Recent content by 1usul1

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    This Could Get Me Banned - But I Don't Really Care

    I have fallen over under tthe power of God before.
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    Church plans to have a Qu'ran burning on 9/11/10

    I think that they would be better at fighting than those guys in Florida. Don't bring a knife ot a gun fight.
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    For fun.

    As a bunch of charismatics we all would of had our fair share of altar calls. Last night at church the lay people were coming up the front ad giving words of knowledge for people to be healed. I made a joke that I should got up and say "Hey Terry, you need to come up the front and repent!" I...
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    Man in our church stops taking his medicine by faith

    I hope he is not trying to force God's hand. I hope he is doing it out of relationship and not religion.
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    imagine if your self esteem was what God said about you. Wonderfully and fearfully made. Beautiful and intelligent.... Good. Times would be grand.
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    Infant baptism?

    If you believe you should get baptize. Why? Cos he says so.
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    Nursing placements

    I just got registered in New Zealand.... Shot T. I didn't realise you were a psych nurse there Cyberlizard.... Crazy stuff.
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    Seeker friendly churches?

    Church shouldn't be a place of evangalism anyway.
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    Why Missionaries Fail

    I went on mission. God told me to do stuff. i did it. People got saved, healed and delievered. It wasn't as epic as Jesus ministry but still pretty cool. I think if we obey God cool things will happen.
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    practical advice

    hey I am running a small group at church. i was just wondering if anyone could offer some practical tips for running it smoothly, my group is going okay. But there are a few awkaward moments, one person sought of killed the flow of conversation a little bit.... but yeah.
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    She suddenly wants to be "just friends"

    i don't know man but i feel your pain, i don't get why woemn don't like decent guys, seems like they donkeys.
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    What type of Bible to use?

    I can understand why an atheist might join a site like this, I enjoy talking with atheists about topics of God and creation and life etc.... but to come here and be so insulting is pitiful really. The kingdom of God is at hand, walk where I have walked and you would know this.
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    Cohabitation Before Marriage

    I would totally try and have sex with her. Which isn't what I want to do. So for me it would be a terrible idea. For me sex is a big temptation, and I find the problem with temptation is that it is very tempting, id give myself a week max til i have done something regretable.