what makes people look like idiots is when they assume that because something is bad, no one else should listen to/enjoy it either. Im fine with saying "I don't like this, here are my reasons..." but to say "you shouldn't listen to this because its evil" is not Biblical because you are bypassing the biblical gift of discernment and imposing your will over someone elses relationship with God.
Heres a Biblical example of what I'm talking about: Luke 11:37-40

" 37 As Jesus was speaking, one of the Pharisees invited him home for a meal. So he went in and took his place at the table. 38 His host was amazed to see that he sat down to eat without first performing the ceremonial washing required by Jewish custom. 39 Then the Lord said to him, "You Pharisees are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are still filthy -- full of greed and wickedness! 40 Fools! Didn't God make the inside as well as the outside?"

The handwashing ceremony is an example of what I'm talking about. Its not in the Bible, but its treated as something that Jesus should have done because it was expected, rather than based on his relationship with God. A preference elevated to the level of God's law. So tell me, what actually matters more here, legalistically avoiding certain things and doing others just for the sake of it because its something Christians are supposed to do or is each person developing the spiritual gifting of discernment and growing naturally into the people God calls them to be?

As a note to you thesunisout: To say that you know things are having an effect on people, when you actually don't is extremely dangerous, nieve and conceited. Imagine saying that to a new Christian and the damage it could do.
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Reading the Bible
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I don't think he was saying these things are evil and that they shouldn't listen or watch or play but just give our reasons and warn them about how bad it is, and then up to them. We can't dictate what someone cannot do - touch not, taste not etc.
As said in a previous post all things are lawful for me but not all things are profitable..

I think it is better to be a fool for Christ and risk looking like an idiot than just go along with the world and compromise.

As for the handwashing this isn't something that is like playing a video game or watching a violent movie. Nobody is advocating people are bound or required to play only certain games or make sure they watch only christian tv, so we can be seen to be christians, and then tell people off for not doing these things. I think it is different, that we are just warning people out of concern and that if they do love God they will do things that please Him rather than their own desires to 'pass the time' and waste the money God has entrusted us with spending on mindless video games and mindnumbing 'music'
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Feb 16, 2007
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As thesunisout has shown, God's Word does not leave us to wonder if violence as a form of entertainment is right or wrong. Scripture's call to us to live graciously, peaceably, and righteously as children of God and holy ambassadors for Christ does not leave room for indulging ourselves in things which stand in direct opposition to that call. What hypocrisy to say you are a follower of the one who commanded you to "love your neighbor as yourself," to say you are a Christian, and then entertain yourself by pretending to be a creature of evil or quenching your thirst for fun by killing anything that moves!

I don't express a preference when I challenge another Christian to live holy as God is holy. It is not a matter of taste to point at the carnage and violence of a video game and say that there is nothing of the peace, love and gentleness of Christ in it. I am not merely expressing a point of view when I quote from God's Word which says,

Ephesians 5:8-12
8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth),
10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.

I commend thesunisout for his challenge on this thread to believers to live pure, Christ-like lives.

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The Fire Rises

Via, Veritas, Vita
Jul 19, 2012
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Windwaker ain't old-school. :p

Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, those are old-school. It wasn't that long ago since the age of the Gamecube.

Well yeah, that's why I put "old school" in quotation marks. It seems old school to me because its one of the games I grew up with, although its not really old-school in reality.

But I digress. Not trying to start a gaming debate.

(just out of curiosity, what's your favorite Zelda game?)
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Aug 11, 2012
Miami, Fl
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I don't think so. Violent Video games are inspired by the Violence of today. Just ask yourself, what would Jesus do? Would Jesus really play Violent video games that glorify Violence and death? Didn't Jesus come so that we may have life, and life more abundantly? It's okay to play non-violent video games, but only for short period of time.

As for me... I left Video Games a long time ago. I thought I was addicted to Video games, but in reality I wasn't. Video Games are a Complete waste of time and I will not help you to succeed in Christ. If you are student, focus on your education and God. Prepare yourself for the coming of the lord. Games will not prepare you for the lords coming.

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Jul 12, 2012
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I could make a long post here, but i'm just going to keep this short. If it doesn't pass the test of Phillipians 4:8, then you probably shouldn't play it. Just don't feed your mind and spirit junk. Also there are very few non-violent video games, Mario is cartoon violence and even racing games are somewhat violent if you crash your car or something. I guess the only non-violent games are games like Tetris or something, but I never played that. Remember, it all comes down to your spiritual convictions.
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Aug 24, 2010
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I will agree video games are a waste of time, you learn this as you get older especialy. Think about it. Would your wife want you to be playing video games or helping her with things and the kids? Answers itself.

I've seen MANY married christian men whos wives tell me (short version) they will stand nude in front of the tv to get their husbands to be intimate, but instead the husband tells them to move out of the way of the tv and goes about playing his game. It really makes you think do you want to be that husband that neglects his wife because games are more important?

MAybe when we are young games give us something to do, but for all the time we spend on them we could be doing something that gets us somewhere like helping people, wortking at church...etc.
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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2006
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Maybe that forum is on there so others can witness to them?
I mean there's forums on secular music and books and various illnesses...

I was attending a life group where the leaders suggested they do a 'rock night'. I wasn't comfortable about this because rock just glorifies the self, sex and rebellion. I told them, no, I can't be a part of this, dress up as a rock star and go along with all that. That 'music' is just not pleasing to God and I don't want to do anything that offends him.

The leader said 'oh no, it's nothing like that it's even christian rock music, and they don't feel convicted so it's ok, it's just fun' so I don't know...they said oh don't come if you're not comfortable, but its not about my comfort it's just that it's wrong. I don't know why these christians mix things up like that, seems they want both worlds, as for me it's Jesus all the way. He would much rather I go and care for someone who needs help than go entertain and indulge myself.

Synopsis: Fun = evil. Work and ministry 24/7 = good.

Seriously? You have a problem with Christian rock music? First your objection to rock is that it "glorifies self, sex, and rebellion," and then you reject Christian rock because it sounds the same? What do you think Christian rock music glorifies? God? Jesus? Nah... It's about sex! Of course!
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The Fire Rises

Via, Veritas, Vita
Jul 19, 2012
United States
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Synopsis: Fun = evil. Work and ministry 24/7 = good.

Seriously? You have a problem with Christian rock music? First your objection to rock is that it "glorifies self, sex, and rebellion," and then you reject Christian rock because it sounds the same? What do you think Christian rock music glorifies? God? Jesus? Nah... It's about sex! Of course! :doh:

Okay I agree with you here, but you could be a bit less harsh in your approach, just saying...
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Sep 11, 2006
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Well yeah, that's why I put "old school" in quotation marks. It seems old school to me because its one of the games I grew up with, although its not really old-school in reality.

But I digress. Not trying to start a gaming debate.

(just out of curiosity, what's your favorite Zelda game?)

Majora's Mask, definitely. The masks made the game for me, especially the four that made him change forms. I also enjoyed the time system, with characters all having their schedules and certain tasks needing to be done at certain times. In addition, the game is one of the few that had a different villain instead of Ganondorf.
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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2006
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Okay I agree with you here, but you could be a bit less harsh in your approach, just saying...

Fine. I'll remove the smiley face. The sarcasm is necessary to get my point across, though. Portrays the view I'm debunking as silly.
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