Bible vs. human evolution


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
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Now you're just being smart as you know I'm a Christian so why state it again. You can see by my user name I am a Christian.

I never said you weren't a Christian. I just noted with interest that you described your conversion as being one from an atheist to a Creationist.

I done a full 180 in my view of life, I was a atheist, just like Dawkins (who I admired and respected a great deal), now I'm a Creationist.

Most people would say "I was an atheist, now I'm a Christian," not, "I was an atheist, now I'm a Creationist."

Its your own words.
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Jun 24, 2007
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Its obvious I'm a Christian as you yourself know, I chose to say creationist because that's the topic. There are many people who are Christian but not creationists as you know, that is why I used that term. When I became a Christian I automatically became a creationist as I took Gods word as authoritative and literal, not mans twisted interpretation of it. I placed my trust in God, I accepted that he knows better than me and with Him being the creator, that he knows what he done.

I hope this clears things up for you.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
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Its obvious I'm a Christian as you yourself know,

Yes, I know. I never denied that. Why are you insisting on something undisputed?

I chose to say creationist because that's the topic. There are many people who are Christian but not creationists as you know, that is why I used that term.

But wouldn't a more accurate sentence have been "I was an Evolutionist but now I am a Creationist". As you yourself point out, Creationism and Christianity and Evolution and Atheism are not pairs.

When I became a Christian I automatically became a creationist as I took Gods word as authoritative and literal, not mans twisted interpretation of it.

No, that just means your "mans" interpretation is literal, not figurative. It is still, however, merely your interpretation of the text.

I placed my trust in God, I accepted that he knows better than me and with Him being the creator, that he knows what he done.

I hope this clears things up for you.

Quite, I place my trust in God, and marvel at how he allowed us to evolve from the first cells to appear in the ocean.
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Basically pulling an Obama (Thanks Calminian!)
Mar 31, 2006
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I agree insofar as the general population is concerned - scientifically that is. I am also more interested in good science. The issue I have is that there is less good science or even logical science "supplied" or understood correctly by the general population. This is specifically perpetrated by scientists working in those sciences that in the first instance filter the information through their worldview then provide the information.
An undeviating fallacy… The evolutionist uses a false form of circular reasoning to “prove” that he is correct. First, he starts with the assumption that he is correct, by faith. Second, he goes to the other side of the circle, digs up fossils from different places around the world and arranges them in the order he “wants” them to be in. Last, he goes back around the circle and says, “You see, the fossils prove that I am right.” This logic is patently illogical.
When the Greeks developed the science of logic 2,500 years ago, they called this kind of reasoning a tautology; that it was circular reasoning that falls under its own weight, that it was patently illogical. If you allow me to rearrange the evidence I can prove anything I want to, can’t I? You cannot rearrange the evidence and then claim proof for anything!
If you remember little else from this reply remember this! One of the single greatest differences between a creation-believing scientist and an evolution-believing scientist is that the creationist does not rearrange his evidence and the evolutionist does!
Except science did not simply rearrange evidence. It uses evidence to test the theory, not just evidence we already had, but evidence that wasn't found yet. It said if evolution is true then this evidence should exist and we may be able to find it. There is absolutely no reason if mankind was specially created that there should be forms of human with characteristics intermediate between mankind and apes. Yet this is what Darwin predicted from his theory. Not only that but he suggested that because of all the great apes, human most closely resembles chimps, that the earliest forms of man would be found in Africa. Again there is absolutely no reason for this to be true if man was specially created. Palaeontologist looked for these fossils that there was no reason to exist if man was specially created, and found them, and the earliest one were found in Africa as Darwin predicted. Palaeontologists don't arrange the fossils to fit the theory either, they are arranged by radiometric dating, the older the fossil the smaller the cranial capacity and the more apelike the features.

This is not tautology this is the evidence fitting the theory. It is a scientific theory showing a predictive power that it should only have it if were true.

Hmmm… I agree it also falls under its own weight. Is this a better example? If you remove Turkey, the EU has about 410 Million people. If you add Turkey to the USA and Canada (which has a 60% creationist worldview) you have about 410 Million people.
Canada seems an odd situation where a Gallup poll showed that 66% thought creationism was either "definitely true" or "probably true", while 53% considered considered evolution to be either "definitely true" or "probably true". Canada is presumably pretty influenced by US creationism, but my point was more how the USA and Turkey make such odd bedfellows.

What’s your point exactly
My point is you are flying the Irish flag but quoting American statistics as if it were the norm. Just seem incongruous.

– Ireland is mostly secular humanists and pagans but you don’t say that. There is no such thing as a spiritual vacuum.
Secular catholic humanists.

The evidence for evolution and the age of the earth the educated people we were talking about base their acceptance of evolution on.

I never said chimp and ape DNA was similar– where did you get that from? We as yet DO NOT have a completed genome for either species which has a lot to do with why human and ape DNA cannot be compared.
Then how did they manage to compare the DNA of humans and chimps and find they are so similar?

Are you seriously arguing that you have no evidence for the evidence? That’s like saying “I don’t know what I don’t know.”
My argument is sound because you are stuck with irreducible complexity and are back to the chicken or egg conundrum invented by evolution. Once again we are back to tautology or circular reasoning flaunted as science – we do know because one COULD NOT form without the other.
Evolution is supported by the evidence we have, to disprove it, you need to use evidence we have, not evidence we don't have that you simply think would disprove evolution.

Yes, if you were to use the whole DNA - and the outcome of it’s production, you would find that the gap in information is colossal.
You are still not being clear.

Try this from Darwin then… "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."
Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, London, 1971, p. 167.
That is more like Darwin all right. Unfortunately it is a quote creationist like to take out of context, or simply repeat from other creationists without reading the original text themselves. Darwin is simply outlining the question here. If you read the rest of the paragraph he goes on to give the answer which he expand on over the next couple of pages.
To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree. Yet reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a perfect and complex eye to one very imperfect and simple, each grade being useful to its possessor, can be shown to exist; if further, the eye does vary ever so slightly, and the variations be inherited, which is certainly the case; and if any variation or modification in the organ be ever useful to an animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, can hardly be considered real. How a nerve comes to be sensitive to light, hardly concerns us more than how life itself first originated; but I may remark that several facts make me suspect that any sensitive nerve may be rendered sensitive to light, and likewise to those coarser vibrations of the air which produce sound.
Charles Darwin On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. First Edition 1859, London, John Murray, pp. 186&187.
Did you read the quotation in its original context yourself, or did you just copy it from some other creationists? The problem is, as this popular creationist quotation shows, you can't trust them.
For Pete’s Sake!! I let it go the first time you posted it because I actually thought you were joking! The more than verifiable answer is that water has a structure and furthermore a pliable memory. It takes on the properties of its container and “remembers” these properties. However, upon evaporation it loses those properties and returns to its energised state. It also reacts directly to ALL outside influence and as such, upon freezing forms those marvellous shapes because of this influence. If I played rock music to the water it would have an extremely erratic and disturbing “shape” on freezing. If I play it Bach it has a pleasing “shape” not unlike the snowflake. This does not discount crystallization which is also a common considerate. An interesting documentary that may help you understand is called appropriately H2O.
Furthermore, we have never seen a complex system built or assembled by random chance. (Particularly from a snowflake!) Mutations are harmful and produce negative outcomes. Mutations are the result of the “bondage to decay.” The evolutionists’ beliefs are illogical, irrational, unreasonable and not based on observable or verifiable evidence.
It doesn't matter how you explain molecules of water vapour forming snowflakes whether they remember what a snowflake looks like or listen to Bach, the fact is the water molecules go from a highly disordered state as water vapour to highly ordered snowflakes. According to the creationist understanding of the second law of thermodynamics, this disobeys the law which means snowflakes are impossible. Or creationists misunderstand the SLoT.

And by the way… Don’t quote Mr. Rennie again If there is anyone here that does not understand the Laws of Thermodynamics, it is Mr. Rennie!
Rennie who?

Frankly, his argument is irrelevant and poorly reasoned. What’s more a snowflake has NO meaningful information in terms of letters; a snowflake is analogous to ABCABCABCABCABC…
The second law of thermodynamics is about entropy and order. You already said it applies to everything in the universe, not just 'meaningful information'.

I agree only this far…
1. I was too simplistic and deserved that retort.
2. Some changes do confer an advantage in some situations.
3. I am born with these mutations.
BUT as stated; Mutations are harmful and produce negative outcomes. Mutations are the result of the “bondage to decay.” The evolutionists’ beliefs are illogical, irrational, unreasonable and not based on observable or verifiable evidence.
Apart from all the advantageous mutations we have found, the ability of bacteria to digest Citrate and Nylon (which has arisen twice using different mutations, once in the lab and once in nature.) When antibiotic resistance first arose, it was only advantageous in the presence of the antibiotic, it did not reproduce as fast as the normal bacteria when the antibiotic was not present, although this is what evolution predicts, that mutations enable organisms to adapt to their environment, in this case the presence of antibiotics. However, resistant bacteria have adapted to deal with the disadvantage the resistance brought with it, and now we have resistant bacteria able to reproduce faster than the original non resistant strain. Scary, but also a very good example of evolution and beneficial mutations.

AND; ONCE AGAIN the bold truth is that we have yet to find a mutation that increases genetic information, even in those rare instances where the mutation confers an advantage. Only by ignoring the total implications of modern genetics has it been possible to maintain the fiction of evolution. You see biologists have discovered a whole range of mechanisms that can cause radical changes in the amount of DNA possessed by an organism. Gene duplication, polyploidy, insertions, etc., DO NOT HELP EXPLAIN evolution, however. They represent an increase in amount of DNA, but not an increase in the amount of functional genetic information—these mechanisms create nothing new. Macroevolution needs new genes (for making feathers on reptiles, for example), yet evolutionists continue to completely miss this simple distinction.
I have never heard a creationist define what they mean by information, or say how you measure it. Unless you can actually measure this information you are talking about how can you say whether it is increased or not? Say you have gene duplication. You say the gene produces the same protein so it is not an increase in information, yet the brother with two copies produces more of the protein than his brother with one copy. You now have two different siblings with code for producing different amounts of a protein, if the level of protein is advantageous, it can be selected for. How is this not more 'information' in the gene pool? What if there is a mutation in one of the copies the brother is now producing two slightly different type of protein with slightly different biochemistry. If the body can use the protein why is that not an increase in information? Or take your bacteria that has evolved an ability to digest nylon. His cousin has the ordinary version of the gene producing the original enzyme, he has the new version and can digest nylon, presumably however you measure 'information' they both have the same amount of information. But there are now two different bacteria with different information, even though they both have the same amount of information, because there are two different versions, you now have more information in the gene pool. And bacteria swap DNA in plasmids. What happen if the original bacterium picks up the mutant gene in a plasmid, he now has two different versions of the original gene, each producing different enzymes to use for different purposes. How does the bacterium not have an increase in 'information'.

You also neglect to mention that The SRC gene family is among the most notorious genes known to man, since they cause cancer as a consequence of single point mutations.
Why is that a problem? Not all mutations are beneficial, more are harmful and the majority simply neutral. But the fact there are harmful mutation does not mean there aren't also beneficial ones, or that the beneficial mutations are not selected for.

So… you tell me. Is this really extra information? Is that a problem?
You tell me, information is a creationist argument.

Simply stated, he is. I am strictly exegesis and Pauls handle on the Greek language was excellent. Any good lexicon will put you right should you bother.
Which one? I have Strong's and Thayer's on my computer. I have Liddell & Scott, and Kittel's TDNT on my bookshelf, but frankly, I cannot think of any that would help me read evolution into Romans 1.
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Jesus Christ was considered a criminal by many also, does that mean he should be disregarded? He was punished like a criminal, treated like a criminal. dies like a criminal yet......(figure it out for yourself)

Is this about the comments pertaining to Hovind? If so, I would point out that it is not the fact that Hovind is a criminal that makes him suspect. Rather, it is the fact that he is a liar as evidence by the fact that he was convicted of a crime that directly speaks to his lack of honesty and integrity. To compare his case to that of Jesus is misguided at best and blasphemous at worst.
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Junior Member
Sep 8, 2010
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Regardless of what Hovind is or isn't his message is legit and raises proofs that cannot be debunked in any way shape or form. What Hovind is or isn't is irrelevant in its entirety as the evidence he has presented is legit.
I have my opinion about Hovind but I will keep that to myself. You would be hard pressed to debunk everything Hovid has presented!

I do not particularly like nor accept universal common descent, which would place me on the same side of the fence as you. But I need to tell you, some of the "evidence" that Hovind has provided for some of his theories are ghastly and flat out non-scientific. You should see the theory he presented to how he believes the north and south poles were formed, sweet Lord...

As much as evolutionists like to say the big bang has nothing to do with evolution, you cant have one theory without the other, they are interdependent on each other for each to work out. Anyone who cant see that is a fool.

This would only be an issue for atheists, not theists.

On a side note, this ironically is what creates a double standard, because TE's need to infer super natural intervention at some point. Chemical evolution and abiogensis just point evermore to the required existence of the Creator, it couldn't have happened without Him.

Evolution is the biggest lie, only atheistic scientists wont admit it because they have no other theory to replace it with. If they admit its a load then must admit the existence of God which they are not prepared to do under any circumstances.

I agree with the latter, but you should try and be more researched before claiming the theory to be a "lie". Universal common descent and large scale evolution --> I'd say are non-existent (strictly in terms of a naturalistic theory), but adaption does happen and can cause small scale changes for species to better adapt to specific diets and habitat niches. Darwin observed this when he visited the Galapagos, his famous "finches".

I simply believe this is a testament to how God made biological life, resilient and able to adapt to survive. Does this mean these adaptive changes can accumulate and yield all biological diversity from a single, macroscopic entity over billions of years of evolution? Like I said, naturalistically speaking --> never. However, if we infer the super natural intervention of a Creator, then perhaps.

People can believe what they like and I have no intention of changing anyones mind, people need to work this stuff out for themselves.

I used to think evolution was 100% true as its what I was taught in school and I was as atheistic as anyone, however, after doing my own research I concluded its a very poor hypothesis at best. Its full of holes and these holes are covered up by attacks against theists and fancy footwork to avoid the subject of these holes.

Specifically --> any and all evidence that may contradict evolutionary theory gets reworked and integrated into the theory itself, meaning evidence against it will be turned into evidence for it. I agree, I cannot stand such a theory with so many double standards...not too mention ambiguous, elastic definitions. One size fits all.

atheists see us creationists as brainwashed however its actually the other way around, they are the brainwashed drones not us!

I'd come across this thought throughout my "career" of debating with them, makes me chuckle. Funny how they appear to be so incredibly sure of themselves ey

It took years for me to complete my own personal research into evolution, the possibility of the existence of God etc, it also took years to undo the mental conditioning society had inflicted upon me as a child/teenager living a secular life.
There's no "quick fix" answer to prove any of it either way, it takes a lot of time and dedication to discover the truth for oneself.

And that is just my story as well, in a nutshell
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Jun 24, 2007
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Is this about the comments pertaining to Hovind? If so, I would point out that it is not the fact that Hovind is a criminal that makes him suspect. Rather, it is the fact that he is a liar as evidence by the fact that he was convicted of a crime that directly speaks to his lack of honesty and integrity. To compare his case to that of Jesus is misguided at best and blasphemous at worst.
Just because one isn't 100% honest on one subject does not automatically take away the factual truths of another!
Does God not teach forgiveness and to not judge people?
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Just because one isn't 100% honest on one subject does not automatically take away the factual truths of another!

I agree, but the fact that one demonstrates that he has a character trait of being a liar, it is entirely reasonable to distrust anything that person says.

Does God not teach forgiveness and to not judge people?

Forgiveness and judging has nothing to do with it. One can be forgiven and still be untrustworthy.
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Feb 14, 2002
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Just because one isn't 100% honest on one subject does not automatically take away the factual truths of another!
Does God not teach forgiveness and to not judge people?

Hovind's arguments have been put on Answers in Genesis's "do not use these arguments" list.

You should know you're wrong when another pseudoscience organization that should be your ally rejects your own pseudoscience.
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