Recent content by Purpurin

  1. P

    Is salvation conditional?

    Joe, I think expressing love to others doesn't have to be in a grand way. Start small and continuously doing so. Myself personally I don't go door to door telling people about Jesus.. I start small, from the people around me.. Treat others the way I want to be treated. Help out as much as I...
  2. P

    Is salvation conditional?

    Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean by eternal life is based on quality of life lived. My understanding is that sin separates us from God. The only way for us to be with God is by not having sin (which is impossible as we are sinners). Therefore, God send Jesus to die on the cross, and...
  3. P

    Is salvation conditional?

    I do believe that there would be people/ christians that miss use this as a "license to sin" unfortunately there's nothing we can do but to help remind them. To be honest when I see this, I don't think they're serious about following Christ... In my opinion, when someone decided to follow...
  4. P

    no intimacy, young married couple...

    Just a thought. Is your husband healthy? Is he working too hard and always tired? Could it be that he's hiding some sort of medical condition? Maybe it's not that he doesn't want to have sex? Maybe he just could not get it to work? Could it be that he's using the weight as a reasoning to hide...
  5. P

    Are opposite sex friendships ok in marriage?

    Friendship is ok. Within boundaries. from what you've said, you're not comfortable with it, so it's not acceptable. You should tell your husband that this makes you feel very uncomfortable and get third party counseling/advice together. I just think that if my husband constantly going out with...
  6. P

    Is salvation conditional?

    There's no such thing as repeated "salvation". The thing is that God said that once you're given the gift of salvation, nothing could take that away from you. Repenting over and over again, doesn't mean that you had lost your gift of salvation and got it back over and over again. It is all in...
  7. P

    Is salvation conditional?

    What I believe is that once you believe in Jesus as your saviour you will be saved and will be granted eternal life in heaven. I think the problem is many people believe in Jesus not as their saviour, but because they want healing, help, scared of what to come, etc. when this happens, chances...
  8. P

    Is salvation conditional?

    The more reason for us Christian to spread the word of God
  9. P

    Is salvation conditional?

    Salvation is a gift. The only thing we need to do is believe that Jesus is our saviour. Only by doing so, we will receive eternal life
  10. P

    Why suffer?

    Suffering is part of life. Being Christian doesn't me we're then exempted from it. The only difference is that we know God will always be with us through both good and hard time. As much as we need to try our best, we would also need to place our burden onto Him. With that, suffering/hardship...
  11. P

    Prayer Request Advice needed - Anger

    Hi, This is my first post in this forum. I really needed to vent and get some help in overcoming my anger. Apologies for the long post. My mum is oldest kid in her family, total of 7 siblings including my mum (5 uncles 1 aunt all are married). My mum is the least wealthy/rich in her family...