A Couple of Ways the Lord has changed me

Serendipitous Waffle

Active Member
Jul 18, 2023
Marital Status
I'm a big fellow, not fat but of stature. I look scary, and it doesn't help that I have had a "Resting B-word Face". So not only did I look scary, but mean. In honesty, it was a self defense measure. To keep people at arms length, the less people I know the less chances of me being hurt. Plus, I just didn't care for people all that much honestly, I saw very little good in my fellow man.

However, for the past year or so that's all changed. I've caught myself smiling and nodding at strangers and them back. No longer do people "walk in circles" around me, now they walk past with a smile and a "hello!". Something happened, the Lord softened my heart towards my fellow man, I now feel closer to people in general. Have a natural curiosity to who they are, and the strongest feeling, a deep wish that they do well and are happy.

No longer do I see faces of enemies as I once did, but faces of friends I've simply not met yet. It's strange, but I am getting a little teary eyed writing this. I genuinely wish these people well and good fortune and I keep thinking, "I hope they know the gift of the Lord!".

It's a humbling experience, knowing that even my relatively cold heart could become warm for even those I do not know. I never wanted to hate anyone in the first place, but it almost became that way. It started out with me just being mentally exhausted and wanting to be left alone. But the Lord had other plans, and I'm thankful! My life is now less "cumbersome" if that makes sense, like the Lord lifted something off my shoulders.

The Lord has and continues to work His wonders in my life, something which I am grateful for. And I feel I just need to continue to be more open to change.

Just wanted to share this with you all, as I don't have many to share to otherwise. :) The Lord is good!