Is the number 666 the key to determining the end-times timeline?

Chris Thomas Shepherd

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Jul 24, 2022
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Hi, I'm nee to this forum and I have some interesting ideas wrt the end-times timeline. First off, my belief is that the end-times began on September 11th 2001; I explain why a bit later in this post. First, I want to jump forward in the end-times to Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Notice that the number is in 3 parts:1) six hundred 2) three score 3) six.
I propose that the number is in fact not 666, but the Roman numeral equivalent DC LX VI, since it was the number system of that time.
So now we need to use wisdom to understand the meaning of this number (ie: it is riddle, and it is only meant to be understood by those in the end time). We are told that it is the number of a man. Now, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit (yes, I have been blessed with His presence since May 2020 - that is another topic that I will address in the near future).
Let's look at DCLXVI in its 3 parts:
DC - Washington DC
LX - elects
VI - 51
The Antichrist will be the 51st president of the United States. But that is not all that the number means. What is the number of a man? His age, of course. So the Antichrist will be exactly 666 Holy months (30 day months) old when he becomes president.
After doing some biblical research (to follow shortly) and calculations I came up with the following:
The Antichrist was born on March 6th 2006 and will be elected 51st President on November 2nd 2060, on exactly the 1st day of the 666th holy month of his life.

So, who is the Antichrist? Daniel 8 holds the answer in the vision of the Ram and the Goat.

While I was observing, behold, a male goat was coming from the west over the surface of the entire earth without touching the ground; and the goat had a prominent horn between his eyes.
Daniel 8:5 NASB2020
He came up to the ram that had the two horns, which I had seen standing in front of the canal, and rushed at him in his mighty wrath.
Daniel 8:6
And I saw him come up beside the ram, and he was enraged at him; and he struck the ram and smashed his two horns, and the ram had no strength to withstand him. So he hurled him to the ground and trampled on him, and there was no one to rescue the ram from his power.
Daniel 8:7
Then the male goat made himself exceedingly great. But once he became powerful, the large horn was broken; and in its place four prominent horns came up toward the four winds of heaven.
Daniel 8:8
The Little Horn
And out of one of them came a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Beautiful Land.
Daniel 8:9

OK, I have asserted that the end-times began on 9/11/2001 and the Antichrist (the Little Horn in Daniel 8:9) was born on 03/20/2006. Therefore, the vision of the Ram and the Goat must relate to the US near the beginning of the end-time.
From my perspective, the Goat with the one horn (leader) is the US (US military) that flies across the world to meet in battle the Ram with 2 horns (leaders). The two horns of the Ram being Osama bin Laden and Suddam Hussein.
From Daniel 8:6-8:7, the powerful US military beats their foes (al quaeda and the Iraqi army). G.H.W Bush is the large horn that had the highest polls of any president when the war began, but lost the next election with the lowest poll numbers of any president (large horn is broken).
In Daniel 8:7 four leaders follow the large horn, they are: Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, and Trump. From one of these comes the infamous little horn (one sires the Antichrist). Interestingly, only one of these four has male offspring- Trump. More Interestingly, one of these sons was born on March 20, 2006!
Amazing coincidence or biblical prophecy coming true? I leave it up to you to decide.
Finally, if one applies times and events found in Daniel and Revelation against the coming to power of the Antichrist in November 2060, a timeline up to the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ can be deduced.
Thanks for reading my concepts!


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I view your proposals as very America centred. God's perspective is worldwide and some prophesies like; Jeremiah 50:23 and Isaiah 8:9-22, tell of the virtual demise of the most powerful nation in the end times.
I reject your date of 2060, as not fitting with God's 7000 year Plan for mankind. There were exact times of 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, then 2000 years; Abraham to Jesus, Now almost another 2000 years since Jesus, only a few more years until His Return, then comes the Sabbath period of the final 1000 years. After that comes Eternity. Revelation 21-22
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Hi, I'm nee to this forum and I have some interesting ideas wrt the end-times timeline. First off, my belief is that the end-times began on September 11th 2001; I explain why a bit later in this post. First, I want to jump forward in the end-times to Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Notice that the number is in 3 parts:1) six hundred 2) three score 3) six.
I propose that the number is in fact not 666, but the Roman numeral equivalent DC LX VI, since it was the number system of that time.
So now we need to use wisdom to understand the meaning of this number (ie: it is riddle, and it is only meant to be understood by those in the end time). We are told that it is the number of a man. Now, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit (yes, I have been blessed with His presence since May 2020 - that is another topic that I will address in the near future).
Let's look at DCLXVI in its 3 parts:
DC - Washington DC
LX - elects
VI - 51
The Antichrist will be the 51st president of the United States. But that is not all that the number means. What is the number of a man? His age, of course. So the Antichrist will be exactly 666 Holy months (30 day months) old when he becomes president.
After doing some biblical research (to follow shortly) and calculations I came up with the following:
The Antichrist was born on March 6th 2006 and will be elected 51st President on November 2nd 2060, on exactly the 1st day of the 666th holy month of his life.

So, who is the Antichrist? Daniel 8 holds the answer in the vision of the Ram and the Goat.

While I was observing, behold, a male goat was coming from the west over the surface of the entire earth without touching the ground; and the goat had a prominent horn between his eyes.
Daniel 8:5 NASB2020
He came up to the ram that had the two horns, which I had seen standing in front of the canal, and rushed at him in his mighty wrath.
Daniel 8:6
And I saw him come up beside the ram, and he was enraged at him; and he struck the ram and smashed his two horns, and the ram had no strength to withstand him. So he hurled him to the ground and trampled on him, and there was no one to rescue the ram from his power.
Daniel 8:7
Then the male goat made himself exceedingly great. But once he became powerful, the large horn was broken; and in its place four prominent horns came up toward the four winds of heaven.
Daniel 8:8
The Little Horn
And out of one of them came a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Beautiful Land.
Daniel 8:9

OK, I have asserted that the end-times began on 9/11/2001 and the Antichrist (the Little Horn in Daniel 8:9) was born on 03/20/2006. Therefore, the vision of the Ram and the Goat must relate to the US near the beginning of the end-time.
From my perspective, the Goat with the one horn (leader) is the US (US military) that flies across the world to meet in battle the Ram with 2 horns (leaders). The two horns of the Ram being Osama bin Laden and Suddam Hussein.
From Daniel 8:6-8:7, the powerful US military beats their foes (al quaeda and the Iraqi army). G.H.W Bush is the large horn that had the highest polls of any president when the war began, but lost the next election with the lowest poll numbers of any president (large horn is broken).
In Daniel 8:7 four leaders follow the large horn, they are: Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, and Trump. From one of these comes the infamous little horn (one sires the Antichrist). Interestingly, only one of these four has male offspring- Trump. More Interestingly, one of these sons was born on March 20, 2006!
Amazing coincidence or biblical prophecy coming true? I leave it up to you to decide.
Finally, if one applies times and events found in Daniel and Revelation against the coming to power of the Antichrist in November 2060, a timeline up to the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ can be deduced.
Thanks for reading my concepts!

Some ancient manuscripts give the number as 616. There is no literal significance to 666.

The Antichrist will not be an American.
I agree with Keras that your view is too USA-centered.
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Chris Thomas Shepherd

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Jul 24, 2022
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I view your proposals as very America centred. God's perspective is worldwide and some prophesies like; Jeremiah 50:23 and Isaiah 8:9-22, tell of the virtual demise of the most powerful nation in the end times.
I reject your date of 2060, as not fitting with God's 7000 year Plan for mankind. There were exact times of 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, then 2000 years; Abraham to Jesus, Now almost another 2000 years since Jesus, only a few more years until His Return, then comes the Sabbath period of the final 1000 years. After that comes Eternity. Revelation 21-22
A reasonable portion of Revelation is spent discussing the Antichrist and the false prophet. So, if the Antichrist is American, as I am suggesting, then some biblical prophecy must be centered around the US.
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Chris Thomas Shepherd

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Jul 24, 2022
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I view your proposals as very America centred. God's perspective is worldwide and some prophesies like; Jeremiah 50:23 and Isaiah 8:9-22, tell of the virtual demise of the most powerful nation in the end times.
I reject your date of 2060, as not fitting with God's 7000 year Plan for mankind. There were exact times of 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, then 2000 years; Abraham to Jesus, Now almost another 2000 years since Jesus, only a few more years until His Return, then comes the Sabbath period of the final 1000 years. After that comes Eternity. Revelation 21-22
Your 7000 year plan for mankind makes no sense at all. There are fossilized human remains that go back well beyond 6000 years . It is folly to apply those 2000 year time frames literally.
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Maria Billingsley

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Hi, I'm nee to this forum and I have some interesting ideas wrt the end-times timeline. First off, my belief is that the end-times began on September 11th 2001; I explain why a bit later in this post. First, I want to jump forward in the end-times to Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Notice that the number is in 3 parts:1) six hundred 2) three score 3) six.
I propose that the number is in fact not 666, but the Roman numeral equivalent DC LX VI, since it was the number system of that time.
So now we need to use wisdom to understand the meaning of this number (ie: it is riddle, and it is only meant to be understood by those in the end time). We are told that it is the number of a man. Now, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit (yes, I have been blessed with His presence since May 2020 - that is another topic that I will address in the near future).
Let's look at DCLXVI in its 3 parts:
DC - Washington DC
LX - elects
VI - 51
The Antichrist will be the 51st president of the United States. But that is not all that the number means. What is the number of a man? His age, of course. So the Antichrist will be exactly 666 Holy months (30 day months) old when he becomes president.
After doing some biblical research (to follow shortly) and calculations I came up with the following:
The Antichrist was born on March 6th 2006 and will be elected 51st President on November 2nd 2060, on exactly the 1st day of the 666th holy month of his life.

So, who is the Antichrist? Daniel 8 holds the answer in the vision of the Ram and the Goat.

While I was observing, behold, a male goat was coming from the west over the surface of the entire earth without touching the ground; and the goat had a prominent horn between his eyes.
Daniel 8:5 NASB2020
He came up to the ram that had the two horns, which I had seen standing in front of the canal, and rushed at him in his mighty wrath.
Daniel 8:6
And I saw him come up beside the ram, and he was enraged at him; and he struck the ram and smashed his two horns, and the ram had no strength to withstand him. So he hurled him to the ground and trampled on him, and there was no one to rescue the ram from his power.
Daniel 8:7
Then the male goat made himself exceedingly great. But once he became powerful, the large horn was broken; and in its place four prominent horns came up toward the four winds of heaven.
Daniel 8:8
The Little Horn
And out of one of them came a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Beautiful Land.
Daniel 8:9

OK, I have asserted that the end-times began on 9/11/2001 and the Antichrist (the Little Horn in Daniel 8:9) was born on 03/20/2006. Therefore, the vision of the Ram and the Goat must relate to the US near the beginning of the end-time.
From my perspective, the Goat with the one horn (leader) is the US (US military) that flies across the world to meet in battle the Ram with 2 horns (leaders). The two horns of the Ram being Osama bin Laden and Suddam Hussein.
From Daniel 8:6-8:7, the powerful US military beats their foes (al quaeda and the Iraqi army). G.H.W Bush is the large horn that had the highest polls of any president when the war began, but lost the next election with the lowest poll numbers of any president (large horn is broken).
In Daniel 8:7 four leaders follow the large horn, they are: Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, and Trump. From one of these comes the infamous little horn (one sires the Antichrist). Interestingly, only one of these four has male offspring- Trump. More Interestingly, one of these sons was born on March 20, 2006!
Amazing coincidence or biblical prophecy coming true? I leave it up to you to decide.
Finally, if one applies times and events found in Daniel and Revelation against the coming to power of the Antichrist in November 2060, a timeline up to the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ can be deduced.
Thanks for reading my concepts!
From the Preterist standpoint, 666, is the number for Nero and nothing to do with the future.
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WELCOME! "old when he becomes president." The problem for me is this was is will always be about Israel. Though it was about saving the world yet its about Israel not the USA or any other nation. A prophet long gone now said before the end the last president will be a man and a woman as vice president. What are the odds :) Never know. I take it with a grain of salt
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Ivan Hlavanda

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The antichrist will not be revealed until the 70th week of Daniel starts (aka 7 years of Tribulation).
The antichrist will be someone who is accepted by everyone, he will be loved by nato, osn, EU and all those organisations. He will be universally loved, no one will be at first against him. He would even deceive the elect if possible. He will be accepted by Jews and they will think he is the promised Messiah, which makes me believe he will be a Jew.

As someone who believes in pre-tribulation rapture (view that is not shared by everyone) he will not be revealed after the rapture. So to me I don't want to know who he is, because that would mean I missed the rapture of the Church.

I heard so many theories who the antichrist is, dates when Jesus comes back....I don't understand why so many Christians waste time with this. If God wanted us to know, He would tell us, but as Jesus says, no one knows the date, but the Father. Jesus commanded us to spread the gospel and wait for Him everyday, and not waste time speculating. We are ought to love God, obey God, serve God and build the Church, that's our mission and not waste time in speculation. Why do people care who the antichrist is anyway? If you have no faith in the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, knowing who the antichrist is makes no difference. You are either saved or not, knowing who the antichrist is makes no difference at all. Even if God revealed to you who antichrist is, or when Jesus comes back, people will still not believe. And if you are saved, what does it matter who the antichrist is, you cannot lose your salvation nor receive the mark of the beast, but if you are not saved, doesn't matter what you do, you will not be saved.
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I propose that the number is in fact not 666, but the Roman numeral equivalent DC LX VI, since it was the number system of that time.
So now we need to use wisdom to understand the meaning of this number (ie: it is riddle, and it is only meant to be understood by those in the end time). We are told that it is the number of a man. Now, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit (yes, I have been blessed with His presence since May 2020 - that is another topic that I will address in the near future).
Let's look at DCLXVI in its 3 parts:
DC - Washington DC
LX - elects
VI - 51
The Antichrist will be the 51st president of the United States.

The idea that John would be thinking in English letters is not very convincing.

The idea that John meant 666 to be the English letters of a city and short for the english word "elects" and the number of a president is not at all convincing.
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Chris Thomas Shepherd

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The idea that John would be thinking in English letters is not very convincing.

The idea that John meant 666 to be the English letters of a city and short for the english word "elects" and the number of a president is not at all convincing.
John saw this in a vision from God. He wasn't thinking it per se. It was God's way of providing clues to people in the end-times of things to come.
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Chris Thomas Shepherd

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The antichrist will not be revealed until the 70th week of Daniel starts (aka 7 years of Tribulation).
The antichrist will be someone who is accepted by everyone, he will be loved by nato, osn, EU and all those organisations. He will be universally loved, no one will be at first against him. He would even deceive the elect if possible. He will be accepted by Jews and they will think he is the promised Messiah, which makes me believe he will be a Jew.

As someone who believes in pre-tribulation rapture (view that is not shared by everyone) he will not be revealed after the rapture. So to me I don't want to know who he is, because that would mean I missed the rapture of the Church.

I heard so many theories who the antichrist is, dates when Jesus comes back....I don't understand why so many Christians waste time with this. If God wanted us to know, He would tell us, but as Jesus says, no one knows the date, but the Father. Jesus commanded us to spread the gospel and wait for Him everyday, and not waste time speculating. We are ought to love God, obey God, serve God and build the Church, that's our mission and not waste time in speculation. Why do people care who the antichrist is anyway? If you have no faith in the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, knowing who the antichrist is makes no difference. You are either saved or not, knowing who the antichrist is makes no difference at all. Even if God revealed to you who antichrist is, or when Jesus comes back, people will still not believe. And if you are saved, what does it matter who the antichrist is, you cannot lose your salvation nor receive the mark of the beast, but if you are not saved, doesn't matter what you do, you will not be saved.
Noted. I love God, and I agree with what you are saying, however, good people decades in the future are going to need help avoiding the tribulations and the evil that the Antichrist will bring upon the earth. My writings provide that ability. I wrote a book about the end-times timeline, identifying all of the tribulations listed in the 6th seal through the 7th trumpet. I am not promoting it because it is not meant for this time. It will be released when the Antichrist is coming to power. I am just excited by the things that the Holy Spirit has communicated to me.
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Chris Thomas Shepherd

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Your rationale is very contrived.
  1. 666 will not be universally given.
  2. It will only be concealed in one of the two or three versions of the mark that are available.
  3. And it will not be discerned by unbelievers.
  4. VI = 6. LI = 51.
Observations About The Mark Of The Beast...
VI can be 51 if each letter is taken independently rather than as an entire number. Again, 666 is a riddle and takes wisdom to interpret.
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Chris Thomas Shepherd

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From the Preterist standpoint, 666, is the number for Nero and nothing to do with the future.
I understand this belief. If I were to associate someone from antiquity with anti-Christian activities, it wouldn't be Nero, it would be Antiochus IV Epiphanes. His desecration of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem on December 25th 167 BC (Julian calendar) is worthy of the title Abomination of Desolation.
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Your 7000 year plan for mankind makes no sense at all. There are fossilized human remains that go back well beyond 6000 years . It is folly to apply those 2000 year time frames literally.
Sure, there were humanoids before Adam was given a soul/spirit. The earth is very old, I agree.
But God's Plans for mankind started in 3970.5 BC, added from the given time periods in the Bible and tied to our Calander by the known date of the Babylonian conquest.

People simply cannot just dismiss the fact of 2 exact tranches of 2000 years and now within 10 years of the third since Jesus. Then will come the final thousand years, Revelation 20, making a total of exactly 7000 years from Adam to Eternity.
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Maria Billingsley

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I understand this belief. If I were to associate someone from antiquity with anti-Christian activities, it wouldn't be Nero, it would be Antiochus IV Epiphanes. His desecration of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem on December 25th 167 BC (Julian calendar) is worthy of the title Abomination of Desolation.
If I may......
The abomination is the rejection of the Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth which caused the desolation of the temple and Temple Judaism in 70AD. This is aka the "end of the age". No one can doubt that the greatest abomination the unrepentant Jew ever comitted was the condemnation of their Messiah. This came at a cost, the state of complete emptiness followed by destruction.
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Chris Thomas Shepherd

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If I may......
The abomination is the rejection of the Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth which caused the desolation of the temple and Temple Judaism in 70AD. This is aka the "end of the age". No one can doubt that the greatest abomination the unrepentant Jew ever comitted was the condemnation of their Messiah. This came at a cost, the state of complete emptiness followed by destruction.
I definitely agree with your statement. The direct condemnation of Jesus and support of his crucifixion was an abomination which led to the desolation (destruction) of Jerusalem.
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Chris Thomas Shepherd

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Jul 24, 2022
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Sure, there were humanoids before Adam was given a soul/spirit. The earth is very old, I agree.
But God's Plans for mankind started in 3970.5 BC, added from the given time periods in the Bible and tied to our Calander by the known date of the Babylonian conquest.

People simply cannot just dismiss the fact of 2 exact tranches of 2000 years and now within 10 years of the third since Jesus. Then will come the final thousand years, Revelation 20, making a total of exactly 7000 years from Adam to Eternity.
I have not done the 2000 yearvcalculations you speak of, so I can't comment on their veracity.
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