4 helpful tips for the garden of your soul


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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We draw closer to God with the recognition that in all things he is glorified, not only through human endeavors but also in our gardens, running our farms, or having wilderness adventures. God’s economy of salvation can be appreciated at any time but perhaps mostly in the spring, when new life reminds us of the promise that we can always begin again.

The darkest days of winter are behind us as we move toward the increasing light of spring — lecten in Old English, the lengthening of days. More light permits new growth. What a wonderful analogy for growing anew during Lent, and the unfurling of faith in the light of Easter.

In all of this, we hope our Lenten disciplines help us to turn to God the way plantings turn to light. Just as there are tasks that must be done in order to maintain a healthy and productive garden, so, too, do we live out the metaphor as we attend to the interior garden of our soul. And in our gardens, we can find analogies for cultivating a new virtue or reinforce existing ones grown pale or weak.

So, it’s time for a spiritual spring cleaning — time to look at the mess of our dormant interior gardens and see what the winter of the world has left behind. Let’s clean up and declutter to make room for our beautiful new growth.

Continued below.
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