Recent content by minister2steps

  1. M

    stop feeding the toddler!

    FOCUS! The question here is not the toddler's food intake, but who has control over her food intake. As a stepparent myself, I know well the danger of getting tangled up between a parent and their child. If you're really concerned, offer Dad your advice, once, maybe twice. Then back off. She...
  2. M

    Step parent 14 yr old male

    OK, Big Dave, that worked out alright that time, but be careful about pushing it. A teenaged boy who has not had a dad in his life is more in need of encouragement and love than discipline. I'll bet that he doesn't have a clue what a real Christian man acts, sounds, or looks like, right...
  3. M

    lying sd

    Been there! All you can do is maintain calm and be consistent. NOT a good idea to yell at your 11 yr old ss to show him what a bully sounds like ... then you're being the bully. Rather, reason with him and turn discipline over to his Dad, who is responsible for him. Regarding his physical...
  4. M

    New Stepmom

    Six years old is a great time to start building a friendship. There's the key - friendship. She must learn to be respectful to you as an adult, and as Daddy's wife. BUT you must, must, must remember that you are not her mom. It will be hard, as your enthusiasm and affection for her grows. But...
  5. M

    Anyone read this?

    "This kind taks much prayer and fasting." that wasnt' a frustrated stepparent, but an experienced stepson - Jesus. As a stepdad who has been through the mill with my own challenging stepchild (girl, 14 when I married her mom), I can tell you that you must be prepared for a long siege. It takes...
  6. M

    New to the family ...

    thanks, Charitina! Actually, I think I came a little close to the edge of the rules in talking so much about my ministry. Not trying to promote, just perpetually excited about it! Safer to say I'm blatantly Irish (both parents' grandparents' ancestors from Eire) and everything Irish?! Probably...
  7. M

    New to the family ...

    Hello all, I'm Bob Collins, minister, mediator, teacher, stepdad, husband, grandpa; also encourager of stepcouples, teacher to stepfamilies, minister to stepparents, pastor to steppers. I label myself as adamently Christian, attending a southern babtist church in Arkansas, USA; but...