50 Years of Deafening Silence Confirms Radioisotope Halos Have Destroyed Evolution - It's Time For A Proper Burial


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Dec 11, 2022
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(If you wish to skip the boring science lesson and head down to the bottom
to find out about the "50 years of deafening silence" - be my guest)

Dr. Robert Gentry, a Seventh-day Adventist scientist, made an extremely important discovery many years ago. After much research, in 1976 he published his findings in the prestigious, elite, peer-reviewed journal "Science" and turned the atheistic scientific world upside down: parent primordial Polonium-218 radioisotope halos contained in the Earth's basement granite rock layers. What does this have to do with disproving the evolutionary time table, which claims these layers of granite were formed by the slow cooling of molten rock over millions and millions of years? We must first understand what radioisotope halos are before we can understand why Dr. Gentry's discovery is so detrimental to the evolutionary time table and, ultimately, the theory of evolution which rests upon it:

All radioactive elements go through a continuing process of decay until they reach the end of the process and turn into lead. At the beginning of the process, a "parent" isotope, such as Uranium-238, decays into a "daughter" isotope, and after a time that daughter isotope decays into another daughter isotope and so on until the end of the decay chain is reached and the radioactive element finally becomes inert lead.

It's what happens during the decay process that is so important to Dr. Gentry's discovery.

When a radioactive isotope undergoes decay, either alpha or beta particles eject from atomic center of the isotope and shoot outward concentrically in all directions. If the particles are alpha, the high energy release causes visible damage to the surrounding crystalline structure of the rock in which the radioactive element is embedded - beta particles are too low energy to cause any damage. The distance the alpha particles travel outward from the isotope's atomic center varies from isotope to isotope, thereby producing varying distances of damage, seen as rings or "halos"; hence the name "radioisotope halos", much like if one slices a boiled egg in half and a cross section view shows the center yellow yolk, the white area further out, and finally the outer shell. It is by examining the distance of each halo ring from the atomic center of the isotope that scientists determine which isotope is responsible for the formation of each ring. Below is a picture of a parent Uranium-238 isotope halo and its associated daughter isotope halos on the decay chain:


Scientists with almost unfathomable precision have measured the "half life" of each radioactive isotope, so they can make a pretty good guess about how long each will exist before it fully decays into the next daughter isotope on the chain.

Still here? We're almost done!

One of these isotopes on the decay chain, Polonium-218 (Po-218), has a half life of only 3.1 minutes - which means it will fully decay into its daughter isotope in the chain in less than 30 minutes. The shocking discovery made by Dr. Gentry is that he found parent, primordial Polonium-218 halos, which means the Polonium-218 isotope that caused them was not the result of isotope decay from Uranium-238, but began its existence as parent, primordial Polonium-218, as evidenced by the lack of isotope halos occurring further up the decay chain!


Therefore, because of the fleeting existence of Polonium-218, the only explanation for how parent primordial Polonium-218 halos could possibly form is that a parent Polonium-218 radioactive isotope suddenly sprang forth into existence within molten magma, immediately followed by the instantaneous hardening of that molten magma into solid granite whereby trapping the isotope inside, followed by an onslaught of alpha particle "radiohalo" damaging of the newly hardened granite as a result of this parent, primordial Polonium-218 isotope decaying into its daughter isotope over the next few minutes - the entire process requiring completion in MERE MINUTES, NEVER IN MILLIONS OF YEARS!

"By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made,
and all the hosts of them by the breath of His mouth...
For He spake, and it was done,
He commanded, and it stood fast."

Psalms 33:6,9 KJV
Dr. Gentry's findings on radioisotope halos were published in the top, elite, most authoritative science journals in the world such as Science, Nature, Annual Review of Nuclear Science, Earth and Planetary Science, Geophysical Research Letters, and many more. After the journal Science published his findings in October of 1976, Dr. Gentry got a letter from a professor at LSU:

"Dear Dr. Gentry,​
I have been patiently scanning the 'Letters' section of Science since the publication by you and your colleagues on your findings of radiohalos. The silence has been deafening -- I think it can be interpreted as 'stunned silence'. Your results will not greatly trouble the engineer...but the impact on the science of geology, in possibly changing accepted views on geologic time, will be felt many years."​
Very truly yours,​
Raphael G. Kazmann, Professor​

"Stunned silence", brothers and sisters. The atheistic scientific community was blown away by Dr. Gentry's findings and for months sat in stunned silence with no way to conjure up an alternative explanation to defend their false evolutionary "millions of years" timeline. Almost 50 years later, not a single scientist has been able to publish an explanation in any of these top, authoritative, peer-reviewed, elite science journals.

Oh, there are a few shills among the atheistic scientific community like John Baillieul who climb onto the internet and throw a few stones at Dr. Gentry, but none of their articles have ever been published in any top, elite, peer-reviewed science journal. Their work has been characterized as "spurious" and attempts to "hoodwink the unwary". They know their bogus claims don't even begin to approach the level of a serious challenge to Dr. Gentry's legitimate scientific work, but they can't stand the embarrassment of nearly 5 decades of deafening silence, so better to cowardly post an article on an internet website that isn't peer reviewed, isn't fact checked, isn't regarded by anyone accept atheists and foolish theistic evolutionists who wouldn't know an isotope from an ice cream sundae, and pretend they've found a "chink in the armour" - even the complicit editors of these elite journals know that publishing their desperate claims on elite peer-reviewed journal platforms would do extreme harm to the entire atheistic pseudoscience agenda because these claims would be swiftly exposed as fallacious.

Dr. Gentry boldly challenged these cowards to public, peer-reviewed debates, but no one has ever stepped up to the challenge. The stunned silence continues. When this great man of God passed away in 2020, I'm sure there was much rejoicing among the atheistic pseudoscience community. His Wiki page is shamelessly biased against him and his extraordinary accomplishments, but in a time when a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth is finished lacing up it's boots, that's to be expected. But, praise God that it's true today as it was when Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 13:8 KJV, "We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth" and I pray what I've written here is to the glory of God and for the protection of those who would otherwise be seduced by the satanic lie of evolution.

Useful links:

Fingerprints of Creation video:
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Nov 21, 2022
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"Stunned silence", brothers and sisters.
Very interesting and thanks for posting. Seems their "stunned silence" is here as well. First time hearing about this and I'm not surprised. All truth on any subject is suppressed from the top down which is why when searching his name the Internet gatekeeper and lie protector, wickedpedia, is right on it. And of course they're always pushed to the top of internet search results no matter what search engine is used.
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Dr. Gentry boldly challenged these cowards to peer-reviewed debates, but not one of these foolish atheist evolutionists stepped up to the challenge.
When or whenever any debate was accomplished, that wiped out the ungodly ways of things, the debate often 'disappeared' from sight/ unpublished, censored / deleted.... oh my.... what is going on today ? For instance, the conference that showed plainly that a very common drug used and sold to patients did not help anyone until over sixty people were given it, then only one in sixty after that , was it discontinued ? no. more was sold daily, every day... one of the most common ever... statins.
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(If you wish to skip the boring science lesson and head down to the bottom
to find out about the "50 years of deafening silence" - be my guest)

Dr. Robert Gentry, a Seventh-day Adventist scientist, made a discovery in the mid-1970s which turned the atheistic scientific world completely upside down: parent primordial Polonium-218 radioisotope halos contained in the Earth's basement granite. How does this destroy the theory of evolution? We must first understand what radioisotope halos are before we can understand why Dr. Gentry's discovery is so important:

All radioactive elements go through a continuing process of decay until they reach the end of the process and turn into lead. At the beginning of the process, a "parent" isotope decays into a "daughter" isotope, and after a time that daughter isotope will decay into another daughter isotope and so on until the end of the decay chain is reached and the radioactive element finally becomes inert lead.

It is what happens during the decay process that is so important to discounting the lie of evolution.

When a radioactive isotope undergoes decay, either alpha or beta particles eject from atoms at the center of the isotope and shoot outward concentrically in all directions. If the particles are alpha, the high energy release causes visible damage to the surrounding crystalline structure of the rock in which the radioactive element is embedded - if the particles are beta, the low energy release causes no damage.

This visible damage by alpha particles proves the Bible is true and the evolutionary timetable false.

When scientists take thin slices of rock and place them under a microscope, they can view a cross section of these damage zones which appear as "halos" - hence the name "radioisotope halos" - much like if one slices a boiled egg in half and a cross section view shows the center yellow yolk, the white area further out, and finally the outer shell. By examining these halos, scientists can determine what kind of isotope caused them and whether each halo was begun by a parent or daughter isotope. Scientists have precisely measured the "half life" of each radioactive isotope, so they can make a pretty good guess about how long each will exist before it fully decays into the next daughter isotope on the chain.

Still here? We're almost done!

One of these daughter isotopes, Polonium-218 (Po-218) has a half life of only 3 minutes - which means it will fully decay into the next daughter isotope in the chain in less than 30 minutes. This fleeting existence of Polonium-218 defies evolutionary thinking because there's no way Polonium-218 could cause Polonium-218 halos in granite if the granite took millions and billions of years to slow cool into solid rock! Molten rock has no crystalline structure, and thus nothing for the alpha particles to damage - the rock has to be solid before halos can form!

What's more, Dr. Gentry found parent primordial Polonium-218 halos, which means the Polonium-218 isotope that caused them was not the result of decay from Uranium-238 or any other isotopes up the decay chain, but began its existence as Polonium-218!

This is something that we do not observe today and which defies evolution's "Uniformitarian Principle" - and means something very different was operating in the past - Genesis 1:1 KJV and Genesis 6:17 KJV!

The only explanation for how parent primordial Polonium-218 halos could form is that Polonium-218 suddenly came into existence within molten rock, the molten rock instantly solidified into solid granite, the Polonium-218 isotope began decaying into its daughter isotope thus ejecting damaging alpha particles into what is now a solid granite crystalline rock structure surrounding it, and finished decaying into its daughter isotope leaving behind visible "halo" damage in a ONLY MATTER OF MINUTES, NEVER IN MILLIONS OF YEARS!

"By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made,
and all the hosts of them by the breath of His mouth...
For He spake, and it was done,
He commanded, and it stood fast."

Psalms 33:6,9 KJV
Dr. Gentry's findings on radioisotope halos were published in the top, elite, most authoritative science journals in the world such as Science, Nature, Annual Review of Nuclear Science, Earth and Planetary Science, Geophysical Research Letters, and many more. After the journal Science published his findings in October of 1976, Dr. Gentry got a letter from a professor at LSU:

"Dear Dr. Gentry,​
I have been patiently scanning the 'Letters' section of Science since the publication by you and your colleagues on your findings of radiohalos. The silence has been deafening -- I think it can be interpreted as 'stunned silence'. Your results will not greatly trouble the engineer...but the impact on the science of geology, in possibly changing accepted views on geologic time, will be felt many years."​
Very truly yours,​
Raphael G. Kazman, Professor​

"Stunned silence", brothers and sisters. The atheistic scientific community was blown away by Dr. Gentry's findings and for months sat in stunned silence with no way to conjure up an alternative explanation to preserve their precious garbage evolution theory. To this day, 50 years later, not a single scientist has been able to publish an explanation in any of these top, authoritative, peer-reviewed, elite science journals.

Oh, there are a few shills among the atheistic scientific community like John Baillieul who climb onto the internet and throw a few stones at Dr. Gentry but none of their articles have ever been published in any top, elite, peer-reviewed science journal.

Not once. Stunned silence, brother and sisters.

Their work has been characterized as "spurious" and attempts to "hoodwink the unwary". These immature children know they're full of bulldookey and their claims don't even begin to approach the level of a serious challenge to Dr. Gentry's legitimate scientific work, but they can't stand the embarrassment of 50 years of deafening silence, so better to cowardly publish an article on the internet that isn't peer reviewed, isn't fact checked, isn't regarded by anyone accept atheists and foolish theistic evolutionists who wouldn't know an isotope from an ice cream sundae, and pretend they've found a "chink in the armour" - even the complicit editors of these elite journals know that publishing their claims on elite peer-reviewed journal platforms would do extreme harm to their atheistic pseudoscience agenda because these claims would be swiftly exposed as fallacious.

Dr. Gentry boldly challenged these cowards to peer-reviewed debates, but not one of these foolish atheist evolutionists stepped up to the challenge.
When this great man of God passed away, I'm sure there was much rejoicing among the pseudoscience community. His Wiki page is so disgustingly biased against him, but in a time when a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still lacing up it's boots, that's to be expected. But, praise God that it's true today as it was when Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 13:8 KJV, "We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth" and I pray what I've written here is to the glory of God and for the protection of honest Christians from those who would attempt to advance the satanic lie of evolution.

Useful links:

Fingerprints of Creation video:
Was it better living before the lies became worldwide accepted news and became the preferred and promoted way of thinking in the world ?
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Dec 11, 2022
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Was it better living before the lies became worldwide accepted news and became the preferred and promoted way of thinking in the world ?
I think deception has never been greater than it is now - how anyone manages to "escape the pollutions of this world" and find Christ today is nothing short of a miracle.
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Dec 11, 2022
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Very interesting and thanks for posting. Seems their "stunned silence" is here as well. First time hearing about this and I'm not surprised. All truth on any subject is suppressed from the top down which is why when searching his name the Internet gatekeeper and lie protector, wickedpedia, is right on it. And of course they're always pushed to the top of internet search results no matter what search engine is used.
Praise be to God, friend.
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Oct 12, 2022
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(If you wish to skip the boring science lesson and head down to the bottom
to find out about the "50 years of deafening silence" - be my guest)

Dr. Robert Gentry, a Seventh-day Adventist scientist, made a discovery in the mid-1970s which turned the atheistic scientific world completely upside down: parent primordial Polonium-218 radioisotope halos contained in the Earth's basement granite. How does this destroy the theory of evolution? We must first understand what radioisotope halos are before we can understand why Dr. Gentry's discovery is so important:

All radioactive elements go through a continuing process of decay until they reach the end of the process and turn into lead. At the beginning of the process, a "parent" isotope decays into a "daughter" isotope, and after a time that daughter isotope decays into another daughter isotope and so on until the end of the decay chain is reached and the radioactive element finally becomes inert lead.

It is what happens during the decay process that is so important to discounting the lie of evolution.

When a radioactive isotope undergoes decay, either alpha or beta particles eject from atoms at the center of the isotope and shoot outward concentrically in all directions. If the particles are alpha, the high energy release causes visible damage to the surrounding crystalline structure of the rock in which the radioactive element is embedded - if the particles are beta, the low energy release causes no damage.

This visible damage by alpha particles proves the Bible is true and the evolutionary timetable false.

When scientists take thin slices of rock and place them under a microscope, they can view a cross section of these damage zones which appear as "halos" - hence the name "radioisotope halos" - much like if one slices a boiled egg in half and a cross section view shows the center yellow yolk, the white area further out, and finally the outer shell. By examining these halos, scientists can determine what kind of isotope caused them and whether each halo was begun by a parent or daughter isotope. Scientists have precisely measured the "half life" of each radioactive isotope, so they can make a pretty good guess about how long each will exist before it fully decays into the next daughter isotope on the chain.

Still here? We're almost done!

One of these daughter isotopes, Polonium-218 (Po-218) has a half life of only 3 minutes - which means it will fully decay into the next daughter isotope in the chain in less than 30 minutes. Dr. Gentry found parent primordial Polonium-218 halos, which means the Polonium-218 isotope that caused them was not the result of decay from Uranium-238 or any other isotopes up the decay chain, but began its existence as parent primordial Polonium-218!

This is something that we do not observe today and which defies evolution's "Uniformitarian Principle" - and means something very different was operating in the past - Genesis 1:1 KJV and Genesis 6:17 KJV!

What's more, because of the fleeting existence of Polonium-218, the only explanation for how parent primordial Polonium-218 halos could form is that Polonium-218 - as a parent isotope, not a daughter of U-238 - suddenly sprang forth into existence within molten rock, immediately followed by instantaneous hardening of the molten rock into solid granite, followed by alpha particle "radiohalo" damage to the newly hardened granite by the decay of the parent primordial Polonium-218 isotope over the next few minutes until it ceases to be and is replaced by its daughter isotope - a process that must be completed in MERE MINUTES, NEVER IN MILLIONS OF YEARS!

"By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made,
and all the hosts of them by the breath of His mouth...
For He spake, and it was done,
He commanded, and it stood fast."

Psalms 33:6,9 KJV
Dr. Gentry's findings on radioisotope halos were published in the top, elite, most authoritative science journals in the world such as Science, Nature, Annual Review of Nuclear Science, Earth and Planetary Science, Geophysical Research Letters, and many more. After the journal Science published his findings in October of 1976, Dr. Gentry got a letter from a professor at LSU:

"Dear Dr. Gentry,​
I have been patiently scanning the 'Letters' section of Science since the publication by you and your colleagues on your findings of radiohalos. The silence has been deafening -- I think it can be interpreted as 'stunned silence'. Your results will not greatly trouble the engineer...but the impact on the science of geology, in possibly changing accepted views on geologic time, will be felt many years."​
Very truly yours,​
Raphael G. Kazman, Professor​

"Stunned silence", brothers and sisters. The atheistic scientific community was blown away by Dr. Gentry's findings and for months sat in stunned silence with no way to conjure up an alternative explanation to preserve their precious garbage evolution theory. To this day, 50 years later, not a single scientist has been able to publish an explanation in any of these top, authoritative, peer-reviewed, elite science journals.

Oh, there are a few shills among the atheistic scientific community like John Baillieul who climb onto the internet and throw a few stones at Dr. Gentry but none of their articles have ever been published in any top, elite, peer-reviewed science journal.

Not once. Stunned silence, brother and sisters.

Their work has been characterized as "spurious" and attempts to "hoodwink the unwary". These immature children know they're full of bulldookey and their claims don't even begin to approach the level of a serious challenge to Dr. Gentry's legitimate scientific work, but they can't stand the embarrassment of 50 years of deafening silence, so better to cowardly publish an article on the internet that isn't peer reviewed, isn't fact checked, isn't regarded by anyone accept atheists and foolish theistic evolutionists who wouldn't know an isotope from an ice cream sundae, and pretend they've found a "chink in the armour" - even the complicit editors of these elite journals know that publishing their claims on elite peer-reviewed journal platforms would do extreme harm to their atheistic pseudoscience agenda because these claims would be swiftly exposed as fallacious.

Dr. Gentry boldly challenged these cowards to peer-reviewed debates, but not one of these foolish atheist evolutionists stepped up to the challenge.
When this great man of God passed away, I'm sure there was much rejoicing among the pseudoscience community. His Wiki page is so disgustingly biased against him, but in a time when a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still lacing up it's boots, that's to be expected. But, praise God that it's true today as it was when Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 13:8 KJV, "We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth" and I pray what I've written here is to the glory of God and for the protection of honest Christians from those who would attempt to advance the satanic lie of evolution.

Useful links:

Fingerprints of Creation video:
I know I'll regret this but...

Actually, there hasn't been silence. While looking into polonium, I found an article from 2010 that points out the obvious: polonium is a product of uranium. Uranium has a much longer half-life. So you have uranium in the granite that decays, with some of it decaying into polonium, and then the polonium decays and causes the halos.

Now, whatever anyone thinks about all this, that there's at least one article from 2010 means that their hasn't been stunned silence all this time. And my own hesitancy at posting a reply is from:

1. Learning about polonium and the halos.
2. Assuming that pointing this out won't be well received.
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I know I'll regret this but...

Actually, there hasn't been silence. While looking into polonium, I found an article from 2010 that points out the obvious: polonium is a product of uranium. Uranium has a much longer half-life. So you have uranium in the granite that decays, with some of it decaying into polonium, and then the polonium decays and causes the halos.
You don't need a 2010 article to tell you that - any science textbook or google search of "radioisotope decay chain" will show Po218 is a daughter isotope of U-238.
Now, whatever anyone thinks about all this, that there's at least one article from 2010 means that their hasn't been stunned silence all this time.
The stunned silence has nothing to do with Po-218 being a daughter isotope of U-238.

If you're going to challenge someone's OP, don't you think you ought to read the thing first?
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Thank you for confirming my initial hypothesis, that I would regret posting a reply. Have a nice day.
Thank you for confirming my initial suspicion that you didn't read the OP before commenting. Have a nicer day.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
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(If you wish to skip the boring science lesson and head down to the bottom
to find out about the "50 years of deafening silence" - be my guest)

Dr. Robert Gentry, a Seventh-day Adventist scientist, made an extremely important discovery many years ago. After much research, in 1976 he published his findings in the prestigious, elite, peer-reviewed journal "Science" and turned the atheistic scientific world upside down: parent primordial Polonium-218 radioisotope halos contained in the Earth's basement granite rock layers. What does this have to do with disproving the evolutionary time table, which claims these layers of granite were formed by the slow cooling of molten rock over millions and millions of years? We must first understand what radioisotope halos are before we can understand why Dr. Gentry's discovery is so detrimental to the evolutionary time table and, ultimately, the theory of evolution which rests upon it:

All radioactive elements go through a continuing process of decay until they reach the end of the process and turn into lead. At the beginning of the process, a "parent" isotope, such as Uranium-238, decays into a "daughter" isotope, and after a time that daughter isotope decays into another daughter isotope and so on until the end of the decay chain is reached and the radioactive element finally becomes inert lead.

It's what happens during the decay process that is so important to Dr. Gentry's discovery.

When a radioactive isotope undergoes decay, either alpha or beta particles eject from atomic center of the isotope and shoot outward concentrically in all directions. If the particles are alpha, the high energy release causes visible damage to the surrounding crystalline structure of the rock in which the radioactive element is embedded - beta particles are too low energy to cause any damage. The distance the alpha particles travel outward from the isotope's atomic center varies from isotope to isotope, thereby producing varying distances of damage, seen as rings or "halos"; hence the name "radioisotope halos".

This visible damage by alpha particles proves the Bible, not evolution, is true.

When scientists take thin slices of rock and place them under a microscope, they can view a cross section of these damage zone "halo" rings much like if one slices a boiled egg in half and a cross section view shows the center yellow yolk, the white area further out, and finally the outer shell. It is by examining the distance of each halo ring from the atomic center of the isotope that scientists determine which isotope is responsible for the formation of each ring. Below is a picture of a parent Uranium-238 isotope halo and its associated daughter isotope halos on the decay chain:

View attachment 326186

Scientists with almost unfathomable precision have measured the "half life" of each radioactive isotope, so they can make a pretty good guess about how long each will exist before it fully decays into the next daughter isotope on the chain.

Still here? We're almost done!

One of these isotopes on the decay chain, Polonium-218 (Po-218) has a half life of only 3.1 minutes - which means it will fully decay into its daughter isotope in the chain in less than 30 minutes. The shocking discovery made by Dr. Gentry is that he found parent, primordial Polonium-218 halos, which means the Polonium-218 isotope that caused them was not the result of isotope decay from Uranium-238, but began its existence as parent primordial Polonium-218!

View attachment 326191

This is something that we do not observe today and which defies the "Uniformitarian Principle" of evolutionary science - and means something very different was operating in the past - Genesis 1:1 KJV and Genesis 6:17 KJV!

Because of the fleeting existence of Polonium-218, the only explanation for how parent primordial Polonium-218 halos could possibly form is that a parent Polonium-218 radioactive isotope suddenly sprang forth into existence within molten rock, immediately followed by the instantaneous hardening of that molten rock into solid granite whereby trapping the isotope inside, followed by alpha particle "radiohalo" damage to the newly hardened granite by the decay of this parent primordial Polonium-218 isotope over the next few minutes until it finished decaying into its daughter isotope - a process that must be completed in MERE MINUTES, NEVER IN MILLIONS OF YEARS!

"By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made,
and all the hosts of them by the breath of His mouth...
For He spake, and it was done,
He commanded, and it stood fast."

Psalms 33:6,9 KJV
Dr. Gentry's findings on radioisotope halos were published in the top, elite, most authoritative science journals in the world such as Science, Nature, Annual Review of Nuclear Science, Earth and Planetary Science, Geophysical Research Letters, and many more. After the journal Science published his findings in October of 1976, Dr. Gentry got a letter from a professor at LSU:

"Dear Dr. Gentry,​
I have been patiently scanning the 'Letters' section of Science since the publication by you and your colleagues on your findings of radiohalos. The silence has been deafening -- I think it can be interpreted as 'stunned silence'. Your results will not greatly trouble the engineer...but the impact on the science of geology, in possibly changing accepted views on geologic time, will be felt many years."​
Very truly yours,​
Raphael G. Kazmann, Professor​

"Stunned silence", brothers and sisters. The atheistic scientific community was blown away by Dr. Gentry's findings and for months sat in stunned silence with no way to conjure up an alternative explanation to defend their false evolutionary "millions of years" timeline. Almost 50 years later, not a single scientist has been able to publish an explanation in any of these top, authoritative, peer-reviewed, elite science journals.

Oh, there are a few shills among the atheistic scientific community like John Baillieul who climb onto the internet and throw a few stones at Dr. Gentry, but none of their articles have ever been published in any top, elite, peer-reviewed science journal. Their work has been characterized as "spurious" and attempts to "hoodwink the unwary". They know their bogus claims don't even begin to approach the level of a serious challenge to Dr. Gentry's legitimate scientific work, but they can't stand the embarrassment of nearly 5 decades of deafening silence, so better to cowardly post an article on an internet website that isn't peer reviewed, isn't fact checked, isn't regarded by anyone accept atheists and foolish theistic evolutionists who wouldn't know an isotope from an ice cream sundae, and pretend they've found a "chink in the armour" - even the complicit editors of these elite journals know that publishing their desperate claims on elite peer-reviewed journal platforms would do extreme harm to the entire atheistic pseudoscience agenda because these claims would be swiftly exposed as fallacious.

Dr. Gentry boldly challenged these cowards to public, peer-reviewed debates, but no one has ever stepped up to the challenge. The stunned silence continues. When this great man of God passed away in 2020, I'm sure there was much rejoicing among the atheistic pseudoscience community. His Wiki page is shamelessly biased against him and his extraordinary accomplishments, but in a time when a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth is finished lacing up it's boots, that's to be expected. But, praise God that it's true today as it was when Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 13:8 KJV, "We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth" and I pray what I've written here is to the glory of God and for the protection of those who would otherwise be seduced by the satanic lie of evolution.

Useful links:

Fingerprints of Creation video:

Question: Was Gentry's article, itself, peer-reviewed? If so, how do we know?

Personally, and being that we have a few teachers and workers in various fields of Physics among us, like @sjastro, I'm wondering if any of the additional points presented in part 10 of the following article are something that someone here can offer additional insights on:

Egdell, Russell G., and Elizabeth Bruton. "Henry Moseley, X-ray spectroscopy and the periodic table." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378, no. 2180 (2020): 20190302.

Addional Reference of note:

Snelling, Andrew A., and Mark H. Armitage. "Radiohalos: A tale of three granitic plutons." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 23. 2003.
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Dec 11, 2022
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Question: Was Gentry's article, itself, peer-reviewed? If so, how do we know?
Gentry's work is well documented in elite, peer reviewed science journals such as Science, Nature, Annual Review of Nuclear Science, many others as I've so clearly pointed out in the OP. You can obtain a copy of the October 1977 issue of the journal "Science" and see that's he's been published for yourself.

Sorry, but I refuse to speak to someone about an OP who's refused to read the OP. We can talk about something else if you like, friend.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
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Gentry's work is well documented in elite, peer reviewed science journals such as Science, Nature, Annual Review of Nuclear Science, many others as I've so clearly pointed out in the OP. You can obtain a copy of the October 1977 issue of the journal "Science" and see that's he's been published for yourself.

Sorry, but I refuse to speak to someone about an OP who's refused to read the OP. We can talk about something else if you like, friend.
I've read your OP. And so? It doesn't mean 6 day Creationism "is the way it was."

But here's the thing: I don't care if some fellow Christian brethren want to believe in 6 Day Creationism because that's not my fight. If you want to believe that way, then be my guest, brother. Besides, I still hold the Genesis narrative as being Sacred Scripture, regardless. So, you and me?: We have no qualm.
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I've read your OP. And so? It doesn't mean 6 day Creationism "is the way it was."

But here's the thing: I don't care if some fellow Christian brethren want to believe in 6 Day Creationism because that's not my fight. If you want to believe that way, then be my guest, brother. Besides, I still hold the Genesis narrative as being Sacred Scripture, regardless. So, you and me?: We have no qualm.
If you've read my OP, then you've seen for the past 50 years not a single critic of Gentry has attempted to publish their bulldookey "smoking guns" (which Gentry refutes on websites like www.halos.com) in any elite, peer-reviewed science journals, nor were they willing to take up Gentry's decades-long challenge to a public, peer-reviewed debate over their criticism of Gentry's findings -- which speaks volumes about their total lack of confidence in their claims.

Therefore, after 50 years of "stunned silence" in the pages of these elite, peer-reviewed science journals, only a stubborn atheist fool or deluded theistic evolutionist will deny that parent primordial Po218 halos absolutely prove instantaneous granite formation - which destroys the evolutionary time table and the entire satanic theory with it, as well.

Now I ask you, how can anyone not conclude from this that Creationism is "the way it was"?
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
The Void!
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If you've read my OP, then you've seen for the past 50 years not a single critic of Gentry has attempted to publish their bulldookey "smoking guns" (which Gentry refutes on websites like www.halos.com) in any elite, peer-reviewed science journals, nor were they willing to take up Gentry's decades-long challenge to a public, peer-reviewed debate over their criticism of Gentry's findings -- which speaks volumes about their total lack of confidence in their claims.

Therefore, after 50 years of "stunned silence" in the pages of these elite, peer-reviewed science journals, only a stubborn atheist fool or deluded theistic evolutionist will deny that parent primordial Po218 halos absolutely prove instantaneous granite formation - which destroys the evolutionary time table and the entire satanic theory with it, as well.

Now I ask you, how can anyone not conclude from this that Creationism is "the way it was"?

His one single finding doesn't a World Theory make ... And by golly it sure doesn't offer some kind of comprehensive set of answers that somehow brings together hundres or thousands of other aspects of World Geophysics that point invariable to some Literal 6 Day Creation. For whatever Gentry's findings are worth, they don't destroy anything other than to posit his singular conceptual strata. It's just a factor to consider, not a deal braker for those of us who are familiar with the Theory of Evolution.

For my side of things, I'm sticking with the thesis of Davis A. Young & Ralph F. Stearley in their book, The Bible, Rocks and Time, none of which has anything to do with Gentry's "findings." They're separate sets of considerations in science.

Moreover, your main gripe in this thread is essentially an argument from silence since it appears that not many scientists, whether Christian or otherwise, have thought Gentry's thesis was worth the time to comment upon. And you know how powerful arguments from silence are, right?

So, get off my back.............................................. BRO!!! And, get off of everyone else's back with your weak position.
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His one single finding doesn't a World Theory make ... And by golly it sure doesn't offer some kind of comprehensive set of answers that somehow brings together hundres or thousands of other aspects of World Geophysics that point invariable to some Literal 6 Day Creation.
What "other aspects"? You mean like FLAWED radiometric dating which has proven at best "unreliable"? A method requiring assumptions for variables of the formulas used in calculation?

What, the fossil record "tree of life" which Stephen J. Gould says is no evidence for phyletic gradualism?

What, "reducing atmosphere" which supposedly preserved the first molecules for life that would have otherwise been destroyed in our oxidizing atmosphere, which stupidity is disproven when considering the implications of the OZONE LAYER on such nonsense?'

I'm not sure what "evidence" you're referring to, seeing how you didn't list any!
For whatever Gentry's findings are worth, they don't destroy anything
Like I said, only a dishonest atheist or confused theistic evolutionist will deny parent primordial Po218 halos prove instantaneous granite formation.
For my side of things, I'm sticking with the thesis of Davis A. Young & Ralph F. Stearley in their book, The Bible, Rocks and Time, none of which has anything to do with Gentry's "findings." They're separate sets of considerations in science.
In other words, you're only defense against Gentry's findings is to ignore them...got it.
And you know how powerful arguments from silence are, right?You mean "stunned silence"...on the part of cowardly, impotent, inexcusably arrogant, willfully ignorant, foolishly impenitent atheistic pseudoscientists -- not me.
Moreover, your main gripe in this thread is essentially an argument from silence since it appears that not many scientists, whether Christian or otherwise, have thought Gentry's thesis was worth the time to comment upon.

50 years and not a single elite, peer-reviewed, top authoritative science journal published criticism of Gentry's claim that the the evolutionary timetable crumbles under the weight of a microscopic discovery?
So, get off my back.............................................. BRO!!! And, get off of everyone else's back with your weak position.
50 years and still counting, friend. How about you stop the clock and solve the issue?

Tell us, please, how it is that the fingerprints (radioisotope halos) of parent, primordial radioisotope, Po218, that only exists for a few minutes is found in granites that supposedly took millions of years to slow cool from molten magma by any other means than that the granite was instantaneously formed, Genesis 1:1 says they were.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
The Void!
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What "other aspects"? You mean like FLAWED radiometric dating which has proven at best "unreliable"? A method requiring assumptions for variables of the formulas used in calculation?

What, the fossil record "tree of life" which Stephen J. Gould says is no evidence for phyletic gradualism?

What, "reducing atmosphere" which supposedly preserved the first molecules for life that would have otherwise been destroyed in our oxidizing atmosphere, which stupidity is disproven when considering the implications of the OZONE LAYER on such nonsense?'

I'm not sure what "evidence" you're referring to, seeing how you didn't list any!

Like I said, only a dishonest atheist or confused theistic evolutionist will deny parent primordial Po218 halos prove instantaneous granite formation.

In other words, you're only defense against Gentry's findings is to ignore them...got it.
And you know how powerful arguments from silence are, right?You mean "stunned silence"...on the part of cowardly, impotent, inexcusably arrogant, willfully ignorant, foolishly impenitent atheistic pseudoscientists -- not me.
Moreover, your main gripe in this thread is essentially an argument from silence since it appears that not many scientists, whether Christian or otherwise, have thought Gentry's thesis was worth the time to comment upon.

50 years and not a single elite, peer-reviewed, top authoritative science journal published criticism of Gentry's claim that the the evolutionary timetable crumbles under the weight of a microscopic discovery?

50 years and still counting, friend. How about you stop the clock and solve the issue?

Tell us, please, how it is that the fingerprints (radioisotope halos) of parent, primordial radioisotope, Po218, that only exists for a few minutes is found in granites that supposedly took millions of years to slow cool from molten magma by any other means than that the granite was instantaneously formed, Genesis 1:1 says they were.

You would like for me to "solve" the issue? What kind of experts do you think are qualified to "solve" this issue?

Because if it matters, I'd hate to attempt an answer and end up committing Epistemological Trespassing. (See the article below)

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Nov 21, 2022
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So, get off my back.............................................. BRO!!! And, get off of everyone else's back with your weak position.
Have the courage to speak for yourself.... He's not on "everyone else's back" just because you feel he's on yours. Many disrespectfully feel they can include the whole forum on their side by using the terms "we", 'us" or in this instance, "everyone" to give support to their, what may be, "weak position".
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
The Void!
United States
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Have the courage to speak for yourself.... He's not on "everyone else's back" just because you feel he's on yours. Many disrespectfully feel they can include the whole forum on their side by using the terms "we", 'us" or in this instance, "everyone" to give support to their, what may be, "weak position".

I'm so glad we can understand each other as Christians in mutual terms.
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