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Thank you for your service, God bless you! :)
Using my faith of personal ministry of my writings to reap.
I want this amount to show as an anonymous donation. Thank you for all you do.
2 Corithians 3:17
Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Liberty- freedom from restraint, in general sense, and applicable to the body, or to the will or mind. The body is at liberty, when not checked or controlled. A man enjoys liberty, when no physical force operates to restrain his actions or volitions.

A privilege or license in violation of laws of etiquette or propriety, as, to permit, or take, a liberty.

I believe and have faith I have the spirit of the Lord Life and Liberty. Give me eyes to see ears to hear and mouth to speak.

And not to be used or duplicated not treated nicely or to come against me or recompesated in my open holy hand. I recieve forms of payments cash, checks. Only trustworthy for, listening ,power, might, and with me and for me for fight and defense. And Private and discretion for myself only. For I'm a private example
Hi I'm hoping this gets through to you from the UK via my MasterCard. Christian Forums is the best forum for Christians I have come across yet. I choose to disclose my amount because a) I believe Christians should support one another, b) I have the freedom given to me by God, c) I love the fact that this forum is active on an almost minute-by-minute basis, d) we are going to need each other very soon, more than ever before, e) it's all for the glory of God and to help spread the Gospel, to spread a little love. I could say more but I might forget to actually donate some money.



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