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  1. C

    Wondering if this makes sense

    I've been thinking about the Big Bang lately and I reached a conclusion. If the Big Bang did transpire, it would be impossible for it to happen without a God. Everything in nature that has ever been done has had a reason behind it, right? The reason that rock fell was because the ground shook...
  2. C

    Anyone know of a few nice Orthodox cross necklaces?

    On my trip to Ethiopia I found some beautiful Coptic crosses (Even though I may not be one, I do admire there beauty). Nowadays I am a mix of several denominations, including Eastern Orthodox, I also find the Eastern Orthodox crosses very majestic. Anyone have a link to a cross-necklace I can buy?
  3. C

    How to become devoted to the pacifism taught by Jesus?

    I have always had a love for the art of fighting, however I now know that Jesus does not approve of fighting, even if it is sparring between friends. I want to become a pacifist, but I still love fighting and I want to stop? Should I pray to the LORD to help me? What else can I do?
  4. C

    Differences between Arminian, Calvinist, and Lutheranist?

    What are the difference between the 3? I know Calvanism and Lutheranism were reformed low church styles but I don't know the differences between the 3. What are they?
  5. C

    I want to learn of the Eastern Orthodox Church

    I'm currently non-denominational and wish to find a church for me and have an odd inkling for the Eastern Orthodox Church. However, I have absolutely no relation with this church as none of my family are members. I cannot find anything online and am highly curious of the Church's traditions. Is...
  6. C

    Recently devoted, always been semi-christian and non-demoniational

    Hi, I've been going through some struggles recently with doubtful thoughts and such and recently quelled some of those thoughts (A lot are still there though :sigh: ). I need to find a church and I am lost. I can't find anything online that can tell me succinctly the difference between...