Search results

  1. OBOBlurker

    Doctors and abortion

    As a regular browser of the medical blogs, I was interested to come across this post about the decision of Harley Street to ban abortion clinics. I was less impressed by the comments however, as some doctors and medical students have posted their pro-abortion arguments in no uncertain terms...
  2. OBOBlurker


    This is a cool website. I've just spent hours chuckling over the various anagrams of my name :D Internet Anagram Server
  3. OBOBlurker

    UK reduces tax on contraceptives

    Interesting story here:
  4. OBOBlurker

    Prayer request for a very sick colleague

    One of my colleagues is very unwell. He's 45, and has been diagnosed with a malignant cancer in his brain. He's never been ill before, and is now awaiting surgery to remove the tumour, then he'll be having chemoradiotherapy. He has a wife, and three children under 7 years. If you have a...