Relentless trials

Healing with Jesus

merciful listener
Jun 5, 2014
United States
Marital Status
I understand that my Father is working to discipline me and conform me to be more Christlike. However, the depth and longevity of the trials in my life has gotten to the point where I truly feel lost.

14 years ago, I was pregnant with my firstborn, and the man who is now my ex-husband moved us 500 miles away from our families into the middle of nowhere, the U.S. frontier basically. There are very few services and infrastructure here. When I left him with our 3 kids 5 years ago, I went back to my home state to be supported by my family through the separation. It was then that I learned that I needed to get back to my then-husband's state or I would have the kids taken away from me. So, I did, and I have been living in poverty ever since then. When we were together, I saved up money and racked up debt so that he could buy a house. Now he owns 10 acres and a 1400 sq. ft house. I filed for bankruptcy and lost everything I bought for our family. I gained legal custody of the kids, that was the trade-off. My ex is not engaged with medical providers, etc.

I moved into an old, beat-up trailer in a run-down park. I made the best of my circumstances. I bought the trailer from my mom once I got on my feet. I worked on the trailer, I went to therapy, read a ton of books, prayed constantly, did all the available programs for my kids, I tried my best to manage a bad situation. But my choices and this world took a toll one me. My hope was to find a husband, but I just found dudes who want to use me. I was hurt very badly (illegally - catch my drift?) last year twice. Cops did nothing, just took my info. I installed security cameras and kept my head down, working on my house and renovating it the best I could with my limited skill set.

Then it all culminated this winter. I realized that my family of origin is very supportive financially, but also we have some major skeletons in our closet that have never seen the light of day. I recovered a really deep, dark horrible memory, a pattern of what happened to me as a toddler. I already remembered stuff from when I was in early elementary school, but this hit me like a Mack truck. I became pretty dysfunctional emotionally. I feel so completely damaged inside and out. I blamed all my problems on my dad, who did the things, and my mom, who did nothing to stop him. She only had him taken out of the house when the school intervened because the violence became very apparent.

So, I was struggling just to function into the spring, when I got my butt kicked even harder. In spite of my renovations, I had no idea that there was a recall on plumbing fittings in older trailers in the 90s. So one day 3 weeks ago, I woke up smelling a horrible smell of mildew coming from my heating ducts. I figured out that there was a leaking water line. It has been a living nightmare ever since then. 3 weeks of constant phone calls to contractors, a ton of money, and the problem still is not solved. The water line has been fixed, but the water has spread and spread under the trailer all through the belly. I am the only one who is being thorough, and I am not a carpenter. I have mold allergies. So now my health, which was already ailing from all the stress coming to the surface from my childhood, is even worse.

I have spent many hours under my trailer and have found that the contractor I paid did not finish the job. There is a ton of insulation that is still wet, 3 weeks later. I lost my mind when I discovered this. The contractor did a ton of work, it's not like he's running away with money after not doing anything. He demoed a lot of insulation, damaged subfloor, did a lot of structural work, reinstalled new floors, etc. But he is just not as attentive to detail as I am. I care about my family and our health. My youngest child has intensive special needs, which are both medical and developmental, and I am not taking any chances with mold. But now, after doing all that work, I am quite ill. I lost more weight, and my stress is off the charts. There is a professional mitigation company visiting tomorrow to take a look, but the price will likely be too high for me to afford.

The most stressful part of this is that my insurance company denied my claim, blaming it on wear and tear of the plumbing system. And I have no family, none whatsoever, to help me with this. I have a handful of guys I dated who want to help me, and get into my pants at the same time. This is my battle.

I am crying out to God for guidance through these stormy seas for wise navigation.

Pop D.

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
United States
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Heavenly Father, we pray you will help this woman and her children through all these trials, and provide her with your guidance, in the Name of Jesus. Amen and Amen.
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Healing with Jesus

merciful listener
Jun 5, 2014
United States
Marital Status
I am grateful to God for everyone who has prayed for my family and me, and for the ways He has been moving in my life.

I was unable to afford to hire the professional mitigation company. However, a generous family member decided to lend me the money to do that part of the repairs. Hallelujah! Praise be to God!! The wet insulation is all out now, and I didn't have to do it. I am working on other remediation, and the project is not anywhere near complete yet.

My house still smells like mold, badly. It really needs to be rebuilt from the ground up and/or have professional mold remediation. I can't afford those repairs, nor do I have the time to do them myself. I am paying a lot of money into a place that is just not great to live, and I don't have the means to invest in it to improve it. It is an old trailer and it is falling apart quickly.

Another problem is that I now have to make debt payments. I have been debt-free for 5 years, so this is difficult because my budget already is pretty tight, and I do not like to owe anyone money.

Considering my entire situation, I am praying for the Lord's guidance about renting an apartment / house for the children and me. This way, the monthly payment would be stable, the repairs would be the landlord's responsibility, and my time would be able to be spent focusing on my children's needs, and not my house. I could also find a place closer to my ex-husband, which would save travel time and money on gas. This would be especially convenient in the winter, when we get a lot of snow and tough driving conditions. There are also some districts with better schools, so I could at least potentially send one or two of my kids there instead of home schooling all three.

This change has the potential to take some things off my plate, and being closer to my ex would give him opportunities to support the kids more, though of course I don't know for sure that he will. My ex's girlfriend recently moved in with him, and I have noticed that he has been better about taking care of things and stepping up to the plate to help with the kids more now that she's in his life more. The downside is that I would be giving up my life here, which includes a small homestead the kids and I have been building for the past 5 years, and all the small-town connections I've made over the years. But they have not been very supportive.

I really need our Father to guide me in all my decisions and direct all of my paths. I am torn in a lot of ways. I hope that you'll continue to pray for us!
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Healing with Jesus

merciful listener
Jun 5, 2014
United States
Marital Status
I am grateful to God for everyone who has prayed for my family and me, and for the ways He has been moving in my life.

I was unable to afford to hire the professional mitigation company. However, a generous family member decided to lend me the money to do that part of the repairs. Hallelujah! Praise be to God!! The wet insulation is all out now, and I didn't have to do it. I am working on other remediation, and the project is not anywhere near complete yet.

My house still smells like mold, badly. It really needs to be rebuilt from the ground up and/or have professional mold remediation. I can't afford those repairs, nor do I have the time to do them myself. I am paying a lot of money into a place that is just not great to live, and I don't have the means to invest in it to improve it. It is an old trailer and it is falling apart quickly.

Another problem is that I now have to make debt payments. I have been debt-free for 5 years, so this is difficult because my budget already is pretty tight, and I do not like to owe anyone money.

Considering my entire situation, I am praying for the Lord's guidance about renting an apartment / house for the children and me. This way, the monthly payment would be stable, the repairs would be the landlord's responsibility, and my time would be able to be spent focusing on my children's needs, and not my house. I could also find a place closer to my ex-husband, which would save travel time and money on gas. This would be especially convenient in the winter, when we get a lot of snow and tough driving conditions. There are also some districts with better schools, so I could at least potentially send one or two of my kids there instead of home schooling all three.

This change has the potential to take some things off my plate, and being closer to my ex would give him opportunities to support the kids more, though of course I don't know for sure that he will. My ex's girlfriend recently moved in with him, and I have noticed that he has been better about taking care of things and stepping up to the plate to help with the kids more now that she's in his life more. The downside is that I would be giving up my life here, which includes a small homestead the kids and I have been building for the past 5 years, and all the small-town connections I've made over the years. But they have not been very supportive.

I really need our Father to guide me in all my decisions and direct all of my paths. I am torn in a lot of ways. I hope that you'll continue to pray for us!
Thank you @Pop D. for praying. I am so overwhelmed. I would be giving up a lot of freedom if I moved into a rental. Namely, our therapy chickens who are an incredibly important part of our family. I really need God's guidance.

I also stood up to two guy friends who have been trying very persistent to date me for months. Now I'm isolated because they were two of my best friends. Sigh. I am praying for Godly companionship, hopefully with Christian women.
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Healing with Jesus

merciful listener
Jun 5, 2014
United States
Marital Status
Just wanted to ask for my family to be kept in your prayers. I am getting to the point where I am willing to part with my chickens so that we can move somewhere more safe and stable. The unpredictability of home repairs financially, physically, and emotionally is just too much for me as a single care-giving mother. No landlords want to allow the chickens, even places out in the country. It is not fair at all, but the rental market is challenging in my location. I already have red flags like a bankruptcy (thanks to my ex-spouse's financial abuse during the marriage) and receiving public assistance. Sigh. God help me and guide me.
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