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  1. Athée

    Cosmic fine tuning and skeptical theism

    Hi all your, neighbourhood friendly atheist here. On his excellent YouTube channel Capturing Christianity (apologetics and Christian philosophy Chanel), Cameron hosted a discussion about the fine tuning argument. As the argument was being laid out the notion was advanced that the presence of...
  2. Athée

    When God allows evil (divorce, slavery etc)

    Pardon the click bait title, I couldn't figure out how to summarize my question effectively. We read in the Bible that while God finds divorce sinful, he allows it because of the hardness of human hearts. My question for apologists is, why is this proof of concept applied to questions like...
  3. Athée

    Cumulative Cases and the Conjunction fallacy

    Hi all, Friendly atheist question. If you are a believer who finds the notion of the cumulative case for the truth claims of your religion compelling, how do you avoid falling prey to the conjunction fallacy? This link is a short read (5 minutes or so) that describes the fallacy and gives a...
  4. Athée

    How to verify prophets?

    Hey all, A friendly atheist here with a quick question. I was thinking today about prophecy and I seem to recall believing (may years ago now) that in order to be a true prophet of God, it had to be the case that every prophecy made, would come to pass. Is that what you believe? If that...
  5. Athée

    CMV: the Bible is entirely a human artifact

    CMV: The Bible is a collection of ancient human writings that give insight into the time and culture they were written about politics, finances, social norms, religion etc. It has been uniquely preserved, transmitted, studied, attacked and revered but is, for all that, simply an exceptional...
  6. Athée

    Open invite to a presupositional apologist

    I've been reading up a bit on this approach to apologetics and have to say as an atheist, it seems like the method is fairly problematic. That said, I am no expert. If there is a presupositional apologist on this form that would like to walk through the approach with me as a back and forth...
  7. Athée

    Open call for Presups

    Hi again, Recently I started a thread about a comment made by a friend who has gotten into presup apologetics. It generated some interesting discussion but I feel like it unfairly hung an unsophisticated view on the presups in these forms. I am quite interested in the presup apologetics...
  8. Athée

    Question for presups...

    So I ran into this in a conversation earlier today. My conversation partner was a presupositional apologist and was arguing that because I have to rely on potentially flawed senses and cognition, that I can't claim to know the things I think I know. While i think i can tell a reasonable story...
  9. Athée

    Skeptical theism as theodicy

    Hey all and sundry, In a conversation last week we were discussing the problem of suffering and one of the lines of defense that was explored was this notion of skeptical theism. That because we don't have the knowledge of God, we should be wary of attempting to assert what his motive may have...
  10. Athée

    Isaiah 53 prophecy. Is it about Jesus?

    Hi all, Your friendly local atheist back with another question. So chatting after hockey about life's big questions one of the guys said thst he was a Christian and when I asked what convinces him that Christianity is true his first thought was all the fulfilled prophecy. When I asked him for...
  11. Athée

    Morality and Matthew 5

    Hi Christians, It's your friendly neighbourhood atheist again. Awhile ago I posted a thread about Matthew 5 and how Jesus seemed to be commanding that we should all be following the OT laws. Not as a salvific imperative but rather simply out of obedience to His command. I got some great...
  12. Athée

    God appoints government leaders?

    Disclaimer: agnostic atheist interested in your perspective more that an argument. So I was having lunchbwoth a pastor friend of mine and he brought along a youth leader (teenager) fromnhis church who was doing a job shadow. We were talking about Christianity as we usually do and I brought...
  13. Athée

    Free will compatible with Christian Theism?

    Hey all, I am an agnostic atheist, naturalist, humanist etc. In my worldview I am not sure what to make of free will and will be happy to admit this. That said today I am asking about the account and justification of free will on Christian theism. In conversation with an apologist buddy...
  14. Athée

    Lies are sinful...always?

    Hey C.F. crew. I am a former believer, now an atheist. In trying to find a reason to believe I often have conversations with mature and intelligent believers. Recently, in one such conversation, a believer expressed the notion that it is always a sin to lie. He began his defense of this in 10...
  15. Athée

    My "Do atheists understand the Bible" Challenge

    Hey all (AV the copyright cheque for the title is in the mail...) In a recent conversation with a church leader he expressed the idea that as an atheist I simply can't understand scripture as accurately as he does. He pointed out that Jesus taught in parables explicitly to preclude...
  16. Athée

    The LAW Paul vs. Jesus

    Hey it's the atheist again asking a question that came up in my bible study group this week (yes it is a Christian bible study group). We were talking about how to harmonize Paul and Jesus and we got to talking about obeying the ot law. Our group was split with some saying that Jesus...
  17. Athée

    How can an atheist have a relationship with God?

    Hi all, Deadworm threw down the gauntlet suggesting that I make an earnest effort to re-aquire my belief in God. I'm not sure what he has planned but I would very much like to be convinced so I will put myself in his hands for the journey. I am not sure to what extent this will be an...
  18. Athée

    Why do Christians disagree? Part 2

    Note: I am re-posting this discussion after the former was closed. I have been informed that I did not transgress the rules so I am hoping this one will be allowed to continue. The following is the OP from that first thread. Hi all, I am an atheist, married to a wonderful Christian woman. In...
  19. Athée

    Why do Christians disagree?

    Hi all, I am an atheist, married to a wonderful Christian woman. In hopes of coming to belive what she believes I have started attending a bible study group with some cool guys from our church. One question that keeps coming up in our discussions is this notion of the indwelling of the spirit...
  20. Athée

    Friends with non-believers?

    Fair warning I am an atheist...but hopefully that won't come in to play in this discussion. I have a Christian friend who is married to a Christian husband. Recently the husband has taken on a very very fundamental approach to the bible. There have been a host of issues stemming from this but...