The Lord's Voice

Jesse Dornfeld

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This writing is from an article on my website. Don't worry, I am not advertising my website on this site, Mods.

However, I wanted to share it because it was such a special experience. The name of the article I have titled "The Lord's Voice"

Here is is:

This article is inspired by an article by Desiring God titled "What Does God Sound Like? Hearing the voice of Majesty" Why am I writing this article? Because I have actually heard the voice of the Lord audibly (or something else supernatural). I don't always focus on the supernatural things I have experienced. The reason for this is that I think God has given us His revealed Word, which is the Bible. My experience is secondary no matter how "real" my experiences seem. Nonetheless some of the experiences I have had work to bolster my confidence that God exists and He loves and cares for us.

I think this article by David Mathis is great and pretty much perfectly depicts what I heard when I heard God speak to me audibly. Nonetheless, I would like to give my own perspective on this voice, as much as I can remember the events of it.

Often times I will forget entirely some experiences I have had that I cannot describe except to say they were supernatural. This is not one of those experiences. It was pretty impactful, though not to the degree that it was deeply emotional but more that it was deeply memorable if that makes sense. I'd like to give this experience I had without referencing the article by Desiring God. This is not to give any slight to Desiring God as I highly encourage you to check out the article I linked at the beginning. More so because I want to give my authentic experiences rather than fabricating anything. On to the experiences itself. So that's enough for an introduction. I don't expect this to be a very long article.

It was at night, though not too late and I was in bed. I remembered that at the time I was not really tired at all. In other words, I didn't feel like I was about to go to sleep but must have just gotten into bed. I was laying there, probably recounting my day, not really anything spectacular or anything. Just seemed like a normal night except I had slept the night before and that is not always the case for me. Sometimes I don't sleep at all at night and then I end up going about 36 hours or so before I sleep again. This was definitely not one of those times. I remember being calm, not excited, not agitated, not high-strung, just relaxed and ready to go to bed as I was laying there. Then, out of nowhere, I hear this voice. It said, "The Lord is here." I was so impacted, surprised really, that I said, "What is it, Lord?" Now, this is somewhat similar to what other people have said when they heard the voice of God but not exactly the same. Most of the time when someone hears God's voice from the Old Testament, for example, they say, "Here I am." That seems to be the go-to response. So it may not be the exact same, but it is a similar enough response that it's not ironic at all. Seems more or less in line with what you might expect. The idea is to inquire of the Lord what He wants of you. There are multiple examples of this, but here are two:

Genesis 22:1 CSB17
“After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!”
“Here I am,” he answered.”

Exodus 3:4 CSB17
“When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called out to him from the bush, “Moses, Moses!”
“Here I am,” he answered.”

Very interesting. But I want to draw your attention to another time when God spoke to someone and they didn't even know it was God talking. That was when God spoke to Samuel. Seen here:

1 Samuel 3:4–10 CSB17
Then the LORD called Samuel, and he answered, “Here I am.” He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.”
“I didn’t call,” Eli replied. “Go back and lie down.” So he went and lay down.
Once again the LORD called, “Samuel!”
Samuel got up, went to Eli, and said, “Here I am; you called me.”
“I didn’t call, my son,” he replied. “Go back and lie down.”
Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, because the word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him. Once again, for the third time, the LORD called Samuel. He got up, went to Eli, and said, “Here I am; you called me.”
Then Eli understood that the LORD was calling the boy. He told Samuel, “Go and lie down. If he calls you, say, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
The LORD came, stood there, and called as before, “Samuel, Samuel!”
Samuel responded, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

So it is possible for someone to hear the voice of the Lord and not even know it is the Lord speaking. Very interesting. I quote this verse here because of how "normal" it seemed to Samuel. Why that matters is that it is much the same way that my experiences were. There were no fireworks. There were no lights. It was just a voice I heard. My experience differs from Samuels though in that I knew whatever voice it was it was not any voice I had heard before.

I have no idea what the purpose is for the Lord speaking to me like this. I wish I knew. If I had to venture a guess, it would be to encourage me and tell me that God is with me. After all, that is precisely what the voice said is, "The Lord is here." Now, I do not know for sure if it was the voice of the Lord for sure. All I know is that it spoke to me and no one was around and the voice was clear as day. It could have been an angel for all I know. What I do know is that the voice was friendly. It meant no harm and seemed to be for my betterment. I just wish I knew why God picked me of all people. I'm no one special. I'm not particularly well learnt. I don't know that much about the Bible (compared to other people). I'm sure I am nowhere near as moral of a person as some in the faith. It doesn't make sense to me because I'm not anyone of any renown. But maybe that is the point.

I did have an experience that was pretty outstanding before. I met a man. The man's name was Larry Emmanuel Morris. He was about 54 years old at the time of meeting him (in August of 2018) and if I remember correctly he said he had five or six brothers. I tried looking him up in public records and could not find anyone with that description with that name and age. Anyways, I just mention this because that man was unlike anyone I have ever met in my life. His testimony to me changed my life forever and it is the event that confirmed my faith.

In terms of what the voice sounded like. It's really hard to say. It sounded masculine, but not like a booming voice. It was gentle. It sounded like a river. Hard to describe. It sounded both like a human voice and not like a human voice at the same time. It was such a simple message. "The Lord is here." I wondered what else the voice would say after I replied, "What is it, Lord." But there was no response. I do recall when I heard the voice I instantly sat up in my bed. No one was there at all. It was night so I wouldn't expect anyone to really be around anyways. One last thing about the voice is that there was no doubting in the voice at all. It simply asserted what it needed to say and then that was it. The inflection in the voice was not particularly special. It just stated it rather matter-of-fact. I remember there was this remarkable quiet just after the voice spoke. It was like the whole nighttime was quiet just for this occasion.

Well, that was the voice I experience I heard that was either the voice of the Lord or at least an angel. If you would like to know what other supernatural things I have experienced, I have written an article here titled, "The Supernatural in my Life." Check it out if you so choose.
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I have from time to time tried to hear God's voice. Note, I am currently not trying. I just found it a little hard. I do have ways that I communicate with the LORD, or at least I think it is Him, I could be wrong. There are so many false prophetic voices out there, that it is really hard, to see the truth through it. Below are a few of the notable experiences I have had with "God's voice".

Douglas Wood​

Some time after the second Gulf War an Australian man Douglas Wood was captured by terrorists in Iraq, who made demands for a ransom or he would be executed. I set about fasting and praying for his release, I said to God "You know where he is....tell me". Three words entered my mind ABC, Bazaar and "a meal". I thought "I am going crazy what has all that got to do with him. Bazaar I though "this is Bizarre". I thought maybe "a meal" is a town so I searched a map of Iraq for a town of that name, but found nothing that really matched. Some time latter Douglas Wood was freed by US troops who came across his captors. It was not until latter that I actually discovered what the three words meant. I was on a forum and came across a post by a user called ABC in the post she appealed to the terrorists to release Douglas Wood because she had seen him go to a Bazaar (another name for shop) and bought food (sausages I think it was) for disadvantaged people and had provided them with "a meal". So the three words God had given me when I prayed were about that post. So God did not tell me where he was he told me what type of person Douglas Wood was a good man. I believe God saw Douglas Wood's kind action too and blessed with an escape from his captors.

Simon Murray​

One morning I got up and walked into the hall and I heard a voice that I believed was God say "How would you like to be stabbed in the Valley". The Valley was known as the rough end of town, and the voice scared me a little, I wondered if I had done something to offend God. I had planned to go down to the Valley to ask people out to church as was my habit at the time. In the end I went anyway regardless of the fear. I walked up to the first person I met and asked him if he would like to go out to church. He said to me "I am an atheist, I don't believe in God". I just said "fine", but hoped to change his mind. He then proceeded to unbutton his shirt and showed me scar marks up and down his chest and stomach. He said to me, "I was attacked by a knife wielding man in the Valley some time ago and spent months recovering in hospital, How could God allow that to happen to me". Then I knew why God had said in the morning "How would I like to be stabbed?". God understood this man, but had a good plan for him. Some weeks latter this man came out to church and became a Christian.
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Francis Drake

Returning adventurer.
Apr 14, 2013
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For those who hear the voice of God, it comes in many different ways.

Also, we can subconsciously put limits on it through false teaching, ie. the laughable idea that God only quotes scripture.

In my case, I first heard God speak over 60 years ago, a good 10 years before I heard the gospel and made a commitment.

Since then, his voice and visions have directed my path extensively, even saving my life from a car crash.

I had a calling to industry and built a business -constantly directed by his words.
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Francis Drake

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Apr 14, 2013
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Do you mean an audible voice? If so what did he tell you?
Occasionally an audible voice. Mostly an inner but clear voice which wasn't mine.

You'll laugh at this.-
In my engineering business I had an opportunity to buy a piece of equipment that was way beyond my knowledge or experience, -for those in the know, a complete (used) powder coating system.
I had been persuaded to look at at by brothers in the Lord who worked for me. At that time we sub contracted huge amounts of powder coating out and this would enable us to do it in house.
The problem was that neither I, nor any of the staff knew anything about the process.

The sellers were moving into new premises with new equipment, and this was the last piece of equipment to dispose of.

So off I went to have a look.
In total, it was about 80ft in length including a 40ft tunnel oven, and here I was standing in the middle of this factory floor looking at the equipment in action, totally out of my depth to make a decision.

You have to understand that I was never really a professional businessman, but a believer who had been drawn by the Lord into cluelessly creating a working business. As such I lacked the ability to make such decisions via valid financial calculations.

In addition to the decision to buy, I was clueless as how to shift such an immense piece of kit.

So I am standing there in a mental fog, half of me seeing what a difference it would make to the business, and the other half overwhelmed at the magnitude of the project.

It was at that point the Lord stepped in and firmly put me in my place.

I both heard and felt this......................"You are standing in the way of my business again!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin because I not only heard the words in my right ear, but I felt His breath go down my collar.

These words galvanised me into action. I whipped my cheque book out and instantly said, "I'll buy it!" All doubts fled out the window.

The words were also reminder that I was working in the Lord's business, not mine.

I went into the guy's office and wrote the cheque. I then said to him that I hadn't a clue how to move it, to which he pulled an envelope from his drawer. It contained a quote to dismantle, move and rebuild the equipment that a previous viewer had obtained. I phoned the company and asked if they would do it for my location for the same price, to which they immediately agreed.

So effectively it was a done deal in moments, all thanks to a rhema words from the Lord. That's how I built and ran my business.

Ultimately, it saved us a fortune and hugely increases our profits.
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Francis Drake

Returning adventurer.
Apr 14, 2013
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Do you mean an audible voice? If so what did he tell you?
I write this from my hospital bed after a massive kidney failure.
They told my wife I was dying, but here I am almost ready to go home.
(I will add that there was tremendous spiritual warfare on my behalf)

One of the things the consultant told me was that my red blood cells were incredibly low.

However about 6 weeks before I collapsed, as my wife and I were doing our daily prayer walk, in the middle of our conversation, I heard the Lord say very emphatically, "Eat more red meat!"

We immediately understood it was about boosting our immune system, so on our way back, we stopped at the local butcher and bought a load of steaks. Our diet from that time on, in obedience to the Lord, included more red meat.

I dread to think what my red blood count would have been if I'd ignored what the Lord said.

And that voice, it was the inner voice in my spirit. Definitely not my own thoughts as we were talking about completely different subject when those words came.
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One Love. One World Family.
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I write this from my hospital bed after a massive kidney failure.
They told my wife I was dying, but here I am almost ready to go home.
(I will add that there was tremendous spiritual warfare on my behalf)

One of the things the consultant told me was that my red blood cells were incredibly low.

However about 6 weeks before I collapsed, as my wife and I were doing our daily prayer walk, in the middle of our conversation, I heard the Lord say very emphatically, "Eat more red meat!"

We immediately understood it was about boosting our immune system, so on our way back, we stopped at the local butcher and bought a load of steaks. Our diet from that time on, in obedience to the Lord, included more red meat.

I dread to think what my red blood count would have been if I'd ignored what the Lord said.

And that voice, it was the inner voice in my spirit. Definitely not my own thoughts as we were talking about completely different subject when those words came.
God bless you and God speed on your recovery. I used to eat a lot of red meat until I found out it actually can put a lot of stress on your kidneys and other organs. You should look this up for yourself. And I also came to the realization that eating/harming sentient creatures created by God is contrary to God's Law, so I became a vegetarian who eats fish (pescetarian) 10 years ago, and my health is in top shape, give thanks to God.
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Francis Drake

Returning adventurer.
Apr 14, 2013
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God bless you and God speed on your recovery. I used to eat a lot of red meat until I found out it actually can put a lot of stress on your kidneys and other organs. You should look this up for yourself. And I also came to the realization that eating/harming sentient creatures created by God is contrary to God's Law, so I became a vegetarian who eats fish (pescetarian) 10 years ago, and my health is in top shape, give thanks to God.
When God says eat more red meat, I'd rather obey him than man.
And eating meat is not contrary to God's law at all. In fact we are commanded to eat it. Go look at what God said to Noah.
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Billy Evmur

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This writing is from an article on my website. Don't worry, I am not advertising my website on this site, Mods.

However, I wanted to share it because it was such a special experience. The name of the article I have titled "The Lord's Voice"

Here is is:

This article is inspired by an article by Desiring God titled "What Does God Sound Like? Hearing the voice of Majesty" Why am I writing this article? Because I have actually heard the voice of the Lord audibly (or something else supernatural). I don't always focus on the supernatural things I have experienced. The reason for this is that I think God has given us His revealed Word, which is the Bible. My experience is secondary no matter how "real" my experiences seem. Nonetheless some of the experiences I have had work to bolster my confidence that God exists and He loves and cares for us.

I think this article by David Mathis is great and pretty much perfectly depicts what I heard when I heard God speak to me audibly. Nonetheless, I would like to give my own perspective on this voice, as much as I can remember the events of it.

Often times I will forget entirely some experiences I have had that I cannot describe except to say they were supernatural. This is not one of those experiences. It was pretty impactful, though not to the degree that it was deeply emotional but more that it was deeply memorable if that makes sense. I'd like to give this experience I had without referencing the article by Desiring God. This is not to give any slight to Desiring God as I highly encourage you to check out the article I linked at the beginning. More so because I want to give my authentic experiences rather than fabricating anything. On to the experiences itself. So that's enough for an introduction. I don't expect this to be a very long article.

It was at night, though not too late and I was in bed. I remembered that at the time I was not really tired at all. In other words, I didn't feel like I was about to go to sleep but must have just gotten into bed. I was laying there, probably recounting my day, not really anything spectacular or anything. Just seemed like a normal night except I had slept the night before and that is not always the case for me. Sometimes I don't sleep at all at night and then I end up going about 36 hours or so before I sleep again. This was definitely not one of those times. I remember being calm, not excited, not agitated, not high-strung, just relaxed and ready to go to bed as I was laying there. Then, out of nowhere, I hear this voice. It said, "The Lord is here." I was so impacted, surprised really, that I said, "What is it, Lord?" Now, this is somewhat similar to what other people have said when they heard the voice of God but not exactly the same. Most of the time when someone hears God's voice from the Old Testament, for example, they say, "Here I am." That seems to be the go-to response. So it may not be the exact same, but it is a similar enough response that it's not ironic at all. Seems more or less in line with what you might expect. The idea is to inquire of the Lord what He wants of you. There are multiple examples of this, but here are two:

Genesis 22:1 CSB17
“After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!”
“Here I am,” he answered.”

Exodus 3:4 CSB17
“When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called out to him from the bush, “Moses, Moses!”
“Here I am,” he answered.”

Very interesting. But I want to draw your attention to another time when God spoke to someone and they didn't even know it was God talking. That was when God spoke to Samuel. Seen here:

1 Samuel 3:4–10 CSB17
Then the LORD called Samuel, and he answered, “Here I am.” He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.”
“I didn’t call,” Eli replied. “Go back and lie down.” So he went and lay down.
Once again the LORD called, “Samuel!”
Samuel got up, went to Eli, and said, “Here I am; you called me.”
“I didn’t call, my son,” he replied. “Go back and lie down.”
Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, because the word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him. Once again, for the third time, the LORD called Samuel. He got up, went to Eli, and said, “Here I am; you called me.”
Then Eli understood that the LORD was calling the boy. He told Samuel, “Go and lie down. If he calls you, say, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
The LORD came, stood there, and called as before, “Samuel, Samuel!”
Samuel responded, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

So it is possible for someone to hear the voice of the Lord and not even know it is the Lord speaking. Very interesting. I quote this verse here because of how "normal" it seemed to Samuel. Why that matters is that it is much the same way that my experiences were. There were no fireworks. There were no lights. It was just a voice I heard. My experience differs from Samuels though in that I knew whatever voice it was it was not any voice I had heard before.

I have no idea what the purpose is for the Lord speaking to me like this. I wish I knew. If I had to venture a guess, it would be to encourage me and tell me that God is with me. After all, that is precisely what the voice said is, "The Lord is here." Now, I do not know for sure if it was the voice of the Lord for sure. All I know is that it spoke to me and no one was around and the voice was clear as day. It could have been an angel for all I know. What I do know is that the voice was friendly. It meant no harm and seemed to be for my betterment. I just wish I knew why God picked me of all people. I'm no one special. I'm not particularly well learnt. I don't know that much about the Bible (compared to other people). I'm sure I am nowhere near as moral of a person as some in the faith. It doesn't make sense to me because I'm not anyone of any renown. But maybe that is the point.

I did have an experience that was pretty outstanding before. I met a man. The man's name was Larry Emmanuel Morris. He was about 54 years old at the time of meeting him (in August of 2018) and if I remember correctly he said he had five or six brothers. I tried looking him up in public records and could not find anyone with that description with that name and age. Anyways, I just mention this because that man was unlike anyone I have ever met in my life. His testimony to me changed my life forever and it is the event that confirmed my faith.

In terms of what the voice sounded like. It's really hard to say. It sounded masculine, but not like a booming voice. It was gentle. It sounded like a river. Hard to describe. It sounded both like a human voice and not like a human voice at the same time. It was such a simple message. "The Lord is here." I wondered what else the voice would say after I replied, "What is it, Lord." But there was no response. I do recall when I heard the voice I instantly sat up in my bed. No one was there at all. It was night so I wouldn't expect anyone to really be around anyways. One last thing about the voice is that there was no doubting in the voice at all. It simply asserted what it needed to say and then that was it. The inflection in the voice was not particularly special. It just stated it rather matter-of-fact. I remember there was this remarkable quiet just after the voice spoke. It was like the whole nighttime was quiet just for this occasion.

Well, that was the voice I experience I heard that was either the voice of the Lord or at least an angel. If you would like to know what other supernatural things I have experienced, I have written an article here titled, "The Supernatural in my Life." Check it out if you so choose.
The first thing I would say is that God is always speaking all day long to all His children, He pours His thoughts upon us. That is God speaking. People do not recognise it.

I do not believe the voice you heard was God. It was spoken to you to entice you to become curious so that you would seek after it. And also to seek other "experiences."

What I would do in this situation is to make a humble agreement with God that if He is to speak to you at all it will always and only be through the bible ... at least for a goodly while.

Now I am Pentecostalist so I believe in the gifts. Also these things need to be submitted to the church, fellowship so that they can judge. Don't let the devil cause you think you are special in relation to other christians.

I hope this is helpful and I hope it doesn't throw a bucket of cold water over your enthusiasm.
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Jesse Dornfeld

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I hope this is helpful and I hope it doesn't throw a bucket of cold water over your enthusiasm.

It does. I know what I experienced. You do not.
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Jesse Dornfeld

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Billy Evmur

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You didn't say why you doubted my experience. You just said it didn't happen. What reason do you have?
But you yourself say you are not quite sure

... when it's the Lord there is no doubt, by the way I am not doubting your spirituality ... The more we have from the Lord the more we can expect the activities of the enemy.
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Jesse Dornfeld

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But you yourself say you are not quite sure

... when it's the Lord there is no doubt, by the way I am not doubting your spirituality ... The more we have from the Lord the more we can expect the activities of the enemy.

It was either God or an angel. Of that I am sure. What is your reason for doubting my experience? You have not given a reason yet.
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Billy Evmur

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@Billy Evmur, Samuel did NOT know God was speaking to him until it was pointed out by his spiritual authority.
Ah Samuel, you can't go by Sammy, he was an OT prophet and he did not have the indwelling.

This is exactly what worries me.

We have an anointing within us, even God Himself, our guidance comes from within. Not by an angel either, angels governed over Israel [and still do] but we have the Holy Ghost ... we do still have to discern that inner voice and we ought to share it with the fellowship so that they can weigh it.

I'm not saying God does never speak audibly but it is a rare thing. But to learn His inner voice is the much, much greater prize. And his teaching us the bible which He loves to do is greater too.

peace bro.
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Jesse Dornfeld

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Ah Samuel, you can't go by Sammy, he was an OT prophet and he did not have the indwelling.

This is exactly what worries me.

We have an anointing within us, even God Himself, our guidance comes from within. Not by an angel either, angels governed over Israel [and still do] but we have the Holy Ghost ... we do still have to discern that inner voice and we ought to share it with the fellowship so that they can weigh it.

I'm not saying God does never speak audibly but it is a rare thing. But to learn His inner voice is the much, much greater prize. And his teaching us the bible which He loves to do is greater too.

peace bro.

So your reason for not believing me is because it is rare. Rare does not mean never.

"Our guidance comes from within." Tell me how this is in any way different from New Age thinking.

I think you have a lot of wishful thinking in you and reject the real thing when it happens.
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Billy Evmur

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So your reason for not believing me is because it is rare. Rare does not mean never.

"Our guidance comes from within." Tell me how this is in any way different from New Age thinking.

I think you have a lot of wishful thinking in you and reject the real thing when it happens.
just now you accused me of being a wise and discerning person ^_^. We share what we have. Peace bro.
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Jesse Dornfeld

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just now you accused me of being a wise and discerning person ^_^. We share what we have. Peace bro.

No, I said you are a wishful-thinking person who does not know the real thing.
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