• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Bi-Polar research

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Jan 15, 2006
This is the beginning for research on a cure for bi-polararity among Christians. You'll have to pardon the directness but I'm looking for an answer, a path that a believer has found that worked - minus medication. It may not exist nowadays but I believe that it does through Christ, even this side of death. I see it as a spiritual problem as the symptoms are all addressed in God's Word. I'm the person with the sinful symptoms - anger, hate, anxiety, irrationality about abilities (pride or cowardice). These sins remain but thank God the depression has greatly abated. I've been on meds for a decade or more and have a love hate relationship with them. To those rightfully concerned I will not go off them without a good Dr.'s OK and watchful eye. Also, not suicidal anymore - again about 10 years - thank God. He's been merciful to me for his reasons and I need to thank him more for these blessings. To finish - it's not all doom and gloom - I enjoy many good aspects of my life with friends, good church, job, supportive family, and a love for the Word and Jesus though my "sin is ever before me". Please address this with your success stories - if any - minus meds. Gratefully


Ive been off meds for 5 years..I cried to Jesus for a change of life not asking to be free of medication. A life change came quite quickly with many doors opening. I was given a new life and my old one died. I then noticed my symptoms abating . Jesus put a smile on my face through a new environment. I truly believe a new environment is like medicine and better but stay on all the meds you take, I still have asthma and use a ventolin occassionaly. ''Holy Jesus is just a cry away'' VJ
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Messianic Arabic-Semitic Chinese
Oct 19, 2005
Beijing China
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Wiley ,in general case I think medicine is necessary. Bipolar disorder maybe caused by a genetic abnormality in the sensory receptor part of the brain , so we need a chemical (medicine ) cure .Just because I stop eating medicine by myself, but not obey the doctor’s advice, my BP recrudesced three times. Till now I dare not stop taking enough medicines, so for 5 years my BP did not recrudesced obviously. We not only need cure in soul and spirit , but also Physical(Chemical) . :yum: ^_^ :angel:

P.S.: My everyday medicine for BP:

Sodium Valproate (0.2g);Clozapine(50mg,if i can sleep well 25mg is enough);Prozac(20mg)

I took lithium before; but the new combination is more effective for me.
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Jan 16, 2006
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well lets see, for my bipolar i have take every thing i think that is out there...if you look where i keep my meds you would think i have my own pharmacy....Depotoke was something that helped...but i was also on lexapro, xnanx, lithum, serquill, thats just to name a few...but with all that..Having faith as helped me where the mood swings and doing crazy things....Im just gettin my hair back for shaving it ( i was a little Manic that day)....I guess it all depends on the person....I went a long time with out the drugs or meds...i go off and then back on.... with bipolar you problay need to be on something......i am pulled at both ins on this topic
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Active Member
Oct 7, 2005
Savannah, Georgia
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I love and hate this topic. My experience has been that when you say the bipolar illness is 100% spiritual, people come out of the woodwork to try to discredit the person making the claim. When you rate the disease as 80/20, 60/40, or anything inbetween, it is more widely accepted -- sort of like tolerance. Guess what! I'm tired of tolerance! I think its 100% Spiritual!

My personal experience with this disease has made me somewhat an expert on the topic. At one point, I was cycling over 10 times a day. I was hospitalized and the doctors couldn't believe what they were seeing. I left that place with 11 different prescriptions -- at whopping doses -- and my condition grew worse.

I went to a spiritual prayer retreat and was healed. Three days after that meeting I couldn't take my medicine any more. They just didn't work. Now, its been around 14 weeks med free.

I still cycle! I still have good days and bad ones. The difference is, I can actually tell the difference between a spiritual cycle and a chemical one. I believe that God created me this way to make me sensitive to the spiritual world.

Now, all you reading this, go ahead and call me names and try to discredit me. I promise you, rather than fighting back, I will give you more information about me that will HELP you discredit me even more. You see, its not about me. Its not about what I think! Its about God. I didn't heal me, God did!
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Active Member
Oct 7, 2005
Savannah, Georgia
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vincejohn said:
Thats fantastic but dont ever be too hard on yourself Mr Stannenberg...''Jesus is a cry away''VJ
Thanks Vinnie. I've been struggling.

Talking to Jesus has been the greatest comfort I have ever known. I do this without ceasing!
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