Search results

  1. savvy

    Is it bad to be a redneck or hillbilly?

    Depends on what your definition of "redneck" or "hillbilly" is. People 'round these here parts (Tennessee and Mississippi) get called such names, but usually it's just because they have strong Southern accents. Nothing wrong with that; doesn't mean they are ignorant or intolerant, or that they...
  2. savvy

    Swear Words and Cursing.

    In reference to some words being vulgar while others with the same meaning are seen as polite - I got curious once and looked into why this is the case. I'm too lazy to go searching for sources now and I can't remember all the details, but the basic reason is due to the evolution of the...
  3. savvy

    Would you feel comfortable dating a true hermaphrodite?

    Lol. I don't think "true hermaphrodites" exist. There are certainly people born with androgynous genitalia / features / etc. but they are not fully functional with both sets of reproductive organs. I don't believe that is medically possible. Hypothetically though... hey, that's just more to...
  4. savvy

    What is polygamy?

    Man, I'm glad I'm not the only person who wonders about this stuff. Well, if one of them wants to get married, I don't think the other can "be celibate" since, as you've pointed out, they share equipment. I figure the question of motherhood/paternity could be settled between them. They are...
  5. savvy

    Ask an asexual!

    I also felt asexual for a very long time. I never felt any "spark" until I was almost 25. Even then it took awhile for me to get over the "icky" vibes and feel at all comfortable with the idea of sexuality, affection and vulnerability. There were a lot of things I considered kind of boring or...
  6. savvy

    Morality of Whaling (possible triggers)

    Basically, is whale meat so important that it is necessary to hunt this species into oblivion? Probably not. If a whale species is endangered, it seems irresponsible to hunt them. Once they're hunted into extinction, the whaling industry is destroyed, anyway. I agree that hunting endangered...
  7. savvy

    ephebophilia: moral or immoral?

    It does depend on the ages of both parties involved. Although teenagers may look developed and mature, mentally they are in a different place than an adult. I deal with about a 140 of them per day. Adolescents are not adults, no matter what they look like; I learned this very quickly. Of course...
  8. savvy

    Other people revealing the sexual history of your partner to you...

    If I'm going to learn about a partner's history, I'd prefer that the partner do the telling. The only thing I'd demand from them is info on their STD status. Beyond that, things that happened in the past aren't really that relevant to our current situation. I would not appreciate his friends...
  9. savvy

    the low fertility rate in the United States

    In fact, the Russian government was offering many incentives like free apartments and university education for couples that would have kids. They offered days off work for people to go home and have sex all day. Yep. I remember reading there was actually a burst of Russian babies following all...
  10. savvy

    Yahoo Answers...

    Beware, Yahoo Answers is addictive, though mindnumbingly stupid. I laugh a lot, then realize more of my precious brain cells have been thoroughly wasted by the experience. Then I weep for humanity.
  11. savvy

    SWhats your opinion about Japan

    I like Japan's tv shows, food, music, cultural history, etc. I have flown Japanese airlines and passed through the airport (that's as close as I've gotten to visiting). Very efficient although the stewardesses were too short to put my bags in the overhead compartments, lol. BUT.... The Hello...
  12. savvy

    Is it moral to deny a child Western medicine for religious convictions?

    If an adult wants to refuse medicine due to religious beliefs, I am fine with that even if I disagree with it. But children do not understand everything...they have not had a chance to truly develop their own convictions, to break away from their parents and find answers for themselves. If...
  13. savvy

    How do I stop being too clingy?

    We did talk about it a couple of days ago, so he is aware of how I'm feeling. He says he feels pulled in different directions because his family has been saying the same thing, "you don't spend enough time with us." And he does need money of course. I guess I've gotten to the point where...
  14. savvy

    How do I stop being too clingy?

    It wasn't like this in the beginning. I hung out with the guy I'm dating a lot, but it wasn't because I was obsessed, it was just something to do beause we both had nothing better going on. But at this point, 7 or 8 months into it, I want to spend as much time as possible together and my...
  15. savvy

    Atheists call for 'debaptism'

    I agree with this. Shortly after deconversion, I was very defensive of atheism, antagonistic towards religious thought and wouldn't set foot in a church. I never had any rituals like this but I can see how it would be comforting. It's just part of the process of moving away from a belief system...
  16. savvy

    question for pro-choicers

    I've of course disussed the possibility of pregnancy with my would suck if that happened, but, although I am pro-choice, it would tear him up for me to do such a thing and I couldn't ever do that to him. And I could never cover it up from him. Now, if we broke up before I found...
  17. savvy

    Pregnacy Cravings & What The Child Likes/Eats Now

    My mom was obsessed with Taco Bell. My dad would try to take her out somewhere nice to eat or cook dinner for her, but she'd have none of it. I'm not a big fan of the place but I do like Latin food.
  18. savvy

    If you had to be killed by a wild animal.

    I've watched lions kill things at this park I went to. It was NOT quick nor was it painless. Poor little goat...they played tug of war with it, while alive, stretched it around a tree, started eating on it before it was dead. They let it go so it could run, then tracked it down again. And...
  19. savvy

    Atheists may finally be able to hold office in Arkansas

    Is there an Atheist Rescue Team I didn't know about??? Why hasn't anybody come for me before???? I could be relocated to a more natural environment, like when tigers get rescued from peoples' back yards and are taken to sanctuaries. Air lift me please! Actually I just wanna work there because...
  20. savvy

    Modesty, Doctors and Exams

    I've only been to a female gyno, who totally violated my patient confidentiality to third parties without permission. Doctors of either gender can cross ethical lines. Generally speaking, if you are examined by a male gyno, a female nurse must be present to make sure you are treated with...