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  1. RomansFiveEight

    What's in a name? (Evangelical, Fundamentalist, etc.)

    A discussion topic brought up by a friend of mine. They felt like the word "Evangelical" had been highjacked by the media and used to apply exclusively to the political Christian right. This particular individual is fairly conservative but doesn't like being associated with the branch of...
  2. RomansFiveEight

    Can we update the faith text/icons please?

    While this was previously the case, it isn't now. Among the faith icon options, one is merely "Methodist". There is an issue here, though a nuanced one some wouldn't 'catch'. In the 1960's, The Methodist Church and the EUB merged to form "The United Methodist Church". Many of our churches...
  3. RomansFiveEight

    What is some "Common Christian Wisdom" that you've learned isn't true?

    I recently did a sermon series, "Five Things You Won't Find in the Bible", where I addressed several major themes that I hear from many Christians that aren't biblical. The series was really well received and I get a lot of questions, but I'm amazed at how many things people didn't know, did...
  4. RomansFiveEight

    RE: The Death Penalty; why do we make the Fiscal Argument?

    Just some thoughts I'm having this evening watching the World Series and, during the commercials, browsing the comments section of an article I was reading. I frequently, as do many, remind people when they say "I don't want to pay to lock someone up for life, just kill them", that it's...
  5. RomansFiveEight

    The Creeds

    Do you recite the Apostles, Nicene, or some other Creed during worship? Even occasionally? If not; have you been exposed to them? What are your thoughts? What do they mean to you? Are they important? Could they be replaced with something else? One glaring question; do they mean as much...
  6. RomansFiveEight

    Should we Baptize "with scrutiny"

    In the United Methodist Church, and many other Wesleyan tradition, Baptism is not understood to be something necessary for ones salvation. Baptism is discussed frequently here, and whether or not Baptism is necessary isn't the topic for today. The following is with the typical UM/Wesleyan...
  7. RomansFiveEight

    The kind of stuff that gives me goosebumps....

    No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning I don't normally get on the bandwagon of "Science proving God's existence" because I think it absolutely misses the point. And not even the cliche point of "It's called faith for a reason". But simply because it tries to make...
  8. RomansFiveEight

    An observation.

    Like many small towns our community is centered around the churches. The center of town is actually the Methodist church and the local bank; which is right in the middle of 'main street' (the church was the first building here, the town built around it). Leading up to the 'center of town' are...
  9. RomansFiveEight

    The lectionary?

    This is just sort of a fun and light hearted topic, one that (hopefully) doesn't have a lot of theological baggage. Clergy; do you use the lectionary or not? And laity, how important is the lectionary to you, if at all? And does your church use it? And do you think they should? Just...
  10. RomansFiveEight


    I just wanted to introduce myself! My name is John. I've been a lurker here for some time mostly because I love to read the questions and responses people have in regards to the United Methodist Church, among others. I'm a Local Pastor in the UMC, pursuing my Seminary education and...