This is what winning a war looks like?


Aug 26, 2003
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In a war, you win be defeating the enemy.

The key is in picking the right enemy. In WWII, were the Allied forces fighting against the Axis powers, or Fascism? If they made it a War on Fascism, then we did not win WWII since there is still fascism and evil totalitarian governments. Instead, they made the war about defeating nations and governments, and left it at that.

If we define the Afghan War as we did WWII, then we won war a long time ago. The problem is turning it into a War on Terror, and pretending that you can build a western style nation without any infrastructure in place.

The problem is when our leaders don't even have the resolve to waterboard the enemy we don't have the ability to win the war.

Becoming the enemy is not the best way to win wars. One of the reasons we gave for dethroning Hussein was that he tortured people. Remember that?
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Dec 21, 2014
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William Sherman was a mean, heartless man who killed a lot of people in his march to the sea. However, that also shortened the war and saved many lives. The atomic bomb, horrible as it was, shortened the war and saved lives. America should never engage in stomping out fires like we're doing now. If you're going to send your troops, send enough to get the job done with overwhelming force, destroy the enemy and come back home. Winning wars saves lives.

Japan was ready to surrender before the A-bombs were dropped because of the massive destruction that was caused by the fire bombings of 62 Japanese cities. Add this to the Soviet Union's entry in the war against Japan and you have an even greater case for surrender. Eisenhower and other commanders such as Admiral Leahy, Douglas MacArthur, Secretary of the Navy Ralph Bird urged the U.S. not to use the bomb because Japan was ready to surrender, and there was no military justification for dropping the bomb.

The bombs were used to demonstrate their destructive power to the Soviet Union and to create diplomatic leverage

So you say that these senseless acts of violence saved lives? No -- it merely caused more pointless bloodshed. More lives, innocent lives, were lost in these acts than if it never happened. What makes an innocent life here in America or the North greater than an innocent life in Japan or in the South? Both have equal value. This country would be wise to focus on reconciliation and healing of old wounds than projecting power and senseless violence here and abroad.

Becoming the enemy is not the best way to win wars. One of the reasons we gave for dethroning Hussein was that he tortured people. Remember that?

Exactly; it will only be a matter of time before that same reason will be used for others to go to war with us.
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Mabaho na Kuya
Jul 30, 2013
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In a war, you win be defeating the enemy. Sometimes the problem is compounded because the enemy keeps shifting. When you're fighting insurgents one who is a friend one day can be an enemy the next. Regardless, our objective was to remove the Taliban. We did that, but we never destroyed them. In Iraq we removed Hussein and established a democracy. However we left that country unable to defend itself against foreign terrorists. War is brutal. You win it be killing the enemy. The problem is when our leaders don't even have the resolve to waterboard the enemy we don't have the ability to win the war. That's not why we're still there, but that's why the bullets are still flying.

William Sherman was a mean, heartless man who killed a lot of people in his march to the sea. However, that also shortened the war and saved many lives. The atomic bomb, horrible as it was, shortened the war and saved lives. America should never engage in stomping out fires like we're doing now. If you're going to send your troops, send enough to get the job done with overwhelming force, destroy the enemy and come back home. Winning wars saves lives.

General Sherman on war:

I confess, without shame, that I am sick and tired of fighting — its glory is all moonshine; even success the most brilliant is over dead and mangled bodies, with the anguish and lamentations of distant families, appealing to me for sons, husbands, and fathers ... it is only those who have never heard a shot, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated ... that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation.
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Mabaho na Kuya
Jul 30, 2013
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Apr 13, 2009
Bowling Green, KY
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Japan was ready to surrender before the A-bombs were dropped because of the massive destruction that was caused by the fire bombings of 62 Japanese cities.
Try that falsehood with someone who may believe it. Japan was ruled by the warlords who had vowed to fight to the last man. Even after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima they resisted surrender. Only after the bombing of Nagasaki did the emperor step in and say that Japan had to surrender for the survival of its people.

The revisionist version is a lie. Please don't repeat it. The invasion of Japan would have cost a million lives and several million wounded. One of the people sitting in an LST for the invasion of Japan was my great uncle, who arrived in Tokyo right after the surrender. I had first hand accounts of the willingness of the Japanese people to fight to the death for their emperor.

Add to this the fact that if Stalin had been able to occupy territory in Japan the USSR would have had its warm water port and would STILL be there.

The bombs were used to demonstrate their destructive power to the Soviet Union and to create diplomatic leverage
In part. Also the atrocities committed by the Japanese soldiers throughout the war caused Americans to hate them like no other enemy. There were many reasons to drop the bomb, but they all came down to destroying the ability of the enemy to wage war.
So you say that these senseless acts of violence saved lives? No -- it merely caused more pointless bloodshed.
Sprechen sie deutsche? Hmmm. I guess violence did saves lives.
I'm sorry, but you really don't have a clue what you're talking about.
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Japan was ready to surrender before the A-bombs were dropped because of the massive destruction that was caused by the fire bombings of 62 Japanese cities. Add this to the Soviet Union's entry in the war against Japan and you have an even greater case for surrender. Eisenhower and other commanders such as Admiral Leahy, Douglas MacArthur, Secretary of the Navy Ralph Bird urged the U.S. not to use the bomb because Japan was ready to surrender, and there was no military justification for dropping the bomb.

Page 22 of the communist manifesto? What does it mean to be "ready to surrender," since they in fact did NOT actually surrender?

IOW, cool story bro, I saw that Discovery channel story too. All those high ranking Generals talking about "Japan was ready to surrender?" Those comments were made AFTER the fact, except one. (I forget which one, but I did fact-check)

In hindsight, yes, the Japanese leadership was looking for a way to negotiate while saving face in front of their own people. We did not know that, and we sure didn't know how to do it! The moral of the story being, we have absolutely no idea what our objective is in the Middle East. And here I always thought that should be determined before going in? "Destroy and degrade IS." How bout just degrading them? Shall we make fun of their turbans?

I seriously wonder if our best strategy might not be to revive Everybody Draw Muhammad Day. No need to even depict anything vile, just depicting him everywhere, flooding every possible outlet. Flush out the crazies, make the moderates distance themselves from them, and everybody goes back to life as normal? I dunno, might just work? Love is not going to be effective when dealing with Islamacists.
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It was the neocons that placed military resources into Afghanistan in the first place. No hijackers were from Afghanistan or Iraq, and despite the fact that terrorists used Afghanistan as one of the countries they operated in Saudi Arabia was (and is) the best haven for terrorists.

The entire pretext of the GWOT was a complete farce.

Understood. Hopefully next time you disagree you'll be more open to exchanging ideas and opinion.

Ok. In case you hadn't noticed, all the 911 hijkackers DIED. Wasn't that obvious? How then is it sensible to talk about going to the middle east to try to kill 911 hijackers?

US correctly tied 911 to OBL, and we were also correct that he was "in Afghanistan." (In scare quotes because that doesn't exactly pin it down) we were concerned about more terrorists being trained in AF, which in fact proved to be the case. We stopped that. We didn't use overwhelming force, or anything approaching it. It took some occasions of real heroism to win, in a land where no one had won before. And we did in fact win. That's not a farce, neither was it possible to operate in Saudi Arabia that way, even though we knew a lot of the financing came from there. If you want us to do something about that, we could turn the whole place into glass? But other than that, we have no options.

After the immediate victory, using military force for something other than killing people was a MISTAKE, not a "farce." They should have gotten out of there. Sort of we did change the mission to trying to prop up an AF Gov't., and eventually we oversaw some elections. That everything after the immediate military victory was mis-handled is by now a matter of record.

This really wasn't that long ago that it needs to be distorted so badly.
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E pluribus unum
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Aug 18, 2012
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In a war, you win be defeating the enemy. Sometimes the problem is compounded because the enemy keeps shifting. When you're fighting insurgents one who is a friend one day can be an enemy the next. Regardless, our objective was to remove the Taliban. We did that, but we never destroyed them.

Do you not see the contradiction in your statement?

In Iraq we removed Hussein and established a democracy. However we left that country unable to defend itself against foreign terrorists.

The resistance largely came from within Iraq....and US post invastion policies contributed greatly to the Iraqi insurgency.

War is brutal. You win it be killing the enemy. The problem is when our leaders don't even have the resolve to waterboard the enemy we don't have the ability to win the war. That's not why we're still there, but that's why the bullets are still flying.

In other words, we were not brutal enough...
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Feb 6, 2013
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Our involvement in the war is coming to a close and the soldiers there are basically just advisors now. We have already committed many years to this war so we cannot simply pull out if we are not absolutely sure that the Afghan government can defend itself and function properly. The most dangerous threat to their security is the Taliban so they need to start working with Pakistan to eliminate them because the Taliban stronghold is near the border.

If I was in a position to call the shots I would have invaded Afghanistan to destroy Al-Qaeda and then I would arm, advise and give air support to the opposition. We would only be on the ground fighting for a short amount of time. I would put the future of Afghanistan into the hands of the Afghans and they would have to be willing to fight. We would give them everything they needed to defeat the Taliban or severely damage them to the point where a new Government could be established by the people.
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Dec 21, 2014
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You don't have to believe it, but it is what actually happened. My evidence comes from a Newsweek article from 1963 from Eisenhower, so the fact that you consider this a falsehood flies in the very face of history. Have you heard the phrase ‘Correlation does not imply causation? Just because the Japanese were nuked twice and surrendered afterwards does not mean that they surrendered because of the bombs, but because you believe that this was the case would this not be considered ‘revisionist’?
Your uncle, like my grandfather who fought in Guadalcanal, saw Japan through the lens of the military. Is it true that there were many soldiers willing to die for their emperor? Of course, but to suggest that this was the only facet to the Japanese soldier would be a falsehood within itself that was magnified by pro-war propaganda during that time period. My first-hand accounts come from the American side, the Japanese side, and the side of a civilian who lived during the Japanese occupation, and it paints a much more human picture. My grandfather spoke of a sea of Japanese soldiers coming at him and him having to use his bayonet (this is more aligned to your first-hand account), the Japanese soldier spoke of the sheer terror he experienced in Okinawa and how he wanted to flee but never could, and the civilian spoke about how his father befriended a Japanese officer and how he named his son in the officer’s honor. I also lived in Japan for 3.5 years in Yokosuka and spoke with survivors of the fire bombings and how they cared more about their own lives and families than some emperor. Our propaganda is so black-and-white, when in reality WWII is incredibly grey with no moral high ground to be found.
You say that I don’t know what I’m talking about because you believe that this is how it is and that’s the end of it. Is there harm in knowing the story of a former or current enemy? Is it taboo to question the official narrative that should have been questioned in greater number in order to prevent such wanton slaughter? I encourage you to look into this matter deeper and know the Japanese perspective; your mind will be changed like mine was.

Care to explain what you are referring to when you mention The Communist Manifesto? If you are to respond using the communist manifesto perhaps you should find out what parts of it I agree with then use that to formulate a response. Right now it seems like your assumption gives off an impression that you are grasping at straws, and I certainly don’t want you to appear in that light. It certainly does not help that you are a 50 year old man who uses such a very cool meme, ‘bro’. You don’t need to use that meme; you are more mature than that.
Now time to get on to the crux of the discussion.
Like I stated in my response to KWCrazy, my source was a Newsweek article from 1963 that quoted Eisenhower. Though you make the argument of hindsight 20/20, but then again you are not sure about that. Time will be much better looking more deeply into that premise while using facts to support it rather than just it in order to win an argument.
You state that love is not effective when dealing with ‘Islamists’. Again, that’s just another premise without fact. Look into the demands that these ‘Islamists’ are making: They want us out of the Middle East, and they want us to stop interfering with sovereign nations in the Middle East. It would also help to understand who made these groups to begin with and why; from there we can work on a solution that doesn’t involve interfering with sovereign nations and meddling with their politics, which caused this problem to begin with. To start you can research Sayed Kotb and go from there.
Regarding draw Muhammad day: Do what you will. If you feel that engaging in such sophomoric behavior is essential to winning a war and flushing out ‘crazies’ instead of using more peaceful (mature) approaches then we as a people deserved to be wept for.
Re: Hijackers – you missed the point entirely. The point was that Afghanistan and Iraq was not the problem behind the event, and Saudi Arabia was the hotbed. UBL funded the attack, but he was not the mastermind. UBL was kept around solely because his financial power by Anwar al-Zawahiri who’s failed Islamist revolutions (the people wanted liberalism) in local nations needed a rebranding and a new enemy. They found that new enemy in the American people (and the west) themselves, and 9/11’s purpose on the Islamist end was to cause an invasion, a western invasion, that would crystalize in people’s minds that they were right all along. This is why there is a steadily growing membership in insurgent groups from ’01 to today.
In your mind the pretext was exactly what the George W Bush regime stated, and I for a time believed it as well and even joined the military after high school in ’03. You state that elections were held – bravo, now take a look at the candidates and their background and you’ll see that it was tantamount to choosing Coke or Pepsi.
All of this is distorted, but I promise you that the distortion is coming from those who are benefitting from the GWOT. I only benefit from peaceful pursuits and my interest is finding out the root causes of this conflict so that this problem can be addressed before more lives are lost.
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Dec 21, 2014
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What do you mean, he should let all those Al Qaida heads know the GPS coordinates before he drones them?

Using SIGINT (e.g. using cell phone signals to target insurgents) have provided an extremely high amount of collateral damage with little success of actually targeting the intended people.

Secret Docs Reveal Dubious Details of Targeted Killings in Afghanistan - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Here is an excerpt from a Der Spiegel article regarding this:

'The document also reveals how vague the basis for deadly operations apparently was. In the voice recognition procedure, it was sufficient if a suspect identified himself by name once during the monitored conversation. Within the next 24 hours, this voice recognition was treated as "positive target identification" and, therefore, as legitimate grounds for an airstrike. This greatly increased the risk of civilian casualties.'

You don't have to let Al Qaeda know, but be sure to provide the surrounding civilians an alibis so they can move out of the way and not arouse suspicion such as 'I think I hear my mother calling', or 'I need to move my donkey because I parked in a 15 min zone'.
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E pluribus unum
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Aug 18, 2012
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Using SIGINT (e.g. using cell phone signals to target insurgents) have provided an extremely high amount of collateral damage with little success of actually targeting the intended people.

If they attacks were so ineffective why did the Taliban forbid their fighters from using celluar communications? Al Qaeda specifically avoided such communications for this very reason.

Britain's GCHQ and the US National Security Agency (NSA) maintained long lists of Afghan and Pakistani mobile phone numbers belonging to Taliban officials. A sophisticated mechanism was activated whenever a number was detected. If there was already a recording of the enemy combatant's voice in the archives, it was used for identification purposes. If the pattern matched, preparations for an operation could begin. The attacks were so devastating for the Taliban that they instructed their fighters to stop using mobile phones.
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Aug 26, 2003
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You don't have to believe it, but it is what actually happened. My evidence comes from a Newsweek article from 1963 from Eisenhower, so the fact that you consider this a falsehood flies in the very face of history. Have you heard the phrase ‘Correlation does not imply causation? Just because the Japanese were nuked twice and surrendered afterwards does not mean that they surrendered because of the bombs, but because you believe that this was the case would this not be considered ‘revisionist’?

It is very clear that the atomic bombs played a prominent role in ending the war with the conditions of surrender that the Allies had already put forth.

Surrender of Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At best, the Japanese thought they could leverage a costly invasion of the islands into terms of surrender that favored Japan. Any such move was taken off the table once the bombs dropped. It was only after the two bombs that the Emporer stepped in and forced the generals to surrender with the terms that the Allies had already established.
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Dec 21, 2014
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If they attacks were so ineffective why did the Taliban forbid their fighters from using celluar communications? Al Qaeda specifically avoided such communications for this very reason.

I would speculate that the reason was that it is far more dangerous to discuss strategic matters over the phone since the Snowden leaks revealed that the five eyes (the intelligence agencies in US, UK, NZ, CA, and AU) have been collecting user data indiscriminately worldwide; at least that is what I gathered on Cryptome.

Al Qaeda specifically avoided such communications for this very reason.

Would you like to provide me a source as to where they stated this?
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Junior Member
Dec 21, 2014
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It is very clear that the atomic bombs played a prominent role in ending the war with the conditions of surrender that the Allies had already put forth.

Surrender of Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At best, the Japanese thought they could leverage a costly invasion of the islands into terms of surrender that favored Japan. Any such move was taken off the table once the bombs dropped. It was only after the two bombs that the Emporer stepped in and forced the generals to surrender with the terms that the Allies had already established.

Wikipedia does not an accurate source make. Anyone at anytime can edit the articles, which is why academia states that they aren't to be used when doing research.
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Aug 26, 2003
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Wikipedia does not an accurate source make. Anyone at anytime can edit the articles, which is why academia states that they aren't to be used when doing research.

Wikipedia is in line with all of the historians I have read on the subject.

Do you have a better source as to what really went on within the Big Six and with the Emporer?
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Apr 13, 2009
Bowling Green, KY
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You don't have to believe it, but it is what actually happened. My evidence comes from a Newsweek article from 1963 from Eisenhower, so the fact that you consider this a falsehood flies in the very face of history.
It may very well fly in the face of revisionist history.
Decisions have to be made in light of the information available contemporaneously and I presented some of that for you. Certainly there were factions wishing to surrender but there simply was no imminent surrender plans from the leadership of Japan. Had the Japanese government asked to be able to surrender it would have happened. However, their terms involved leaving the government of Japan intact and that simply was not going to be the case. Regardless of what revisionists may say, there was no offer of unconditional surrender being offered by the government of Japan. In fact, the announcement of surrender came a full nine days after the bombing of Hiroshima and six days after the bombing of Nagasaki.

Have you heard the phrase ‘Correlation does not imply causation? Just because the Japanese were nuked twice and surrendered afterwards does not mean that they surrendered because of the bombs,
Early on August 12, the United States answered that "the authority of the emperor and the Japanese government to rule the state shall be subject to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers." After two days of debate about what this statement implied, Emperor Hirohito brushed the nuances in the text aside and declared that peace was preferable to destruction. He ordered the Japanese government to prepare a text accepting surrender.

In the early hours of August 15, a military coup was attempted by a faction led by Major Kenji Hatanaka. The rebels seized control of the imperial palace and burned Prime Minister Suzuki's residence, but shortly after dawn the coup was crushed. At noon that day, Emperor Hirohito went on national radio for the first time to announce the Japanese surrender. In his unfamiliar court language, he told his subjects, "we have resolved to pave the way for a grand peace for all the generations to come by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is insufferable." The United States immediately accepted Japan's surrender.


Even after the dropping of two atomic bombs Japan was still not unified in their desire to surrender. Your revisionist lie is exposed for the tripe it is.
My first-hand accounts come from the American side, the Japanese side, and the side of a civilian who lived during the Japanese occupation, and it paints a much more human picture.
Yeah, that Bataan march was certainly a shining example of humanity at its finest. Not all Japanese soldiers were monsters, but then not German soldiers were either. The is, they were the enemy and we win wars by killing the enemy.

The relative I referenced was in Tokyo immediately after the surrender. He did not see actual combat. He was, however, the only one in Tokyo, He told about camping out in the elephant grass with armed guards on alert for guerilla attacks. He also said that once they got inside the city all the pipes were gone from the buildings and everything that could be melted down for weapons had been taken. The members of my extended family who did se combat had far more gruesome tales to tell when we could get them to speak at all.

I also lived in Japan for 3.5 years in Yokosuka and spoke with survivors of the fire bombings and how they cared more about their own lives and families than some emperor.
Probably most of them were not soldiers or trained Kamikaze who saw their greatest glory in dying for the emperor. There is always a level of disconnect between the military and the civilian population. In feudal countries like Japan, those who served usually saw little difference in whicb master had their foot on their necks.
Our propaganda is so black-and-white, when in reality WWII is incredibly grey with no moral high ground to be found.
False accusation. The defense of freedom always has the high ground over colonial oppression and genocide. To say that Nazi Germany and Japan were equally justified in their reasons for war is a statement of profound ignorance. We stood in the way of Japan carving an empire out of Southeast Asia. They went to war because they wanted to. We were attacked.

You say that I don’t know what I’m talking about because you believe that this is how it is and that’s the end of it.
No, I say it because you're fundamentally wrong.
Is there harm in knowing the story of a former or current enemy?
No, so why re-write history?
Is it taboo to question the official narrative that should have been questioned in greater number in order to prevent such wanton slaughter?
We actually killed as many in the Tokyo Firestorm as we killed in Hiroshima. The real bloodbath would have resulted from the invasion of Japan which WOULd HAVE HAPPENED to keep Stalin from claiming territory we had lost so many lives in taking. The willingness of the Japanese people to fight to the end had been demonstrated on Iou Jima, Guadalcanal and other islands. How much more desperate would they fight to defend their own homes? The American people were tired of seeing their loved ones buried in foreign lands. We had the ability to end the war without more American casualties and any man worthy of calling himself an American would have made the obvious choice. Revisionists who second guess that decision by offering information that was only learned many years after the war do a disservice to the brave men who stood up against the greatest evil they had ever faced.
I encourage you to look into this matter deeper and know the Japanese perspective; your mind will be changed like mine was.
No, sir, it will NOT. The sacrifice of 185,000 Japanese compared to a million US and 5 million Japanese casualties is a drop in a bucket. The atomic bomb saved Japan from being ground into the ashes of history. When the current pathetic excuse for a president offered to apologize for the atomic bombing the government of Japan would not allow it. History knows what happened and why. Revisionist lies haven't changed that yet.
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Christian Spenglerian
Jan 6, 2006
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Farmer4Christ said:
Wikipedia does not an accurate source make. Anyone at anytime can edit the articles, which is why academia states that they aren't to be used when doing research.

Academia generally doesn't condone citing encyclopedia articles at all when doing research, unless the encyclopedia specializes in the subject being researched.
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