Massive Earthquake In CA, West Coast Soon!



No, my friend is not looking for fame or fortune. He hears Words of Wisdom from the Lord and he does what God tells him to do, and that is warn people.

I say that he is doing this for any other reason, is judging someone unjustly and spreading false witness against your own brother.

This man's Words of Wisdom have all come true, and that's because he is hearing these things in advance from God.

Laugh all you want, but it's true. Everyone hates a prophet, and I believe it's because of jealousy that the Lord isn't talking to them too.

And, it's pure foolishness to not be prepared for disasters. It says in the Bible that there will be huge disasters in one place after another. Everyone should prepare for their own family, especially the head of a household as this is part of taking care of your family and it is your responsibility.

I've even made threads about the importance of prepping on here, and most of them ended up getting closed because they got so bad with the mockers. Such a pity that people won't prepare while they still have time. Just like in Noah's day, they just go about their regular old lives.......not a care in the world, until disaster happens.

For those who believe that you'll be vanished before the tribulation, well, the tribulation has started and you're still here.

What does that tell you?

Lisa, Lisa...It tells me you have a big heart, but no spiritual guidance, with all due respect.

I and my family are ready.
When whatever "calamity" occurs that may claim our lives off this earth, (as it has every other person who has lived on this earth), it has no affect upon us Christians, for we are in Christ and rest in peace in Him. No calamity can touch us. EVER. The "second death has no power" over us who have already died in Christ.

you have swallowed bad theology Lisa, and bless your heart, now wish to warn others. That is wonderful. But do it by preaching the gospel. Not by preaching some worldly doomsday ideas that do NOT come from God.

And who ISN'T supposed to endure much tribulation on this planet before entering the Kingdom of God?
I've endured a tremendous amount. So have many other Christians. There are so many stories of "tribulation".
The LAST thing that would be a "tribulation" would be to get caught in an earthquake!? How would THAT be tribulation? It wouldn't affect me in any way. It might destroy my body perhaps, but so what? I welcome that day! Are you so in love with your flesh that you want to save your flesh?? Haven't you read what people have been posting of the scriptures on your thread? Haven't you learned from the examples of why your threads aren't being received BY CHRISTIANS??
You really need to heed the Word of God and hear what HE says, and not follow after "friends" and hear what THEY say, doesn't that make sense to you?
No one here is "mocking you". You really should get off your self pity-party. You are being advised, counseled, and instructed in righteousness, in LOVE and in the Word.
Your friend is a false prophet. He follows after a theology of "end-time philosophy" that is tearing the church apart with "futurism". Men like that will rob your soul.


Yet you continue to. What is up with that??

ALL of us endure tribulation or we don't enter the Kingdom of God.

(Act 14:22) Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

"tribulation" is NOT some "end time disasters" on a calalendar as the unlearned claim. That sounds like something a follower of Nostradamus would follow after. Is that what you want to appear like?

Word to the wise...

Blessings in Christ
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i am glad I did not find this thread until this morning, or I would have been putting my two cents in there as well, and would have been wrong. I truly believed we would see a large earthquake this weekend in Northern California. Not altogether devastating, but one nonetheless.

We can however be fairly certain that the Lord is showing us these birth pangs daily as a reminder to call the family to repentance. Of course the Bible tells us that as we see these events unfolding we hide ourselves from Him, and instead curse His name rather than blessing it.

Blessed be His name.

Praise and exalt Him above all forever!

Yes, praise and exalt His Name above all forever JESUS! Amen.

So then, praising and exalting His Name, why would you ("we" as you state) hide from Him!? Or curse Him!? You would?? I don't get that? I sure don't.

Christians don't hide "from" Him servant. We hide IN Him! :)
Christians don't "curse" His Name, we Bless it!

(Isa 2:10) Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty.

Jesus is my Rock, immovable. I hide in Him. He is my anchor. In Him I am stedfast, bold and confident with full assurance.
No earthquake can touch me :) For my Rock is Immovable!

(Heb 6:19) Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;

(1Jn 3:19) And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.

(1Co 15:58) Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

(1Jn 4:17) Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.

(Php 1:6) Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
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His Servant
Mar 7, 2010
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Lisa, Lisa...It tells me you have a big heart, but no spiritual guidance, with all due respect.

I and my family are ready.
When whatever "calamity" occurs that may claim our lives off this earth, (as it has every other person who has lived on this earth), it has no affect upon us Christians, for we are in Christ and rest in peace in Him. No calamity can touch us. EVER. The "second death has no power" over us who have already died in Christ.

you have swallowed bad theology Lisa, and bless your heart, now wish to warn others. That is wonderful. But do it by preaching the gospel. Not by preaching some worldly doomsday ideas that do NOT come from God.

And who ISN'T supposed to endure much tribulation on this planet before entering the Kingdom of God?
I've endured a tremendous amount. So have many other Christians. There are so many stories of "tribulation".
The LAST thing that would be a "tribulation" would be to get caught in an earthquake!? How would THAT be tribulation? It wouldn't affect me in any way. It might destroy my body perhaps, but so what? I welcome that day! Are you so in love with your flesh that you want to save your flesh?? Haven't you read what people have been posting of the scriptures on your thread? Haven't you learned from the examples of why your threads aren't being received BY CHRISTIANS??
You really need to heed the Word of God and hear what HE says, and not follow after "friends" and hear what THEY say, doesn't that make sense to you?
No one here is "mocking you". You really should get off your self pity-party. You are being advised, counseled, and instructed in righteousness, in LOVE and in the Word.
Your friend is a false prophet. He follows after a theology of "end-time philosophy" that is tearing the church apart with "futurism". Men like that will rob your soul.


Yet you continue to. What is up with that??

ALL of us endure tribulation or we don't enter the Kingdom of God.

(Act 14:22) Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

"tribulation" is NOT some "end time disasters" on a calalendar as the unlearned claim. That sounds like something a follower of Nostradamus would follow after. Is that what you want to appear like?

Word to the wise...

Blessings in Christ

Sorry, but I'm not "mislead". I"ve lived through a natural disaster, and it was not pretty. We had no power, no water for 2 weeks in a hurricane.

Have you ever lived through that? I had a small taste, and it was HORRIBLE! God didn't prevent me from loosing power and water, and I was not prepared for it and that was a small disaster on a small scale because life as normal returned in just 2 weeks. But, it was a huge wake up call for me and many others that I know.

Many christians in Japan right now suffering, you talk like it's no big deal. It's a huge deal to me to know many are suffering and I can't help them.

But, I can do what I can to help my family, friends and neighbors because I'm preparing ahead of time. Does that make me appear weak? I guess it does in the eyes of some, but I couldn't care less what other people think of me. I take God's word seriously, and I know terrible days are coming, it's in the Bible. I believe it 100%, so much so that I spend much of my time getting my house ready in many ways. Noah did the same.

I walk with the Lord, I talk with the Lord, and He leads me to do what I do, and that is preparing for my family, friends and whoever He leads to my home in times of trouble which may include some of His children that I haven't met yet.

It took a HUGE leap of faith to leave my home in florida and move to the mountains and leave everything behind and lose my entire investment.

I'm not going to get into all of my own business here because it really is nobody's business but me and God. But, I can tell you that He is providing for my future needs in helping me make preparations for my family, friends and neighbors. When the time comes, atleast I'll know that I did everything that I could do to help my family and that's my responsibility.

So, continue to judge me if that's what you want to do, but know that you're wrong.
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Here's some other false prophets;

Pat Robertson, 1982
In May 1980, televangelist and Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson startled and alarmed many when - contrary to Matthew 24:36 ("No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven...") he informed his "700 Club" TV show audience around the world that he knew when the world would end. "I guarantee you by the end of 1982 there is going to be a judgment on the world," Robertson said.
Nostradamus, August 1999
The heavily obfuscated and metaphorical writings of Michel de Nostrdame have intrigued people for over 400 years. His writings, the accuracy of which relies heavily upon very flexible interpretations, have been translated and re-translated in dozens of different versions. One of the most famous quatrains read, "The year 1999, seventh month / From the sky will come great king of terror." Many Nostradamus devotees grew concerned that this was the famed prognosticator's vision of Armageddon.
May 5, 2000
In case the Y2K bug didn't do us in, global catastrophe was assured by Richard Noone, author of the 1997 book "5/5/2000 Ice: the Ultimate Disaster." According to Noone, the Antarctic ice mass would be three miles thick by May 5, 2000 - a date in which the planets would be aligned in the heavens, somehow resulting in a global icy death (or at least a lot of book sales). Perhaps global warming kept the ice age at bay...
God's Church Ministry, Fall 2008
According to God's Church minister Ronald Weinland, the end times are upon us-- again. His 2006 book "2008: God's Final Witness" states that hundreds of millions of people will die, and by the end of 2006, "there will be a maximum time of two years remaining before the world will be plunged into the worst time of all human history. By the fall of 2008, the United States will have collapsed as a world power, and no longer exist as an independent nation." As the book notes, "Ronald Weinland places his reputation on the line as the end-time prophet of God".
As a Christian, avoid end time prophets!
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Sorry, but I'm not "mislead". I"ve lived through a natural disaster, and it was not pretty. We had no power, no water for 2 weeks in a hurricane.

Have you ever lived through that? I had a small taste, and it was HORRIBLE! God didn't prevent me from loosing power and water, and I was not prepared for it and that was a small disaster on a small scale because life as normal returned in just 2 weeks. But, it was a huge wake up call for me and many others that I know.

Many christians in Japan right now suffering, you talk like it's no big deal. It's a huge deal to me to know many are suffering and I can't help them.

But, I can do what I can to help my family, friends and neighbors because I'm preparing ahead of time. Does that make me appear weak? I guess it does in the eyes of some, but I couldn't care less what other people think of me. I take God's word seriously, and I know terrible days are coming, it's in the Bible. I believe it 100%, so much so that I spend much of my time getting my house ready in many ways. Noah did the same.

I walk with the Lord, I talk with the Lord, and He leads me to do what I do, and that is preparing for my family, friends and whoever He leads to my home in times of trouble which may include some of His children that I haven't met yet.

It took a HUGE leap of faith to leave my home in florida and move to the mountains and leave everything behind and lose my entire investment.

I'm not going to get into all of my own business here because it really is nobody's business but me and God. But, I can tell you that He is providing for my future needs in helping me make preparations for my family, friends and neighbors. When the time comes, atleast I'll know that I did everything that I could do to help my family and that's my responsibility.

So, continue to judge me if that's what you want to do, but know that you're wrong.

Yes, I've been in catastrophe's. One, over a month with no running water or power in a freezing blizzard, eating snow and powdered food.
We bundled up and had great fellowship as we waited for "whatever".
It was wonderful and none of us were hurt.

Yes, it is a very big deal for me that my Christian brethren in Japan are suffering, and also non-Christian. It is a crazy disaster upon disaster there! You are very impetuous to even let your tongue slip to suggest that it is "no big deal" to me and advise you to put your hand over your mouth and think before you accuse me of something. You think I am a monster because I put my trust in Christ?? Jesus is my Ark. I am in the Ark. No flood or earthquake or fire or whatever is going to take me out of that ark.
I sure as heck am not going to build my OWN ark as you sure appear to be doing.

Of course I help my family and do all I can for them in this world. I take care of my family including my 95 year old grandparents and do what I can for their well being as would any man. I don't know how that would make me "weak" either, any more than you taking care of your family makes you "weak" lisa. That has nothing to do with being "weak", nor do I have a clue why you would even suggest that.

You might have terrible days coming, I don't know. I might too. What do we care? "Stuff happens". Isn't that one of the reason you've accepted Christ? To lay up treasure in Heaven where nothing of this world can hurt you?? So then why be so caught up in the world when we aren't OF THIS WORLD??

I walk and talk with Jesus as you say you do. But He does NOT tell me what YOU are telling everyone on this thread.

So you left a possible flood plain in Florida for a possible blizzard or landslide in the mountains... and you think God told you to do that...

One last thing Lisa. I don't judge you. You have only one judge, and that is the Words that Jesus has spoken as recorded in the Bible;

(Joh 12:48) He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.

And to repeat one last time;

(Mat 6:34) Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

This is all I've been saying to you.
And I am not wrong in saying this to you.

Good luck, and trust in Jesus. Not in your futuristic prophets and their end-time anxieties.

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His Servant
Mar 7, 2010
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Yes, I've been in catastrophe's. One, over a month with no running water or power in a freezing blizzard, eating snow and powdered food.
We bundled up and had great fellowship as we waited for "whatever".
It was wonderful and none of us were hurt.

Yes, it is a very big deal for me that my Christian brethren in Japan are suffering, and also non-Christian. It is a crazy disaster upon disaster there! You are very impetuous to even let your tongue slip to suggest that it is "no big deal" to me and advise you to put your hand over your mouth and think before you accuse me of something. You think I am a monster because I put my trust in Christ?? Jesus is my Ark. I am in the Ark. No flood or earthquake or fire or whatever is going to take me out of that ark.
I sure as heck am not going to build my OWN ark as you sure appear to be doing.

Of course I help my family and do all I can for them in this world. I take care of my family including my 95 year old grandparents and do what I can for their well being as would any man. I don't know how that would make me "weak" either, any more than you taking care of your family makes you "weak" lisa. That has nothing to do with being "weak", nor do I have a clue why you would even suggest that.

You might have terrible days coming, I don't know. I might too. What do we care? "Stuff happens". Isn't that one of the reason you've accepted Christ? To lay up treasure in Heaven where nothing of this world can hurt you?? So then why be so caught up in the world when we aren't OF THIS WORLD??

I walk and talk with Jesus as you say you do. But He does NOT tell me what YOU are telling everyone on this thread.

So you left a possible flood plain in Florida for a possible blizzard or landslide in the mountains... and you think God told you to do that...

One last thing Lisa. I don't judge you. You have only one judge, and that is the Words that Jesus has spoken as recorded in the Bible;

(Joh 12:48)He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.

And to repeat one last time;

(Mat 6:34)Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the dayisthe evil thereof.

This is all I've been saying to you.
And I am not wrong in saying this to you.

Good luck, and trust in Jesus. Not in your futuristic prophets and their end-time anxieties.


Crazy times.....crazy posts. You "advise" me of covering my mouth, I advise you of the same.

Oh.......too late! You already judged someone that you don't even know as a "false prophet" and other nasty and untrue things as well.

Focus on your own plank in the eye and don't worry about everyone elses.

As far as why I moved to the mountains, that's between me and God. Not your business.
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Hebrews 2:14.... Pesky Devil, git!
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Crazy times.....crazy posts.
As far as why I moved to the mountains, that's between me and God. Not your business.
:D :)

Reve 6:15 And the kings of the land and the greatest and the thousand-chiefs/chief-of-thousands and the rich ones and the strong ones and every bond-servant and free man hide selves into the dens/caves/sphlaia <4693> and into the rocks of the mountains.

Blue Letter Bible - Search Results for YNG
occurs 143 times in 136 verses in the YNG
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☩ Broman Catholic ☩
Oct 31, 2008
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LOVE one another
Nov 27, 2004
Cucamonga, Ca
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When whatever "calamity" occurs that may claim our lives off this earth, (as it has every other person who has lived on this earth), it has no affect upon us Christians, for we are in Christ and rest in peace in Him. No calamity can touch us. EVER. The "second death has no power" over us who have already died in Christ.

And who ISN'T supposed to endure much tribulation on this planet before entering the Kingdom of God?
I've endured a tremendous amount. So have many other Christians. There are so many stories of "tribulation".
The LAST thing that would be a "tribulation" would be to get caught in an earthquake!?
How would THAT be tribulation?
It wouldn't affect me in any way. It might destroy my body perhaps, but so what?

I welcome that day!


ALL of us endure tribulation or we don't enter the Kingdom of God.

(Act 14:22) Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

"tribulation" is NOT some "end time disasters" on a calendar as the unlearned claim.

Blessings in Christ

Well I took all of the meat from this post and am re-posting it because it is the Truth.

Fear is the opposite of faith and I do not know about you but my adrenaline starts to run unchecked when an earthquake starts. ( I live in So Cal USA YEAH!)

Yet in Christ we are set free from the foundations of sin and Death and once we actually grip hold of that in our hearts, we are literally set free from the fear that is in sin and Death.

The vision is in this wise,

I was in a 5-story building of solid cement in real life, lying down to take a rest from the day.
All of the sudden it began to not shake but rock back and forth 5 to 10 feet at a time.

Now, according to mans protocol, you are supposed to find shelter under a table or a door way, but that is not what Lord Jesus tells us to do;
Luke 21:28 (KJV)
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

I stood to my feet, raised my arms head and hands towards heaven and began to praise God in the Sspirit with ever fiber of my being.

I noticed that every one was ducking under tables and standing under doorways, but that did not matter because tons of steel reinforced cement was crumbling down on top of us.

As this was taking place, something very peculiar was happening.

The building was crushing my body and I felt no pain. I could feel it, but no pain. I even looked down and saw it being mangled in the rubble and then I noticed something else.

Where the floor once was, there was a 5 to 6 foot semi transparent hand of an angel that I was now standing on…
Psalm 91:11-12 (KJV)
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. [12] They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

And the body I was in was spectacular, changed in a twinkling of an eye when my other body was pushed out from under me. A mansion body…

John 14:2 (KJV)
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
1 Cor. 15:51-52 (KJV)
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, [52] In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

I was still 35 to 40 feet off the ground and saw others, as was I, standing on hands being held up lest they dash their feet on stones, changed as was I.

Then I heard this shout as of the trump of an arch angel!

It was the most melodious sound that I have ever heard in all my life and I looked up and saw Lord Jesus standing among the clouds.

After this I looked out across the valley and saw those of us who were dead in Christ begin to rise and then those of us who were alive and remained were caught up together to meet Lord Jesus in the air…and the vision ended.

This Word of Wisdom vision gift is not for just me, it is for the entire Body of Christ.

#1 It is in the Word of GOD

#2 It glorifies GOD
#3 it uplifts Lord Jesus.

The only specific challenge that is left to anyone who reads this writing is not if you believe it, but are you ready to stand in any time of disaster and just give GOD all the praise no matter what.

If there was only one thing that this servant learned from this and there are several, it would have to be praising GOD in the Sspirit (Sspirit is the Spirit and me in the spirit) with every fiber that was within me, no matter what happens to this body, made all the difference between letting FEAR over run my FAITH in Him…

In the good and the bad, let everything that has breath Praise the Lord!

Romans 8:2 (KJV)
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

1 Thes. 4:15-18 (KJV)
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. [16] For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: [17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. [18] Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Brother Jerry
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Hebrews 2:14.... Pesky Devil, git!
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Here's some other false prophets;

Pat Robertson, 1982 <snip>

As a Christian, avoid end time prophets!
According to Revelation, there is only one we have to worry about :p

2Peter 2:1 There became yet also false prophets in the people, as also in ye shall be false teachers, whoany shall be carrying in sects of destruction.
And the One buying them, Owner/Master/despothn <1203> disowning, bringing on them swift destruction.
[Jeremiah 14:14,15/Matt 24:11/Reve 19:20]

Reve 19:20 and is arrested the beast and with it the false-prophet, the one doing the signs before of it in which he deceives the ones getting the mark of the beast and the ones worshipping to the image of it,
living were cast the two into the lake of the fire, the one burning in sulphur.
[2 Peter 2:1/Reve 16:13]
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LOVE one another
Nov 27, 2004
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According to Revelation, there is only one we have to worry about :p

2Peter 2:1 There became yet also false prophets in the people, as also in ye shall be false teachers, whoany shall be carrying in sects of destruction.
And the One buying them, Owner/Master/despothn <1203> disowning, bringing on them swift destruction.
[Jeremiah 14:14,15/Matt 24:11/Reve 19:20]

Reve 19:20 and is arrested the beast and with it the false-prophet, the one doing the signs before of it in which he deceives the ones getting the mark of the beast and the ones worshipping to the image of it,
living were cast the two into the lake of the fire, the one burning in sulphur.
[2 Peter 2:1/Reve 16:13]

You saw this one right?

I am not sure if this is on the same page as you are talking about here, but I am certain that it is in the same chapter.

Brother Jerry
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Hebrews 2:14.... Pesky Devil, git!
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Heavens your balanced posts are greatly appreciated by myself and many others here in Eschatology where we're trying to take part in a conversation that is severely unbalanced. Thanks bro. :)
I agree! :thumbsup:
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Big Mouth Nana

Post Tribulationist
Sep 9, 2003
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Almost forgot...

I live directly over the Cucamonga fault line which is adjacent to the San Andres fault by about 25 miles. (Cajon Pass)
I live approximately 65 miles East of the San Andreas fault (the big scar) in South/Central San Joaguin valley. If that sucker goes, hold on baby!! I also live fairly close to the Garlock fault and the White Wolf fault, both which caused major damage here in 1952. Neither has moved with a major quake in 59 years. Is it due? Not going to worry about it until if/or when it happens. Then I'm sure I'll get excited lol. Our oildfields are littered with faults that give us a tremor every now and then. One thing about it. You can't escape what is meant to be eventually if you live near faults, and I'm not one to run ;)
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