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  1. G

    Why is prayer necessary?

    Now by prayer, I mean the well known traditional means of kneeling, clasping hands, closing eyes and speaking to God - or something similar. Why can we not speak like in a conversation? Why can we not converse using our thoughts? What is the reason behind this ritual and why does he ignore us...
  2. G

    Evidence other than hearsay

    In my research into Christianity, I have been presented by much evidence that has been acceptable to the persons providing it to me. I was wondering if there is anything I could look into that does not rely on me having to believe in or trust the words of someone else. Is there perhaps...
  3. G

    Why do Christians feel it necessary to force their laws and customs on others?

    There are some laws passed in Christian dominated countries or communities that force non-Christians to conform to the views of Christianity. Do you feel this is acceptable? Are you not concerned it could cause resentment? Should Christian customs not only be enforced amongst Christians? Some...
  4. G

    We cannot yet take a position on the current existence of God.

    I make the assumption that the Bible is the only source of information at our disposal which may indicate that the Christian God exists here and now. Seeing a physical world around us simply indicates that he may have created this world a while back, but does not indicate that he is still with...
  5. G

    On what basis do Christians reject other Gods?

    I understand that the Bible says you must not worship other gods. But I would like to go further back than that. What made you accept the words in the Bible in the first place? Why did you choose those words over the Qu'ran or the Bhagavad Gita or any other religion's book? How then do you...
  6. G

    Why did God choose man as the messenger for his word?

    Is there a reason why God decided to use men (and women) to spread his word? Isn't man prone to mistakes, bias, forgetfulness, exaggeration ...? Is this method not a recipe for confusion and ultimately a tainted message?
  7. G

    Why did God ceate such a cruel world?

    How do Christians explain the cruelty that seems so common place in our world? I'm not only referring to that inflicted by humans, but also to that in nature. Why are there diseases that cause such huge suffering? Why is it necessary for animals to live by eating others, in some cases whilst...
  8. G

    Is Christianty elitist?

    It seems to me that only some people are successful in finding or discovering God. Others fail in their search, are still looking, have given up looking, have found something else or never began in the first place. This latter group seems to far outnumber those who have been successful. Is this...
  9. G

    Why does a personal Faith religion feel it can guide others?

    My current understanding is that being a Christian requires a leap of Faith. It seems to be a very personal experience, one that not everyone gets to experience. Why is it then that so many of our laws and morals seem to have Christian traits? Why is it that a country can call itself a...
  10. G

    Why does God not present himself to us more openly?

    In another post, some of you were good enough to explain that the Bible is the only way in which one can find God. I realise that you won't be wanting to second guess God's methods, but does the Bible give any reasons as to why he doesn't make his existence obvious to everyone, even us folk...
  11. G

    How can I be reasonably sure God still exists?

    Most of the laymen discussions I've entered into about whether God exists tend to focus on how the world was created and whether Jesus existed. The arguments seem to be vague and go round and round without much resolution, mainly because of the time that has lapsed since those events. I would...