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Apollo Rhetor

Senior Member
Apr 19, 2003
endure said:
why are we talking about the charismatic movement and its truth or falsehood?
i thought this was about benny hinn.
It is. Andrew mentioned about "critics" or something in the charismatic movement, so I was commenting on that. This thread is about Benny Hinn, so we shouldn't really be talking about it except where it relates to the topic at hand. So we were going a little off topic.

it doesnt bother me that neither of you agree with the charismatic movement. i know that i will always be a charismatic and i know its biblical, but im not going to debate it here simply becuase you do not agree with me. and if that is not your desire, then why do bring it up to me?
Again, it was for Andrew. A question unrelated to Benny, why do you say you will always be a charismatic? Your desire should be for the truth as God has revealed it - so how can you know that one day God might reveal to you what we believe He has to us? You should be saying that with what you have been shown by Him so far in your walk that the charismatic movement is Biblical.

well anyway, weve talked enough.
im not trying to decide what needs to be done, im just saying that i beleive that you have alot more "YOU" in the picture than you like to think.
The trouble I'm having is that you seem to be making comments of the general nature - "what you are doing is wrong", or "you shouldn't speak of him this way" - yet not giving specifics on how or why we are wrong when we follow the examples of Christ, Paul, John and others, nor giving us another interpretation on how those passages should be understood.
Perhaps there is some pride coming through in my posts, I try not to let any, but we are all flawed.
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i say i will always be a charismatic, becuase i do not have an issue being so bold as to say that you are not in the truth. im not trying to be rude, but this is me being honest...
i know what God has already shown me, and if i am to always doubt that i wont be changed in the future, then how can i be sure about anything i believe from the bible? i know im in the truth, and i do not believe he has shown you truth. again, im not trying to be rude.

to me, being the way i am, though im not sure if it fits your mental picture of a charismatic, is just as sound and true and unshakable as Jesus came from a virgin and is the only begotten son of God.

personally i dont know how it should be done, though i do believe you say things that are not neccesary in calling him things and shouting about it the way you seem to be doing.
i beleive it should be stated more like this...

"i do believe benny is wrong as it is clear to see, the Lords will be done, and if he is cast out then i pray Gods grace be with him and that he would oneday be restored. but it isnt between me and him, he hasnt wronged me but rather the Lord and i dont have a reason to be angry and fight. but rather i seek benny's full restoration and blessing and salvation."

its just that it seems you want him cast out so badly and that you desire him to be and that you would not enjoy it if he found grace and was fully restored and was never cast out.
i think your focusing on certain parts of scripture, but not the fullness of scripture. and it seems like your using things that God gave provision to do under certain circumstances, and what other imperfect men or prophets have done, as excuses to have your own way with benny.
and it doesnt seem you like desire to see benny saved blessed and restored, as we should because God loves him too. it seems like you hate him.
i just dont desire benny to be cast out, not that he should stay and destroy anything, but rather him be restored, and i think that should be the context of your coversation.
and people say hes been confronted numerous times already, but confrontation isnt always what its about. like i said before, having compassion makes a diffrence not just truth, we should go and seek Gods face that he be saved and be restored and pray and fast, not just confront and rebuke.
i remember the prophet samuel. he said he considered it a sin, if he did not pray for his backslidden prodige king saul, even if he was backslidden and samuel told him he certainly was wrong, but samuel was still focused on an desired to see him restored.
and that doesnt seem to be your desire.
and kind david, saw his sons destruction, even when his son wanted to kill him, and it was just, though it still made david weep.

i am sorry if i have been wrong in the motives or way that i have spoken.
forgive me.
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Apollo Rhetor

Senior Member
Apr 19, 2003
I've been away a bit, and going away again, but have time to respond at the moment.

i say i will always be a charismatic, becuase i do not have an issue being so bold as to say that you are not in the truth. im not trying to be rude, but this is me being honest...
Well, I understand, as I am as bold in saying the charismatic movement is not from God.

i know what God has already shown me, and if i am to always doubt that i wont be changed in the future, then how can i be sure about anything i believe from the bible? i know im in the truth, and i do not believe he has shown you truth. again, im not trying to be rude.
There is a difference. We can be certain that God exists. That is more certain to us than the Bible being the Word of God, which is more certain to us than God being a part of the reformation, which is more certain to us than knowing the charismatic movement is not from God. Discovering that the charismatic movement is not from God is nothing like discovering that God does not exist. You should be certain of what you believe - and being certain of it means being willing to test your beliefs to find out whether they are true. It does not mean blind adherence against evidence.

personally i dont know how it should be done, though i do believe you say things that are not neccesary in calling him things and shouting about it the way you seem to be doing.
Which things in particular?

"i do believe benny is wrong as it is clear to see, the Lords will be done, and if he is cast out then i pray Gods grace be with him and that he would oneday be restored. but it isnt between me and him, he hasnt wronged me but rather the Lord and i dont have a reason to be angry and fight. but rather i seek benny's full restoration and blessing and salvation."
This does help me see better where you are coming from. The problem is that the role you give to us is very passive, only involving prayer. The Scriptures give us a far more active and aggressive role. So I want to know how you fit those Scriptures with the above? The Scriptures tell us to actively cast such a person out of the church, while you propose that we passively do nothing but pray (though prayer is no small thing, actions are also required by Him). And you still haven't provided a proper answer for Paul's heated words that certain men should emasculate themselves, or Jesus' words "brood of vipers", or of Elijah's callous taunts, or John's words.

its just that it seems you want him cast out so badly and that you desire him to be and that you would not enjoy it if he found grace and was fully restored and was never cast out.
I do, desperately, want him cast out, I do not deny it. However, I would love more than any other option for him to fall under grace after he is cast out and be restored. You have made it clear that this is just your interpretation of my words, so I'm letting you know without anger that it is far from the truth.

i think your focusing on certain parts of scripture, but not the fullness of scripture. and it seems like your using things that God gave provision to do under certain circumstances, and what other imperfect men or prophets have done, as excuses to have your own way with benny.
I am NOT proposing we cast every person out of the church. What it sounds to me like you are saying here is that I'm taking something from the Scripture that was reserved for special circumstances, and applying it more liberally. To which I reply that I call for such treatment of only a few rare men, among which Benny Hinn is counted. Most men, especially those who love the Lord, will listen when held accountable. Benny Hinn does not. If you think I shouldn't be applying these Scriptures to Benny Hinn, please tell me why.

and it doesnt seem you like desire to see benny saved blessed and restored, as we should because God loves him too. it seems like you hate him.
If there is hate, then it is as much as Jesus hated the Scribes, Sadducees and Pharisees, as much as Elijah hated the prophets of Baal, and Paul hated those men he said he wished would emasculate themselves.

i just dont desire benny to be cast out, not that he should stay and destroy anything, but rather him be restored, and i think that should be the context of your coversation.
I think he should be cast out precisely so he can be restored. As long as we keep him in the church he has shown that he will not come to repentance.

i remember the prophet samuel. he said he considered it a sin, if he did not pray for his backslidden prodige king saul, even if he was backslidden and samuel told him he certainly was wrong, but samuel was still focused on an desired to see him restored.
and that doesnt seem to be your desire.
Could you find the Scripture reference please? I find your summary a little confusing. My desire is that Benny Hinn be cast out so that he may not steal money from God's people, so that he may not deceive them with another gospel, and so that he will repent and be saved.
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