It's been a rough day...


His law is love and His gospel is peace
Sep 17, 2010
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I couldn't snipe THIS snipe....



(if you haven't seen Up!....go see it. Now. *grins* )
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Mar 29, 2005
Some of you may remember me telling you about going into the Catholic Bookstore last week & was given books. Then to the Nursing Home the same day & given books about Our Lady of Fatima by a dear sweet couple I brought communion to & visited.

Well yesterday...on Father's Day Mr. Roberts from the Nursing Home died. Totally unexpected. He was getting better, his therapy was going well & they were talking of heading home. He just got an upset stomach, went to sleep & died.

His wife does not stay at the Nursing Home but was alerted. When I was there, his two kids were there to pick up his belongings & were fighting tears. I saw a Father's Day card in the lobby where he always sat & I scooped it up & handed it to them & was fighting back tears myself. Mrs. Roberts mentioned me to her kids & wondered if she could see me again. I offered to pick her up on Mondays so she could go with me & visits the others if she wanted.

On top of that, another of the residents died. This other lady & her hubby (roomate of Mr Roberts) I see wanted to talk about an incident that happened to her when she was 5 or 6. Asking me if I thought she was crazy... I said absolutely not.

Talked to my MIL later & she was telling me about my SIL who had the mental breaks not too long ago....she is very unhappy & the situation with her husband does not seem to be improving. She is looking drawn again & this treatment is becoming a learned behavior with their son it seems.

I'm thinking a divorce may be in the cards for everyone's wellbeing but there are no divorces in this side of the family so this is going to be new if it unfolds the way I think it will.

I'm tired. I got a showing & funeral to attend & my MIL is sick. My SIL is not well & her marriage is a shambles.

This does not count my side of the family & their issues.

I feel sort of burned out. Please pray for all these hurting people & my strength & patience.

I'm just feel like I'm going to stary crying at the drop of a hat. And I need to be strong if possible.


Seems like you have been under a lot of pressure. Maybe you need some time alone to be with God and rejuvenate. Jesus used to get overwhelmed and go off alone to pray.

God Is Our Hope
God is our hope and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be moved,
and though the hills be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though the waters thereof rage and swell,
and though the mountains shake at the tempest of the same.
There is a river, the streams whereof make glad the city of God,
the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
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Feb 5, 2002
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Seems like you have been under a lot of pressure. Maybe you need some time alone to be with God and rejuvenate. Jesus used to get overwhelmed and go off alone to pray.
Thanks eastcoast. I think I do need some rejuvenation.
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