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  1. S

    The Jewish "Agunah" Problem

    In Jewish communities of faith, an "agunah" is a woman who is separated from her husband but who has not received a Jewish (religious) bill of divorce, even though she might have received a civil divorce. Such women cannot marry within the Jewish community of faith. If they do marry though they...
  2. S

    Marriage - Definition

    The doctrine of MDR is an elephant of an issue. I propose we chew on it one bite at a time. To start of with, let's define marriage. What is marriage? When is a couple to be considered married? And is marriage indissoluble or breakable? What is marriage?
  3. S

    Patriarchy - Descriptive or Prescriptive?

    The patriarchal family (father-rule, husband having more authority and more responsibility than mother) was the norm for all biblical cultures to my knowledge. Thus it can be said that patriarchy is "Descriptive" as in the way things were. BUT is patriarchy to be understood as "Prescriptive" as...
  4. S

    Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage" I realize that this is a topic about which people are very passionate. Please, let us be careful to be as...
  5. S

    Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage

    The doctrine of marriage, divorce, and remarriage (MDR) is a mammoth discussion, an elephant of an issue. Even the history of the traditional doctrine is a huge study in and of itself. For example, did you know that the Puritans rejected most of the traditional doctrine of MDR and relegated...
  6. S

    Divorce, MDR, Mt.19.1-9

    Hello everyone, Please pardon the length of this initial post, but I would like to start a thread on Mt.19:1-9 to help us understand what Jesus said concerning divorce. Being relatively new to this site, please allow me to share a little about myself. I am Sherman Nobles; my wife, Chantal...